I just had sort of an epiphony (well, not really, but just an idea).
You know how people always hated the teacher's pet in school, or the guy who is the best athlete out there, or whoever was the best at anything? People are always looking for flaws in others, but at the same time, they don't want people who have too much baggage. To me, this seems like a contradiction.
Here's the way it works, and if you can understand what I'm writing, then you might be able to incorporate this into your life. Basically, you can be the coolest guy out there, be the best at everything, basically be the one everyone loves to hate. This will get you to a certain point, but here's the trick.
You have to be vulnerable. You need to be Superman, but have an Achilles Heel, such as kryptonite. For example, a guy who is seemingly perfect in every way, but just when people think you're perfect, you reveal a weakness (such as a difficult childhood). This creates compassion. People like to feel compassion toward a person, and without this, the flip side is feeling jealousy and resentment. People (especially girls) are drawn toward a guy who is great, but has his weak spot, again, a vulnerability. It's amazing how powerful this stuff can be, because people are drawn to others with problems. Just look at how many people love those talk shows with people on it with problems.
Try it and see how well it works in creating attraction, or at least raising interest and curiosity in you.
You know how people always hated the teacher's pet in school, or the guy who is the best athlete out there, or whoever was the best at anything? People are always looking for flaws in others, but at the same time, they don't want people who have too much baggage. To me, this seems like a contradiction.
Here's the way it works, and if you can understand what I'm writing, then you might be able to incorporate this into your life. Basically, you can be the coolest guy out there, be the best at everything, basically be the one everyone loves to hate. This will get you to a certain point, but here's the trick.
You have to be vulnerable. You need to be Superman, but have an Achilles Heel, such as kryptonite. For example, a guy who is seemingly perfect in every way, but just when people think you're perfect, you reveal a weakness (such as a difficult childhood). This creates compassion. People like to feel compassion toward a person, and without this, the flip side is feeling jealousy and resentment. People (especially girls) are drawn toward a guy who is great, but has his weak spot, again, a vulnerability. It's amazing how powerful this stuff can be, because people are drawn to others with problems. Just look at how many people love those talk shows with people on it with problems.
Try it and see how well it works in creating attraction, or at least raising interest and curiosity in you.