befriending girls you like


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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I have no idea how feasible this is, in my early 20s every girl was a conquest, and all the girls I met were sluts so sex always happened straight away and I would push for it and most the time get it. (These girls wernt the best looking except in rare cases)

I have been pretty much corrupted in to thinking you need to put a bit of pressure on girls to have sex before you land in the friend zone.

But some of my friends funnily enough only the best looking ones befriend girls, or date girls who are more decent, put no pressure on them and things naturally pan out in their favour.

You could say it is game but really I know these guys well they dont have game, whatever they say or do is funny to girls.

What could be dorky, retarded, offputting coming from most guys is cute, funny and confident with these guys.

I have a problem trusting girls not to lie to me when being their friend I expect **** to just fizzle out and have them lead me on until they start mentioning guys they like, etc.

I want to date up but for me there is no social submission with better looking girls, so I am wondering if befriending attractive girls is only viable for guys who are 8+ in looks.

I know personality matters but really I have seen how people react to looks when I see girls around my good looking friends and then girls around my lesser looking friends so when I hear "personality" I think looks because 90% of communication is non verbal when courting, its body language which is only receptive with looks otherwise it is creepy.


Don Juan
Oct 21, 2012
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I want to know if it is possible to pull it off, I need to get over this insecurity that looks matters to women but I see it all the time that looks is just as important to guys as it is for girls to avoid the friend zone.

Having sex with some hot girls is possible because it is at a time when their self esteem is low or their sex drive is high (sluts) but I am talking about women who arnt sluts here...


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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BabyFaceComplex said:
I want to know if it is possible to pull it off, I need to get over this insecurity that looks matters to women but I see it all the time that looks is just as important to guys as it is for girls to avoid the friend zone.

Having sex with some hot girls is possible because it is at a time when their self esteem is low or their sex drive is high (sluts) but I am talking about women who arnt sluts here...
At first glance, looks do matter to women. Its how they percieve you in the first meeting/interaction. Good - looking guy gets IOI's and its a confidence booster for them in the first place to get these IOI's, and the interaction goes a lot more smoothly most of the time. Women are a lot more forgiving to a good looking guy if they mess up/ draw a blank, but this easily changes.

A girl I have in my friendzone - pvssy is wet for me and I can pluck it as and when I choose to:D - Told me she had a date recently with a guy who was gorgeous but on the date he was boring, and had no personality, so she NEXTed him. (not in those words but I know what thats what it translates to).

So, yeah, good looking guys have the advantage in the opening, but get to the date, if you're boring/personality-free then they wont get in the panties. (mostly - i have exceptions where I know Ive been boring/rubbish date and still got it chasing me)

Personally, i find that I can get what I want with the minimal effort a lot of the time but then I am tall and handsome, and MOST importantly, I'm not afraid of Girls - I'll just be me, without trying to impress. If im asked a question, I will give my honest opinion even if I know that will conflict with their personal values/feelings.

Sorry just started rambling, i dont know if this helps... Scale of 1-10 I guess I'm an 8+ it depends on the girls view. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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How many busted motherphuckers have you seen with hot girls? Too many. Yeah, looks initially is the attention grabber, but once you have their attention you better deliver. I think it's 70/30 where looks are the 30. As long as you can make them "feel things" you've got it in the bag. Whether it's funny, happy, excited, wet, wanting more, it all boils down to how you make them feel. They'll bang your fat, bald a$$ in a heartbeat if you can deliver those goods. That's just my opinion.