Being hugged by girls.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2006
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One thing I noticed is that big teddy bear type guys and geeky looking guys seemed to always get hugs from fine ass girls at work. I guess that you have to seem "huggable" to begin with.

As far as the cuddle party, it seems a little odd that Alabama is a key state for these events.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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Ha ha ha, No I am not a Scot I am a Peruvian, and over there it's impolite not to give a girl you meet a hug and a kiss... It's pretty much the same as America over here as far as people go :p.

Okay and for the people saying "you don't want to be that guy" or "hugs are for people with no understanding of attraction"... Explain Kino... Yes I agree you have to be cold sometimes to push and pull, but if a girl feels at ease around you, and you take it away it’s much more powerful than showing active disinterest and then removing yourself. If you don’t have the initial interest and trust you will have nothing to take way from the table. Then again that’s my style I like to walk away when the rapport is high, and that’s why I hug and give a girl in the cheek when I meet her, it’s showing your different from the pack, that you’re not afraid of physical contact and also takes a little of the initial awkwardness of the PU.

Anyway that’s what I think but as far as styles go there is way too many you just have to find the one that is congruent with your personality.




Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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DJDamage said:
The kind of guy who doesn't understand attraction, gets plenty of hugs from girls and then wonder why they fvck the other guy. Most girls who hug guys do it because they are too comfortable around them and its like hugging another girlfriend. Most of the numbnuts who go out of their way to try hug girls do so because its the only cheap thrill they can muster (oh wow! I felt her t1ts against my chest!! I am going to be jerking off tonight!!)
Hoo-ray finally another guy with my opinion. I always label the extreme huggers as douchebags starved of physical attention whether it's true or not. I can't stand guys who hang on every chick. One friend i had in college was always hanging on chicks and when we were alone with just the guys all he ever did was whine about how he couldn't get any girls.

The only girls I hug are the ones i sex (sometimes not even those) and the ones that ask for them. I kind of have an issue with personal space though.

I don't know why you'd go out of the way to hug girls unless you have some magic move i don't know about that translates a hug into wet vagina or if it's some kind of social proof thing where you expect all the girls to notice your female friends want to hug you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
amethyst said:
Okay and for the people saying "you don't want to be that guy" or "hugs are for people with no understanding of attraction"... Explain Kino... Yes I agree you have to be cold sometimes to push and pull, but if a girl feels at ease around you, and you take it away it’s much more powerful than showing active disinterest and then removing yourself. If you don’t have the initial interest and trust you will have nothing to take way from the table.
Exactly. If nobody had any interest in you, then they don't notice when you don't do something.

So the most important thing is to be the type of person that she wants to hug, if you actually let her or not is up to you.