

Don Juan
Jun 1, 2004
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Just when you think that you are making some progress something comes up that makes you realize that you are nothing more than a novice. For the last year I've been working on developing the principles and methods described here. For the most part it has been a resounding success. The sheer level of confidence that I have developed, as well as the number of women I have had the pleasure of meeting has been astounding. Unfortunately, there are some behaviors that are hard to break.

Much like a bad a habit, some just do not go away. My current problem, women I really like. For the most part, many of the women I have met have been nothing more than sport. I enjoy spending time with them, I like their company, but they are only entertainment. However, every once in a while one comes along that captures my interest. When that happens my whole "game" just seems to go away. The funny thing is, I know I'm making mistakes, I know I should be doing things differently, yet I still go down that path.

At least at this point I am able to recognise when this is happening. It seems like it takes a lot of work, when you run into a woman you really like, to keep your composure. Do any of the rest of you have these problems? What incite do you have to keep your cool? I know for me, right now it's a matter of patience. Knowing to stay away, and keep cool. But as I said, this becomes a challenge when their is genuine interest.



Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I have this problem too. I like to call it the "How much can I f*ck up, before she loses interest" game.

Its like, you all these AFC things to see HOW MUCH it will take before she goes away. In your mind, you think she'd never matter how AFC you act, or how much against the DJB you act...she'll love you regardless..

Thats a huge mistake I've made many times with great girls...LTR type of material stuff.

The most important thing that you have done is recognize that you do this. When you catch yourself becoming AFC, needy, sappy, calling her all the time, getting jealous, or insecure, or needy....Just relax, take a couple deep breathes, close your eyes and visualize the MAN that she had met in the beginning.

REALLY, this is a good exercise every guy in an LTR should do. When you start feeling like you're insecure, needy, or becoming AFC - start to visualize that guy that swept her off her feet those many months or years ago.

He WASN'T needy, a push over, fat, lazy, sloppy, tongue tied, scared, or hesitant to take action - remember that guy!


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
If the woman has genuine feelings for you then you actually have a lot of room to act sappy, call a lot and the like. In some ways it's actually good to be that way with someone who loves you. Being so needy that it becomes a burden and too much pressure for a woman is where the real problem lies. Wanting someone a lot is fine but needing them a lot is bad.

Don Juan Marco

Don Juan
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah same here. I posted my problem on the board a few days ago titlted "my chick thing". I can be DJ with every girl no problemo untill you find the one that gets to you. Different story because now you care what she thinks and how she will react.
You're not allone dude....:(