Being A Person Of True Value


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
One thing that i noticed over the summer while in the field and posting was a lot of guys arent people of value, simply valuetakers.

What do i mean by valuetakers? This are people who when in the field or set arent giving value but taking it away from the group. I'll explain further. When you build value, you do it through storytelling, dhv, social proof etc. This is momentarily value though. Value that you give to the group to be accepted into the group for the moment.

You see there is a difference between value for 5 minutes and value for life. When you have value you are someone people want to be around. You have value for life, when you give value to others. Example

Your wing comes out of a set, that he dont do so good in. Instead of immediately bashing or criziting him, you tell him how good he did to open that set and all the good things he did. You give him value. Cause everyone wants to feel accepted and appreciated.

If when you neg a girl, that is just set up when you give her value later in qualifying stage. Ok examples

If you walk up to a hot girl and say "you are so beatuiful". WHat does that do for her? NOTHING. She has heard that forever.
OK now when you neg her a little then later on you find out she plays the piano and you tell how awesome you think that is and that she just earn major points in your book.
That there gives her value.
Because she saw you gave her a complient on something other than the obvious. You took time to find something about her thats different and you let her know you respect her for that. Respect=VALUE.

To help you understand the difference further between valuetakers and a person of value, momentarily value and value for life. An amog who amogs every guy (i.e. teases them makes them look beta) gains value for that moment.
He has shown he has more value than that other guy. Great but if he doesnt give value to the girl i.e. all he does is bust on her and makes her feel bad and everyone around him feel bad. He loses value.


Because who the hell wants to be around someone who makes you feel like sh*t.

The way you give value to a girl through what would be considered a compliment is by doing it without expecting anything in return for it. Not even a thank you. That is why a natural can open with a compliment and get away with it. use this to your advantage, especially when you have no option but to go direct.

Key: Never be reaction seeking.

People who are reaction seeking could tell all the great stories they want but after it all done and said you are just seen as a valuetaker.

Give value. That is the only way to not be seen as a valuetaker. ANd more importantly as a person of value.

Guys who are jerks and still get girls have some value to give but usually this is momentarily value and rarely do that date the hottest girls like in movies. Guys who are just jerks with no real value usually have value from being a star athlete or something along those lines.

*This is not to say all star athletes are jerks.*

Use this information to your advantage and start being a person of value. Give that homeless guy change. Hold the door for that guy/girl whoever. Tell the little girl how nice her dress is.

SO the overrall view.
- Value comes many things = stories, dhvs, money, social proof etc.
- But thats just momentary
- True value is all about who you are as a person.
- Be someone who's good to other people
- Become more positive, this makes you feel better about yourself and about everything

So make this happen and become a person of true value.



Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
It's a shame that no-one posts replies on a good thread. And Marvel's threads in general.

Good post overall. Just make it shorter because people don't want to read ALL of that. Take out anything that is unneccesary. Shorten it up a bit.

The examples were :up:. I love examples. I like how you explained, and then showed with an example.

The way you give value to a girl through what would be considered a compliment is by doing it without expecting anything in return for it. Not even a thank you. That is why a natural can open with a compliment and get away with it. use this to your advantage, especially when you have no option but to go direct.
AWESOME! Especially the first few sentences!

If you walk up to a hot girl and say "you are so beatuiful". WHat does that do for her? NOTHING. She has heard that forever.
I'm a little wishy-washy on this one. A hot girl (especially in HS) has probably NOT heard you are so beautiful. She has probably heard you're hot! The latter has less meaning and is probably what she is used to hearing.

I'm still trying to experiment with this one tho. I'm going to compliment girls with ones that they have NEVER heard. Especially since they are in HS!

I'm going to hit them up with the likes of:
(Of course, all in a italian accent. First generation baby....haha

Opener - What is your name, beautiful girl?

How many people per day tell you that you are absolutely wonderful?

You know you have a wonderful energy about you...

You are incredible...

But of course, this is given by not expecting anything in return. I'll then calibrate the compliments and see how it goes.

These compliments are much more meaningful than a moronic American AFC type compliment of You're hot.

Could you imagine a HS girl's reaction to those types of compliments, given by a handsome Italian boy?


Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
Reaction score
I love your concept. I've thought about this myself. Giving value really is what connects people. Honestly, i've felt this. This is probably a weird example, kind of the opposite of what you're going for, but I have this friend and she's totally amazing. I just love talking to her, but i just feel like this whole value you thing comes into play. We just talk and talk, and we just get to the point where we just say things and I just can't help but tell her that she's totally awesome and rocks my world or she tells me the same. I just feel a connection there with us saying that. By saying stuff like that, we don't really care what the other one says back, but we just honestly mean what we're saying. By doing that we're giving each other value. It just brings a sort of connection. So i don't know if my example really made sense to this post, but i really agree with what you're saying.


Don Juan
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Brando is makes totally sense thats what i was hitting at. And its not just for girls you want to make friends but for everyone you ever meet and want to keep around for whatever reason.

B-Lemond, thanks. I do write alot but then again i do want to be a writer.
