Being hugged by girls.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Very often I have seen girls hugging guys who were friends or just casual acquaintances. This is odd to me because I simply don't get hugs from girls. I think I've only hugged one girl this year and that was on our one and only date.

What does a hug mean when you get one from somebody whom you aren't going out with? Are they innocent or can they mean more? One thing that has really bugged me is that I have seen girls hug guys around me, but completely ignore me. How do I become the kind of guy that girls want to wrap their arms around? I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong. How do you know when you can hug a girl, how long do you have to know her if it matters? There are girls that I've known for over 6 months and talked to them every day I've seen them yet I've never hugged them because I don't know if is acceptable.

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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I usually start the hugging thing like, a few hours after meeting.
Hugging is no big deal to me.

Next time a girl hugs dudes around you, but not you, tell her "Hey, wheres my hug"


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
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You have to make the move and go for the hug. usually its not a big deal and they will hug you back.

Jean Gab1

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Nov 16, 2006
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Maxtro said:
Very often I have seen girls hugging guys who were friends or just casual acquaintances. This is odd to me because I simply don't get hugs from girls. I think I've only hugged one girl this year and that was on our one and only date.

What does a hug mean when you get one from somebody whom you aren't going out with? Are they innocent or can they mean more? One thing that has really bugged me is that I have seen girls hug guys around me, but completely ignore me. How do I become the kind of guy that girls want to wrap their arms around? I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong. How do you know when you can hug a girl, how long do you have to know her if it matters? There are girls that I've known for over 6 months and talked to them every day I've seen them yet I've never hugged them because I don't know if is acceptable.
I know what you're talking about.

There are some guys who are just "hug friendly" in their appearance, I guess. What I noticed, since I am in the same situation as you, is that it is completely unrelated to physical attraction. (I know a short baldy who constantly get hugs by girls he barely knows)
I guess we (me and I guess, you) are a bit aloof or distant socally, which is not hug-friendly.

Typical situation: I go out with a friend, meet a random girl, have fun. Days latter, me and my friend run into the girl in the streets... she jump hysterically into my friend arms, and give me a mere formal greeting :confused: ... Sometimes it's embarassing. (and this is totally independant of the fact she was attracted or not, as some of them I learned latter were more interested by me...while other not). I once thought it was my "fault" so I tried (a bit too awkwardly I guess) to be more "tactile"; not as much as my friends' but still a little more than I usually am. All I got was a "WTF" look.
Otherwise I still haven't figured out the answer to the question.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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I usually start off the hug. IMO hugging is important because it shows you're open, and girls love good hugs. Plus, you can tell if a girl is into you if they give you a good squeeze. One time a girl that I didn't like gave me a bearhug.


Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
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The reason why we are huggable is because we have no fear of physical contact, when I meet a girl I give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I guess it might also have something to do with the culture I was brought up in, as soon as you meet up with a girl just go in for the kill :D.

Honnestly they will just recipricate :p and if they don't just neg them.


Amethyst (I was just about to write ammy but that would of just sounded gay:nervous: )


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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Maxtro said:
How do I become the kind of guy that girls want to wrap their arms around? I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong.
There's a split second when you first meet a girl that if you look unsure about whether or not you should hug them they will pick up on it and stand back. You've got to move towards her the instant she looks at you and she's anywhere near your personal space.

When you start hugging girls, don't be a wuss and treat them like they're fragile glass. Make sure you give them a decent squeeze, every girl I've done that to has loved it. Just don't turn into a boa constrictor... and if you start getting patted on the back, that's your cue to let go.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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Lord Shinra said:
I usually start the hugging thing like, a few hours after meeting.
Hugging is no big deal to me.

Next time a girl hugs dudes around you, but not you, tell her "Hey, wheres my hug"
In a different thread I mentioned a situation last night where a girl hugged three guys before she went home. I was pretty far back and she didn't notice me. I thought about walking over to her to get one but it seemed AFCish to me. I wonder if I could have called out to her "Hey, wheres my hug" If she would have walked over to me and given me one I think it might have given off a good impression.

Jean Gab1 said:
I guess we (me and I guess, you) are a bit aloof or distant socally, which is not hug-friendly.
I think I look hug friendly. I don't have any pointy edges or smell like death sticks. But being a bit aloof or distant socially is what I am. I'm trying really hard to get rid of that part of me but I guess girls can still tell that something just isn't right about me.
amethyst said:

Amethyst (I was just about to write ammy but that would of just sounded gay:nervous: )
It's ok, your already wearing a skirt :p
I have heard that the Europeans are not at all afraid of physical contact. But most Americans are told to keep their hands to themselves. Unfortunately I have completely ingrained that into myself in dealing with strangers so I find it very difficult to touch other people.
Cremasta said:
There's a split second when you first meet a girl that if you look unsure about whether or not you should hug them they will pick up on it and stand back. You've got to move towards her the instant she looks at you and she's anywhere near your personal space.
A split second hmm. Yeah my first impression is to not touch them. One thing I've been doing is to quickly hug the girls in my family. I used to wait around forever and then maybe hug them because I wasn't used to the contact. Then I decided that they are great to practice on and try to eliminate the basic fear. Now when ever I see any of my Aunts or Cousins I quickly give them a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Now I just need to use that certainty when dealing with "real" girls.

Is it ever too late to hug a girl? There is this one girl that I've known since June, is it too late to try and hug her now or is that chance gone? What is the best way to start hugging girls you go to classes with?

Cremasta said:
When you start hugging girls, don't be a wuss and treat them like they're fragile glass. Make sure you give them a decent squeeze, every girl I've done that to has loved it. Just don't turn into a boa constrictor... and if you start getting patted on the back, that's your cue to let go.
A nice squeeze, I like that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
. How do I become the kind of guy that girls want to wrap their arms around? I can't even figure out what I'm doing wrong.
You don't want to become that guy.

The kind of guy who doesn't understand attraction, gets plenty of hugs from girls and then wonder why they fvck the other guy. Most girls who hug guys do it because they are too comfortable around them and its like hugging another girlfriend. Most of the numbnuts who go out of their way to try hug girls do so because its the only cheap thrill they can muster (oh wow! I felt her t1ts against my chest!! I am going to be jerking off tonight!!)

Understand attraction first so you won't end up like a live version of her teddy bear. Hugging is best done after sex, as a reward. Girls hug plenty of people through out the day and maybe to you it means something but to her it means nothing.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Interesting point of view. Yes a hug is a cheap thrill but it also shows that a girl or girls in general are comfortable enough with me to give me a hug. In my reasoning if a girl likes you enough to give you a hug, then maybe she likes you enough to go out with you. It also shows that you are comfortable enough to even touch a girl. I belive that once she has hugged you, she sees you in a different light. You're no longer a "stranger" to her.

Too me the hug is nothing but a first step and I won't be satisfied by just getting one. A hug may mean nothing to a girl, but they certainly choose who they will and will not hug.


Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
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belleville, il


when you meet a woman you shake hands like you shake hands with a man..except not as hard..but harder than her. You also keep eye contact with a nice smile..the proceed to be the dominate person while starting the conversation however you would like. then you have somewhere from 3 to 10 min to sound and look like a man..and use some kino.

I hug my female "friends" and my friends gfs, fiances, or wifes..not a woman im after


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maxtro said:
. In my reasoning if a girl likes you enough to give you a hug, then maybe she likes you enough to go out with you. .
Your reasoning is flawed, if a girl becomes too comfortable around guy, he ends up in the LJBF zone.

Here are some good tips from the past:

DonJuanMonk said:
Hug Rules (by Me) according to American standards. Dunno about other countries, but then again SoSuave is USA- fck the rest cause they'll mess up MY and OTHER systems.

Friendszone (meant to be intimate) Hug:

1. She hugs you face to face, but her lower body is leaning away from you.

2. She hugs you face to face, and she pats you on the back.

3. She gives you one arm hug.

Romance Hug:

1. She gives you a tight hug from the back.

2. She gives you a tight hug from the side.

See the difference? , the face to face one is basically "Hey there" while the romance one is "Hello there baby." These rules do not apply if you are the male giving the hug, Real men do not give hugs unless of great importance such as a death in family or winning the championships. Dunno what the other f@gs are saying in this thread.
Lost In Translation said:

and hugging is as close as you are ever gunna get LOL

to me i see alot of chicks running around hugging everyone

to me thats a f*cking insult when they try that sh*t with me

and when i reject their hugs

THEY LOOK AT ME DIFFERENTLY ( i am the prize )

now i will explain

when the chicks in the group they hug mike then hug joe

now they wanna hug me

obviously the hug means NOTHING its to make THEM feel better

all you people who say you need chicks to hug you in the streets to make you feel all warm and fuzzy

stop right now get off the internet and call you mother

get her to remind you how much she loves you and how her " special hugs " make you feel like you are worth something is this dark and lonely world

now if i am alone with some chick and she asks if she can hug me


she wants to get damn close to me cause she is feeling me


none of these fake hollywood hugs that attention wh0res feed to AFCs :D

and to the people that are a bit slow


during sex.... lol

maybe after sex if she nags you....


but other than that i agree with what DonJuanMonk

especially this $hit " She hugs you face to face, but her lower body is leaning away from you "

now the last thing you want when you running game is b*tches dissin' you

that hug is an hug for AFCs


the b*tch is advertising that you in her friend zone to every other chick in the area

is that bad ?

ofcourse it is ! you want good social proofing not chicks painting you with a neon sign that says FRIEND ZONE cause other chicks see that and their brain thinks


chicks want competition they want something that is in demand

chick wants to hug you and rub her body up against you

sure we can allow that because it sets a good example for the other ladies in eyesight to follow

Lost In Translation :D



Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
South Padre Island
This is very good advice right here and something to consider. You want to make a girl comfortable but not too comfortable to the point where you get LJBF. Like Rollo Tomassi once said, there always have to have some degree of anxiety to keep the spark going.


Don Juan
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
if a girl hugs u, it doesn't mean anything.
it could mean they're being friendly. it could also mean they're just doing it to show ur in the friend zone, so I wouldn't take a hug as an IOI.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
agreed hugs aint that mucha effect, what has more effect to me is their body language and ofcourse langauge that shows interest in you, well that is commonsense but anyways from my experience the key to getting a girl is CONFIDENCE!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 15, 2007
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DJDamage said:
...The kind of guy who doesn't understand attraction, gets plenty of hugs from girls and then wonder why they fvck the other guy. Most girls who hug guys do it because they are too comfortable around them and its like hugging another girlfriend...

...Understand attraction first so you won't end up like a live version of her teddy bear. Hugging is best done after sex, as a reward. Girls hug plenty of people through out the day and maybe to you it means something but to her it means nothing.
DJDamage said:
Your reasoning is flawed, if a girl becomes too comfortable around guy, he ends up in the LJBF zone.
You think so? I think your outlook needs work.

Hugging per se has nothing to do with attraction. Rather it is a natural bonding mechanism, part of socializing. Children who are hugged often, tend to grow up happier and more well adjusted than children who aren't hugged. In my social circles hugging tends to be a sign of inclusion, of acceptance. One hugs one's friends and those one wants to be one's friends, male or female.

Some of you are always going on about social proof. What better social proof than walking into the local hot spot and having a stream of women wanting hugs?

If you're in a social setting where hugs are common and thus seemingly insignificant, it's a simple way of expressing feelings of attraction in a subtle, in a very open yet not so obvious way. Several times over I have had secret little affairs with women who were in otherwise committed relationships. In every case they began with little social hugs in full view of their SO and everyone else, yet no one else was wise to it. When there is an initial mutual attraction; between eye play and what is coded in hugs is often all it takes.

Sometimes a hug is just a hug, but sometimes it is a whole lot more.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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potato said:
You think so? I think your outlook needs work.

Hugging per se has nothing to do with attraction. Rather it is a natural bonding mechanism, part of socializing. Children who are hugged often, tend to grow up happier and more well adjusted than children who aren't hugged. In my social circles hugging tends to be a sign of inclusion, of acceptance. One hugs one's friends and those one wants to be one's friends, male or female.

Some of you are always going on about social proof. What better social proof than walking into the local hot spot and having a stream of women wanting hugs?

If you're in a social setting where hugs are common and thus seemingly insignificant, it's a simple way of expressing feelings of attraction in a subtle, in a very open yet not so obvious way. Several times over I have had secret little affairs with women who were in otherwise committed relationships. In every case they began with little social hugs in full view of their SO and everyone else, yet no one else was wise to it. When there is an initial mutual attraction; between eye play and what is coded in hugs is often all it takes.

Sometimes a hug is just a hug, but sometimes it is a whole lot more.
I agree 100%.

Getting hugs by girls does not mean you won't get into their pants. But if you have the AFC mindset and think like an AFC, then a hug is all what you are going to get and they will place you in the friendzone if you let them. Its all about understanding the social dynamics of it all.


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Planet of the Apes
DJDamage said:
You don't want to become that guy.

The kind of guy who doesn't understand attraction, gets plenty of hugs from girls and then wonder why they fvck the other guy. Most girls who hug guys do it because they are too comfortable around them and its like hugging another girlfriend. Most of the numbnuts who go out of their way to try hug girls do so because its the only cheap thrill they can muster (oh wow! I felt her t1ts against my chest!! I am going to be jerking off tonight!!)

Understand attraction first so you won't end up like a live version of her teddy bear. Hugging is best done after sex, as a reward. Girls hug plenty of people through out the day and maybe to you it means something but to her it means nothing.

Exactly, the guys who go around getting hugs from girls are usually seen by them as asexual and zero threat.

Besides I can't stand all these fake hugs the current generation have grown to give out at every opportunity. A hug means nothing to these type of people anymore, infact its usually done by the giver to make them think they will be a better person because of it and not to comfort or spread 'love' to someone.