I've found the key to 'results' has a lot to do with variation.
Also, in my opinion doing chest 3 times a week is a poor way to go. I do chest once a week, and I am just recovering from that 4-5 days later, but by then my body needs a couple days off from the gym.
If you do bench 3 times a week you will see some results dont get me wrong but if you mix it up like 3 workouts a week.. 1 for chest doing a slew of different excersises such as bench, incline, decline, mixed with dumbbells & barbells, wide grip, close grip, etc, dips, peck deck, peck flys from different angles single arm and double arm etc. Keep in mind you don't need to do all of these every week or every workout, but atleast every other workout or so to make sure you hit your muscles from every angle. I would recommend 4-5 exercises for chest day. Starting with heavy (bench) then to dips, etc and then finishing with the isolations etc (cables). This would take about as long as trying to work all 3 muscle groups in one day as well.
For squats, (leg day) make sure you hit the hamstring machine, quad machine, calf machine, maybe even some angled leg press, and some lunges on a light weight day. You want to make sure you get a nice full leg workout to release all that testosterone!!!
And for back, be sure you are doing pullups (weight assisted if needed) do atleast 3 sets of ten to start your back day. Then do some close grip pull downs with a reverse grip. Get those lats poppin out. Seated rows are good too. Some people make the mistake of putting too much weight on and using momentum to get the rows contracted. I prefer to use less weight, keep my back still straight up, and hold each contraction for atleast a second. (thats a good way to go about any contraction exercise really) Another way to hit rows is using the pull down bar and hitting it wide grip on the row machine! I love those. Mix it up!! Deadlifts of course are great, do some goodmornings (or whatever theyre called, the reverse situp) afterward to stretch it out and get a bit more burn.
Basically, what I'm saying is that 3 of the same execises 3 times a week is vastly less effective that what I've suggested, and would take roughly the same amount of time. Just be sure you are varying your work outs week to week. Muscles get bored easy!