I've been preaching the essential
message of the OP for a long time, and I will add that his last points are most important.
The day I became successful with women was the day I decided that I was innately superior to them in terms of rational thought, strength of character, physical strength, moral strength, etc.
I then decided that for a period of time I would make sure to call them out on bad behavior, judge them, and reject them. I knew that this would be a useful exercise in straightening out my faulty evaluation of myself in relation to them. So for about 12 months I did just that. I decided that during this time I would absolutely not seek out women, but instead would judge their words and behavior and require them to meet my standards.
Once the 12 months was up I decided once again to seek out women and found that the floodgates were open. I carried myself differently, spoke in a different tone, projected a superior yet friendly vibe, and suddenly this shy guy who had no clue whatsoever how to talk to women was now in the upper echelon.
Throughout this experiment I discovered (but had always intuited) that women cannot date down. They must perceive you as above them. They must perceive you as a leader and as someone who will put them in their place when necessary. Most men are horrified at the thought of walking around feeling superior to women. But the fact is, gentlemen, that most women walk around feeling very much superior to YOU.
Men who they regard as below them are disregarded as things that take up space, entities worthy of only one thing... Doing physical jobs for them. It's just like we men, who have the same regard for fat chicks. We immediately disregard them as below us.
You must be better than them in mind and emotion first, and the rest falls nicely into place.
What was my reward for such audacity? I now have a woman in my life who is stunningly beautiful both physically and in character. I believe that this is no accident, no luck of the draw. My every interaction with her right from the start was from a standpoint of her needing to impress
me. Not the other way around.
She knows who the boss is, and she is intelligent yet completely submissive to my leadership. She strives to show respect and to be the best person she can be.
Brag post, right? Wrong! This is the reality that one experiences when one acts like a man, as men used to be in days long past, prior to the 60s. In fact, even before then in the earlier 1900s men were already softening up. But I digress...
Somebody reading this might think I must be some kind of tyrant, walking around thinking I'm superior to her. In fact, I am not superior in worth to her. Rather, I am superior to her in manly qualities, as she is superior to me in womanly qualities. That's the way it's supposed to be... the two genders complimenting each other.
Men, I urge you to train yourselves to REQUIRE that women act respectfully toward you, and it they don't dismiss them without a thought. I don't mean just potential girlfriends, but all women. Women can smell that attitude on you like a bloodhound smells a track on the ground. They are not repulsed, they are attracted to this. Some are confused by it and attracted simultaneously, because I am causing them to respond from their natural female core.
Be a KING I always say. You are in command of your kingdom, and you decide who deserves to be near you and who gets ousted. I hold all women to MY standard, and therefore they are deeply attracted.
It's the only way to succeed, gents. You will find after you adjust your thinking that you are not a tyrant nor a misogynist, but rather that you have found your center core of masculinity, and you will be perceived as kind and friendly, and lots of fun to be around. But now, women will perceive
instinctively not to disrespect you. They can smell it on you.
My current relationship: Two years and literally not even one sh!t test. I wonder why?