Before you go too far, stop and think.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
This wont be riddled with extensive vocab or analogies.

Have you ever seen a real, legitimate couple at school? You know, that little two-some that has been going at it for over a year. You can see and feel their mutual cooperation. They don't utilize mind games on each other, nor do they imitate a persona to try and compensate for their lackings.

Now, to connect this to yourself.

There is much that is useful on this site and forum. However, one important thing must be realized - that the information here is purely for getting those fuck buddies and one night stands.

You: But why? I'm doing fine in my new relationship, and its more than casual sex. You're full of shit, California Love!

Me: Is your relationship real? What are those delicate life strands that hold it together? Is it your DJ persona or a real connection?

We should all enjoy - hell, we're still in high school. However, we must remember that DJing is not to be carried on into real relationships and marriage later on in life.

I admit that i've never been in a relationship for more than 2 months. I realize that its time to change and mature. This is not that one-itis bullshit. I'm going to experience a new playing field so that I can better prepare myself for things that matter in adulthood.

The next time I talk to a girl, I will be looking foward to a good conversation, maybe about the upcoming elections, the war in iraq, or some inventive dessert ideas for summer.

Da Joa

Don Juan
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
Actually, I believe that many of the things learned here are just as much as important in serious relationships, even marriage. as they are when meeting new women.

For any of you who are familiar with Doc Love from, he often emphasizes that the game is never over. And by game, I don't mean mind games, tricks, etc. But when you are in a serious relationship, or even a marriage, it is still as important as it was in the beginning to remain a challenge and be unpredictable.

Do you think that it's impossible for a woman's interest level to drop in you after marriage? Welcome to the real world, where the divorce rate is rising above 50%.

If what you're doing is working, don't stop doing it.

Supero Masculus

Don Juan
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
In reality
I agree. The game never stops. Think about it, if you got married to this fun, playfull and overall awsome chick to be with. Then she thinks, "I married, i don't have to try anymore i win." Would you put up with that? If you chick just stopped it? I think not. Also, i don't think that this site is all about 1 night stands either. I think some of it is directed towards it and some of it towards the LTRs. Although i can understand that your tired of the 1 Night stand type bullshyt. I think alot of guys are but thats all they have so they never go for the LTR.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
You all are exactly right. The game really isn't over after you get the girl. In reality, until you get married, it really hasn't even started yet. Maintaining a healthy relationship is just as hard as trying to get into one. I however believe that all of our DJ concepts and theories can definitely be applied to a LTR.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
NEXT, is not the answer in relationships. Many things don't fit in relationships, it is the DJ's job to identify them.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
Originally posted by MetalFortress
Relationships is where advice from guys like Pook and PRLover especially factor in. At that point, stop playing games, and work on your mindset, because naturally exuding those good qualities is 10000x better than walking on egg shells all the time.
Props to you bro. Faking or altering a personality during a serious relationship is like selling the girl fool's gold. In the end, you want a girl you are compatible with. That way, she will be able to love you for the person you are.

In my most sincere opinion, its a great idea to improve oneself in aspects like sociability, posture, and confidence. However, putting on a show to impress a girl will yield trouble in the end.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
Some things Doc Love writes work mainly for hooking up with a girl once or twice. Some work for long-term. I hafta agree that the game is never over, because if you become boring and completely predictable the girl will lose all interest. Just ask any guy who's been dumped.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
Originally posted by Ballistik
Some things Doc Love writes work mainly for hooking up with a girl once or twice. Some work for long-term. I hafta agree that the game is never over, because if you become boring and completely predictable the girl will lose all interest. Just ask any guy who's been dumped.
In a real relationship, theres no such thing as "loosing interest." At our age, this is all chill. But look at the american divorce rate and you'll see what im trying to get at.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
I understand your point, but I must disagree with what you are trying to say.

DJing isn't a facade on a person's character. It's an enhancement of it. No one can change who you really are. I believe that DJing is actually self-improvement. Much like if you wanted to get more built to look better, you would work out. No one would look down on you for working out, even if you are hiding the scrawny body you once were underneath. You will feel better and so will the people around you.

As with relationships. Finding a soulmate is a very big thing. Finding a single person who will like you and never be tired of you is not something too many people can have. Actually, I doubt anyone could really have that. Simply because people are bound to get bored and move on. Why would you stay with somebody who doesn't at least try to have fun around you, even they are a mellow person? There isn't reason to, you could be out having more fun with somebody else.

Now, I'm not saying you should be someone you aren't. You should be yourself, but when it comes to dating, no one wants the pessimistic guy who's idea of a fun is watching a movie with their girlfriend every night of their life. People want excitement too.

And another thing about a person and being themselves. A person's character is based on the way they were influenced. No one is born ****y or arrogant. And no one is born funny and witty. You put any other embryo in someone else's position and they will grow up exactly the same through influences that are not based on looks.

DJing IS self-improvement. But at a certain level and that certain level is the dating world. Sure, you can be yourself, but once you're a DJ, you are a DJ. You aren't going to be fooling anybody or faking anything. If you use faulty tactics and whatnot, you will not be having fun in the long run, but if you build confidence and quit pushing the borders of being an AFC, you will be happy and the person you are with will be happy with you.

And being happy with the person you are with is what DJing is all about.


Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alexandria, VA
Originally posted by California Love
In a real relationship, theres no such thing as "loosing interest." At our age, this is all chill. But look at the american divorce rate and you'll see what im trying to get at.
No, I don't see what you're trying to get at, because you just mentioned the national divorce rate and then told me that losing interest doesn't happen in real relationships. You contradicted yourself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cal Love

DJing is not about putting on a show to impress a girl, it depends, talk about shared interests rather than topic x.