Being emotionally cold


Jul 30, 2003
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Unless your a fking psychopath or an android being cold isnt that easy.

The true measure is feeling feels but still being able to do what needs to be done regardless. This means acting cold even though you dont feel that way. Look up stoicism.

So when you meet a girl and you hit it off and actually grow to like her within a short time, when she does something fukked up (slooting around) it causes you to feel pain because of your emotional investment and expectation. At this point you just have to have the attitude of "it aint nothing to cut that bish off". And be able to walk away at the drop of a hat if you want to no matter what you feel.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
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Firestar786 said:
... So you don't get attached and can dump at anytime.

Strategies ?
Thoughts ?

Fire star.
Thoughts: It sucks like a hooker indeed. Good thing i can give a lot of tips on how to stop the hooker from sucking.

What i found is that a lot of attachment comes from her interest in you. Like when a hot girls shows big interest initially and when being with you you start to attach yourself to her for that. It's a ****ing deathtrap. You should only attach yourself to her as a person. So when the person becomes unworthy your attachment won't be so great anymore. When her interest you valued fades it will just be gone and suck hard because you want that back.

Strategies to prevent getting too attached:
- Never idealize her and make her the center of your world, far from the center of your world you and your life are always number 1.
- Don't let her get the upper hand too much it will leave you very attached and her very uninterested and cold which makes it very hard on you.
- Don't do things for her that you do not like. That you wouldn't even do when not interested in her.
- The more time, effort and emotional energy you Invest in her the more attached you will get. The more you invest in something the more you will start to value it.
- Never tie your self-esteem to a woman's interest but to the qualities you know about yourself to be true regardless what she thinks of you. You'll get attached to her just for the validation of your own value.
- When into her your mind can run wild and creates all sorts of thoughts that make her out to be better than she actually is!
- Also don't let your head run wild about fantasies of your relationship with her being in a further state it is currently in, your mind does not have a separate folder for that and when you are with her you will be further along the line of the relationship than she is (straight from David Deangelo)
- Take a time and be single for a while without women and make your life the most fun it can be and see you don't need women to be happy.
- There are other girls that are better for you than her, this strategy usually doesn't work when you are very into her but doesn't hurt to try.
- Believe to your core that you can dump her whenever you like and start chasing other and better women.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Good list Lucky. spinning plates of course is always another option
Thanks, oops indeed missed that one. But there's reason for that to be honest i normally date 1 girl at a time, maybe i should take you up on that one.