Being married. Do you enjoy it or not?


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Standing At The Crossroads
I just thought I'd ask.

Do you married guys enjoy it? Let's discuss. The other single and/or younger guys might get some insight from us. Many are totally against marriage and have their reasons. I'm OK with that. To each his own and that's the way it should be.

I went to bed with the wife last night and I was wiped out from traveling. She woke me up this AM and had her way with me. Then I got her up at 6:AM and she made me breakfast to take to work as she does evey day. We talked a bit this morning over coffee and decided that since we have both been so busy, we'd hang out, go out to dinner and have lots of sex which was her suggestion for the weekend.

Mrs.5string tries to make things interesting, in and out of the bedroom as do I. It seems to work for us very well. She had some surgery recently. I took her to the hospital, stayed with her and brought her home where I made sure she was comfortable. We rely on each other for many things.

After I get off work tonight, I think I'll get on home, get Mrs.5string and take our German Shepherds for a walk. Then maybe walk to the pub for a glass of wine or two and escalate just like you DJ's do out in the field. It really does still work when you are married. You just have to have a stronger frame to maintain the relationship.

Anyway, I like being married. Feel free to comment.

AND....I asked the mods to consider a married man forum so I could post this sh!t over there? What say you mods?

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Personally, I think it's an excellent idea. The sex, I mean.

No, seriously, I think a married man forum would be very beneficial. I'll bring it up for consideration in the Mods' Corner.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I do enjoy it honestly. I'm actually surprised at how the married lifestyle fits my personality more than I expected it to.

I mean, this forum is a great place and lord knows where i would be with women without it lol. But at the same time, you have to be careful not to become so warped that you become to hate women or that you do not ever trust anyone or what not. There is a fine line between being socially aware and being a crazy old man lol.

I actually enjoy being married more than I did being single and spinnin gplates. While it sounds silly, I assure you it's not. half the plates I spun I was spinning just beucse i could, not beucase i had any long term itnerest in them, the routine of dating got old.. most guys on this forum dont' have any success with women and can't imagine them ever getting tired of dating new women but i assure you it does grow old. But it's soemthign you have to do and i did it. Just the routine of it all, the sex, the stupid women, the good sex, the bad sex, the dinners and the same conversations with different girls at dinners, it just got to the point where i mentally was ready to settle down if i found the right girl and I did.

I actually enjoy my wife's company, she compliments me very well. It's like, i would rather sit at home on a sunday night with my wife and have a drink and watch mad men with her curled up under me while i'm kissing on her neck then to have a girl over my house on a sunday night that i just met 2 weeks ago and we are playing the 800 pound gorilla in the room game with you being over my house on a sunday night and i know you want to have sex but you have to pretend like you are there for some other reason lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
North America
I really liked being married.
Loved the companionship, the division of labor and expense.
I've always been in happy marriages too (right up until BOOM).

I'd do it again if I thought they were still attainable for a person my age.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I'm not sure there are enough married guys on this forum to support a marriage forum. If the Mature Man forum was any slower, it would almost be dead.

Anyway, I'm not married currently, but cohabitating is pretty similar, and I definitely enjoy it. I also enjoyed my marriage up until the last year when everything went to sh!t.

The only downside I can think of is it would be nice to have sex with another woman from time to time. That sounds like a big deal to most guys probably, but it's really only a minor complaint, especially compared to all the benefits (the other guys have already named a few).

Remember, for all the badmouthing marriage gets around here, studies show married men are happier, healthier, and live longer.

backbreaker said:
I actually enjoy being married more than I did being single and spinnin gplates. While it sounds silly, I assure you it's not. half the plates I spun I was spinning just beucse i could, not beucase i had any long term itnerest in them, the routine of dating got old.. most guys on this forum dont' have any success with women and can't imagine them ever getting tired of dating new women but i assure you it does grow old.
I could not agree more with this. The whole routine of dating gets very tiresome after awhile. Maybe because it doesn't really go anywhere. Once you've spent time with a quality woman worthy of spending your time with long term, some random lay pales in comparison, and fails to satisfy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
The OP sounds like something possible inside a normal LTR without the paperwork. That's often the position I'll take when talking to women about why I might not want to get married.

I don't know if you're making a distinction between marrigage and LTR's or just marriage and bachelordom?

I get the whole dating gets tiresome after awhile but there was a period there where I was getting excited meeting so many new women, realizing there was a good chance I'd be bedding a new woman soon. Even if I struck out, I knew I was that much closer to a new lay...percentages reinforced this and I'm a numbers guy.

Marriage is something I would only consider if I found that quality girl and is something she NEEDED(per one of BB's posts)...I would do it for her because she absolutely needed it. It wouldn't be for me, but for her. And if I knew I wasn't going anywhere, marriage or not, I'd do that for her. That post helped me put into words what I had been thinking all along.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
zekko said:
I'm not married currently, but cohabitating is pretty similar,
Me either, and yes it is

Do you married guys enjoy it?

Yes, very much. Beer is expensive if you have to buy it for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
disgustipated said:
The OP sounds like something possible inside a normal LTR without the paperwork. That's often the position I'll take when talking to women about why I might not want to get married.

I don't know if you're making a distinction between marrigage and LTR's or just marriage and bachelordom?

I get the whole dating gets tiresome after awhile but there was a period there where I was getting excited meeting so many new women, realizing there was a good chance I'd be bedding a new woman soon. Even if I struck out, I knew I was that much closer to a new lay...percentages reinforced this and I'm a numbers guy.

Marriage is something I would only consider if I found that quality girl and is something she NEEDED(per one of BB's posts)...I would do it for her because she absolutely needed it. It wouldn't be for me, but for her. And if I knew I wasn't going anywhere, marriage or not, I'd do that for her. That post helped me put into words what I had been thinking all along.
I mean, I"m not going to **** on another guy's hustle. there are no absoute truths in the world of women. Marriage is for some it's not for others. I just know why I got married.

I'm a business oriented guy. I work a lot. Gaming women, I had gotten so good at what I was doing it was almost scary. I don't say that to brag or boast, but to just say that there comes a point that you can have too much of something. Gaming women by the time i was 24 years old was a part time job, if done right. Most weeks I went out on dates or spent what little free time i had to myself with a girl 5 or 6 nights a week and could easily be 7.

And while that's good for your game, it came at least for mat the expense of my own personal, what is the word I'm looking for... my own personal passions I suppose. For instance, I love Australian horse racing. They are pretty much about what, a half a day and some hours ahead of us. Their big races are always on saturday afternoons which is our friday night's here. It got to the point that i could not watch the races hardly, at least the good ones because every friday night i would spend it with some girl and the few times i would try to stay home and catch some you would have some braod with her lip poked out beucase she wanted to go "do something fun".

And so while i am going out and kicking it with this girl and everything looks good on the inside I'm actually quite miserable buecase i'm not doing what I want to do. But, when you commit to gaming women and keeping multiple plates happy, there is a fine line you have to walk with every woman and keeping a woman satisfied and i know i don't have a lot of free time as it is, that's a sacrifice that i just had to make if i was going to keep my mind frame right while plate spinning.

Now, not only do i get to watch my Australian racing, gearing up for it now actually, my wife and son are plopped here right along with me. IT's 100% turf racing just like they do in europe and it's very high class racing on friday nights and we get into it. That may seem trival to you but it's not to me at all.

I get the whole dating gets tiresome after awhile but there was a period there where I was getting excited meeting so many new women, realizing there was a good chance I'd be bedding a new woman soon. Even if I struck out, I knew I was that much closer to a new lay...percentages reinforced this and I'm a numbers guy.
what i am saying is that i ahve had so much that..

a perfect example is if i gave you a big ass, gourmet made red devil chocolate cake. I think everyone here could agree that the cake would be pretty tasty and fun to eat, but there comes a point where you have had too much cake and it's time to step back from the table. There comes a point in time where another bite of the cake became almost nauseating. No one is aruging that sex with different women is a bad thing. It's a good thing. but even too much of a good thing can be bad for you if that makes any sense.

I am not saying i was nauseating by boning different women who all wanted me, but it had gotten old. And honestly, we talk about this **** all the time, me and my wife and honestly, if she gave me a free fvck a girl pass. i don't think i would take it. i really don't. it's not like i am holding in my interest of other women to remain in a relationship the interest just is not there. Because I am in shape and I am handsome i still get hit on quite a bit despite having a wedding band, and sometimes by some pretty attractive females, and while I can appreciate their attractive ness, i have no desire at all to fvck any of them.

this is coming from someone who basically from 21 to 24 had a part time job spinning plates. the up's the downs, drugs, having vases thrown at me by women, flaking from women, the ex boyfriends, the oribetrs, the games, the coordinating dates to make sure you don't run into other dates, or in some specific instances, coordinating them so that you DO run into one of your plates lol, the 2 fake pregnances to try to get me to shack up, there just comes a point when you know.. it's just time to do something else. i can look back on it and i have great stories, but i am extremely happy where i am now.

and you know what, i'm no different than you are. when i was 19 and 20 i would day dream about having all these women interested in me and going on dates and having sex with very pretty women and all that comes with that. I did that for 3 years and when i met my wife within a few months I knew i was ready to settle down. I didn't' know about getting married then it took me almost 2 years to propose, but i was ready to at the very least put black book in the storage room


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
Mariage is supposed to be for life, you amke the ultimate commitment, anyone married less than 5 years isnt worh listening too, 5 years plus? 10 is better, tel me you are still ravenous for each other?
marriage is great, short tem, short term for me is around 2-5 years, lets hear it from guys hw have done 1o.15 20 me! with, its not quite what it started out to be


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
I get the whole passion thing man. That resonates with me. I think I was more able to have guilt free time for myself when I was 2 years into any LTRs versus freshly dating a woman(s).

Recently I been dating this super cool chick, she has a 10 yo child. She stealth got me to meet him lol. Anyway the other day I was on my way to jog at the local park(a passion of mine) and thought what the **** why not call her and invite her to take a nature walk ya know? So she immidiately perks up and sees this as another way to get me to bond with her boy. I give in as I like to do what she suggested anyway but this is where my selfishness kicked in. It was late, so there was max 1 to 1.5 hrs of daylight left, I'm already there waiting on her and son. I'm thinkign to myself man I coulda got my workout in by now wtf is she? She was taking her sweet time getting there, even lit up a cig and had the nerve to call me as her son was fumbling around looking for shoes or some ****. He don't realize how precious my time is lol. This is not something I have to be patient with as a single man, I come and go as I please. I know all would say this is why you don't date single moms, I know I know but I relate to the other time constraints of my personal time when dating multiple women too. There seems less of that when you're with ONE person for a good period of time. By that time she realizes she can breath without you and it's okay to pursue hobbies seperately.

That part I get. The whole marriage versus remaining committed in a LTR is my whole thing, when you're acting as a married couple anyway. I certainly knock no one for being married, in theory it's always been a BEAUTIFUL notion to me but so is communism. People tend to **** up beautiful notions though.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
disgustipated said:
I get the whole passion thing man. That resonates with me. I think I was more able to have guilt free time for myself when I was 2 years into any LTRs versus freshly dating a woman(s).

Recently I been dating this super cool chick, she has a 10 yo child. She stealth got me to meet him lol. Anyway the other day I was on my way to jog at the local park(a passion of mine) and thought what the **** why not call her and invite her to take a nature walk ya know? So she immidiately perks up and sees this as another way to get me to bond with her boy. I give in as I like to do what she suggested anyway but this is where my selfishness kicked in. It was late, so there was max 1 to 1.5 hrs of daylight left, I'm already there waiting on her and son. I'm thinkign to myself man I coulda got my workout in by now wtf is she? She was taking her sweet time getting there, even lit up a cig and had the nerve to call me as her son was fumbling around looking for shoes or some ****. He don't realize how precious my time is lol. This is not something I have to be patient with as a single man, I come and go as I please. I know all would say this is why you don't date single moms, I know I know but I relate to the other time constraints of my personal time when dating multiple women too. There seems less of that when you're with ONE person for a good period of time. By that time she realizes she can breath without you and it's okay to pursue hobbies seperately.

That part I get. The whole marriage versus remaining committed in a LTR is my whole thing, when you're acting as a married couple anyway. I certainly knock no one for being married, in theory it's always been a BEAUTIFUL notion to me but so is communism. People tend to **** up beautiful notions though.
sounds like me when i used to take girls to the race track with me. anyone who has ever been to a track, espeically on a saturday or sunday and ESPCIALLY when there is a big race or it's a big day, you know you have to time it just right to get in line to place your bet if you are making a wager at the track, you got this girl with you who wants to go all the way to the other end of the damn building to get a hot dog or some **** or wants to go look in the gift shop i'm like girl i'm trying to stack this paper fvck yo hotdog. i'll give you a hot dog when we leave lol.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
for whatever the reason may be, this thread has made me do a lot of thinking, and I truly am happy. But honestly if something happened tomororw or next year and I was again single.. I don't think i would date.

I want to do something very big, that's so big that only one person (my wife) knows what I truly want to do becuase if i told anyone else they would laugh at me and to make that happen i am willing to sacrifice ***** if that is what it means so be it, I'm going to achieve what I want to achieve or I'm going to die trying. hat's what drives me today.

I could not achieve what I want to achieve and at the same time have a full fledged 7 course meal full of plates, but the way the game is played today you can't deal with this knucklehead women without plate spinning. Even if one falls in your lap and she meets you and likes you and next thing yo know she's always over your house and seeing you all the time and 5 months later she is bored and now you are emotionally drag into trying to keep her happy and ****, the only way i could be single is to spin plates. it's the only way to go. at least starting out.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah I am enjoying it. I have a hot foreign wife after dating American sluts for years.

Anybody who marries an American woman is a fool.

My hot wife from Peru does anything I say, she is faithful, she cooks every night, she sucks me off every night with enthusiasm and all I have to do is provide her with some security.

All the guys at the gym stare at her when we go.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
I've never been married and I don't plan on getting married any time soon. But I do come from a pretty traditional family background. There is absolutely no divorce in my close family. My parents, my grandparents and all my aunts and uncles are married and have been married for a long time. Some of my older cousins have also been married for a while.

I don't look at marriage as something fun or enjoyable per se. It's like raising kids. Does that seem like fun? Not really. People find it rewarding, but it is also very hard work. Obviously many people find benefits in marriage but for the most part, married people also tend to live more sedate, routine lives. They also tend to be bound by more commitments. After all marriage is about "commitment" and "settling down."

I can see how the single life could get old. And maybe my time will come when I feel like settling down with the right woman. But right now, I enjoy living the bachelor life. I enjoy being able to do what I want when I want. I also love the thrill of the hunt. To me, a bachelor is like a wild animal. You have to go out there and hunt for your tail. It's not served up on a platter at regular intervals. You might get less sex, but the sex you do have is more exciting.

For now, I enjoy having sex with different women a whole lot. I've had my fair share of hot girls (and I've also banged a few duffs too), but the novelty factor always excites me. I feel like right now even if I was doing Meagan Fox or Jessica Beal, I'd get bored after a while and I'd want to bed other girls.


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
SecondHalf said:
While it lasts it's nice.
It sounds like you were getting more out of it than she was. Check out Rollo Tomassi's blog - Especially the stuff on hypergamy. That'll give you the much needed wake-up call. The problem was - you were living in a fantasy! So the solution is to wake up to reality, and then stay one step ahead in your next "relationship," whatever type of relationship that might be.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Lexington said:
I've never been married and I don't plan on getting married any time soon.
Honestly Lex, at your age it's very common for guys to say they will never get married. When I was 27 I swore I would never get married. In fact, until I met my wife-to-be, I always swore I would never get married. Guys tend to say this until they meet the right girl, or they've finally had their fill of the single life.

Of course, that may not apply to you. Some guys never tire of the pickup lifestyle, you could be one of them. But from what I've seen, most guys always swear they won't get marred, until they do. Although some guys are very keen on starting a family, and are very straightforward about it from a young age.

I find my life with my girlfriend fun, by the way. I don't feel trapped or bored, even though I do agree with your appreciation for novelty. Backbreaker says he has no interest in sex with other women, but he has to say that because his wife reads this forum, lol. But he hasn't been with her all that long, so maybe he's telling the truth :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
zekko said:
Honestly Lex, at your age it's very common for guys to say they will never get married. When I was 27 I swore I would never get married. In fact, until I met my wife-to-be, I always swore I would never get married. Guys tend to say this until they meet the right girl, or they've finally had their fill of the single life.

Of course, that may not apply to you. Some guys never tire of the pickup lifestyle, you could be one of them. But from what I've seen, most guys always swear they won't get marred, until they do. Although some guys are very keen on starting a family, and are very straightforward about it from a young age.

I find my life with my girlfriend fun, by the way. I don't feel trapped or bored, even though I do agree with your appreciation for novelty. Backbreaker says he has no interest in sex with other women, but he has to say that because his wife reads this forum, lol. But he hasn't been with her all that long, so maybe he's telling the truth :)
I really don't. my wife and i are brutally honest with each other, i would have it no other way. she knows who i Think is and is not attractive. she has known at times when i have wanted to fvck other women.

today we are in Fayetville for the red-white spring game. i'm sitting here in a stadium chalk full of co eds, cheerleaders, the whole 9, and yes there is some nice talent but i don't desire to sleep with any of them. do not mistake what i am saying for saying my wife is the prettiest woman on earth. she is not. she is drop dead gorgeous but she isn't the prettiest woman on earth. she will tell you that and i will tell you that. i am just saying that while i see pretty women, the desire to have sex with them really is not there. I am sure it could be there under certain circumstance but right now it is not. i'm not saying it never will be like that, but i can only speak for the present and that's how i feel at this time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Some days more than others. The good is sex is available pretty much whenever I want it, the bad is I have to fight my urges when I am out at the bars/clubs and girls are coming at me...thats when it sucks, when I know I could end up banging a hot young chick and then I have to face the reality of the situation. $886/mo in child support + alimony is a hell of a deterrant...

These young girls are so aggressive these days. You don't need to do much of anything other than workout, wear a tight shirt to have muscles popping through it and wear some good smelling cologne. Girls will be coming up to you, "brushing" by you and trying to get your number all night long...wish it was that easy when I was 22...