Being a jerk


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, so I'm a sophomore in high school. I'm tall, good looking, fit, and funny. I've never had a girl friend, so recently (hormones) I've been trying to find ways to get girls. I've found in my experience and what I've read, girls like bad boys/jerks, especially in high school. So, I don't mind being a ****, but I want to know how to be the kind of jerk girls go for. I know I can't just be a complete **** head, so I need to know what to do to become the jerk girls love. And I know this may be "morally wrong", but hey I've got a lot of testosterone haha. So any advice/tips/guides would be appreciated, thanks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
The jerk thing is very hard to fake unless you really are a natural jerk. Women can tell the difference between a real natural jerk and a nice guy trying to be one.

But honestly, if your description is accurate, you don't need jerk game. Tall gives you a HUGE advantage. Fit, good looking, and funny are also big bonuses.

I would just work on your confidence. Then you should own the place.


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
New York, USA
I've found the best way to be a jerk is to just not care. As long as you don't have any cares about the repercussions of your actions, then you'll become that bad boy that people like to be around. This isn't something you can just do overnight though, you need LOTS of confidence to pull this off right. However I've found more important then not caring, is PRETENDING to not care. You want people to perceive you as not caring, but in reality everything you do is thoroughly thought out. You want people to say "wow that kid gets everything he wants without any effort", once people start to think you have the "cheat codes to life", you can manipulate them to get want you want. Then the school is yours.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Social status is probably the most important thing to have in high school. You don't need to be the most popular kid in school, or a football player, or anything, but it's important to have a group of friends that you're around often as a type of social proof. This goes along with your confidence, which is important, too. Other than that, the most important thing I think is to not be boring. Be impulsive and say/do random stuff to girls - obviously this takes some practice, but there's nothing worse than a guy who's boring and talks about the same stuff all the time. Make sure you're touching too.
Basically, you don't have to be a jerk. You just have to not be boring.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
The posts in this thread have been awesome.

The being a jerk thing is more of an expression then actually being a jerk.

What "being a jerk" really is. Is the attitude someone has when they don't care.

When you don't care "being a jerk" just comes naturally.

Mikes right in a way. but from not caring comes confidence, learning not to care will become the biggest confidence boost.

Im sure you've read the stories on this site that talks about a guy asking 20 girls out that come into this shop and 1 says yes. The guy didnt feel rejected at all in fact he was happy with the outcome. Would you be able to do this? I sure couldn't haha, but its a story that has a lot of meaning, Moral of the story.

When you don't care you get *****


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2011
Reaction score
I wouldn't say it's so much as being a sterotypical 'jerk,' but rather a guy who can pull off being cool, suave, and confident without emotionally caring or being full of himself. Trust me I've lost out on some ***** because of being the 'nice guy' so I can totally relate to the post above me.