Originally posted by umop_3plsdn
I've been doing lots of bench press to help develop
my chest muscle... the attempts were in vain.
what does "lots" of bench press mean?
please post your routine.
also, you sound like one of those newbies who expects to get Arnold's pecs in a month, then quit, saying all your training was in "vain" when it doesn't happen. Newstip. It takes YEARS of consistent training to get a huge chest.
Everytime, instead of my chest feeling sore, my arms does...
what am I doing wrong???
I have no idea since you really haven't given us any concrete information to work with.
However, there are two big possibilities.
1. Your triceps are much weaker than your pecs.
Which means that the triceps are fatiguing way before your chest is, thus your pecs are not getting worked to the point where it would stimulate growth, but your triceps are. Not much you can do about this imbalance until your tricep strength catches up. So, whatever you do, don't stop lifiting... once your triceps catch up your pec development will start to kick in.
2. You are doing way too many reps with way too little weight, which combined with your weak tris, are "burning out" the triceps.... sort of like an endurance lifting effect.