Becoming a player. Mr. P's Journey.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
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Up in there.
This is going to be my journal so it would be nice to have some feedback/support/advice...etc.


Day 1: I've decided to lay out my goals.

1- Make More Friends: Ever since my best friend moved to Florida almost a year ago, I've barely had any good friends at all.

2- Get Some Pu$$y: I've never gotten past first base. That's gonna change. :yes:

3- Work Out on a Regular Basis: I'm pretty skinny/toned right now. Gonna try to gain some mass.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
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Go for it my man. There's no other way to go but up and forward. Being fresh outta HS, I just started a journey myself. I'll be keeping tabs on this. lol

The Experience

Don Juan
Jun 16, 2010
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Well the best way to start is to do some reading on how - Use the DJ Bible, bottom left corner.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Week 1

Sorry about not having a post for a while, I got pretty busy. And I have read the bible, it's genius.

This week has had it's ups and downs. I feel as if I'm getting better socially, but a lot of the time I feel as if no progress has been made at all. I have a few prospects and girls are definitely attracted to me, but I'll admit I'm afraid of moving forward with them because I'm worried they'll find out that I really don't have any friends.

So... I'm trying to remedy that situation, but I don't know where to begin. I have a clique I hang out with at school and some other people I know who I get along with, but I want to move further.

I know what I have to do... and that would be to get invited to something or invite someone somewhere. That seems to be the roadblock standing in my way. I really would love to hang out with someone on Halloween because I have nothing else to do but hand out candy to kids. The thing is, it's been months since I've been invited anywhere. But I'll give it a try.

I get my license in a month, so I hope that will help me out. (Going places/ having a place to f*ck girls...etc.)

I'm really psyched for my gig tomorrow. It's pretty big and everything, so I hope it will raise my confidence or something... At least I'll have fun and have a great story to tell.

-Mr. P


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Host your noble sentiment let person move too. In such a materialistic society in the money, can still see the temperament middleman, this is the biggest lucky in my life. Let me deeply feel the greatness of the human nature. A son of the building Lord, is in the dark night, the spurs cracked like lightning clouds and tore the sunshine, instant drink, let me like dew: let me see the truth in this world there is real.

Swift Shadow

Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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MrP said:
Wow. 5 days since I last jacked, and it's so weird. It's like the girls can smell it. I have been getting more attention from girls in the last 2 days than I usually have in two weeks. HELL YEAH!
Might i direct you to this thread.
It's a huge thread with lots of people reporting the benefits of abstaining from Masturbation.
Some thing it's mearly a placebo effect but you can't deny the strange similarities from those reporting their results, i am experiencing positive outcomes in my life too.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Week 3
As for masturbation, I caved. 6 days seems to be as far as I can go.

I felt like the first few 4 days helped me and the last 2 made me way too horny.

Anyway, I 'm trying to get my social life back in order.

I haven't hung out with anyone since summer and I'm starting to get really lonely. I mean I have friends in school, but they only hang out with their closer friends... I don't know what to do about that.

I haven't done anything with a girl since around the 4th of July. I tried calling this girl I kissed at a party, but she was always busy. hmmmm...

I guess a big problem of mine is that I'm embarrassed that I don't have friends, which really f*cks me up when trying to make new ones.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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MrP said:
Week 3
As for masturbation, I caved. 6 days seems to be as far as I can go.

I felt like the first few 4 days helped me and the last 2 made me way too horny.

Anyway, I 'm trying to get my social life back in order.

I haven't hung out with anyone since summer and I'm starting to get really lonely. I mean I have friends in school, but they only hang out with their closer friends... I don't know what to do about that.

I haven't done anything with a girl since around the 4th of July. I tried calling this girl I kissed at a party, but she was always busy. hmmmm...

I guess a big problem of mine is that I'm embarrassed that I don't have friends, which really f*cks me up when trying to make new ones.
I kind of know in a sense what you're talking about. I have lots..well maybe like 15-20 friends at school (friends being the people I'll actually have some conversations with) and about 5 that I hang out with outside of school. My goal is to be the most popular kid in school, and to do that, I know I have to meet not only girls but a lot of guys aswell. So, what I've been doing is every time I walk by or see a popular guy or something I'll say like "hey what's up dude" and maybe a handshake etc. and get their name. If I don't get their name, I'll get it later. Now the point of this is for them to first recognize me, and then the next step is to actually becomes bros with them and have them respect me. Which is done through conversation and cool stories etc.

Anyways, I'm doing the boot camp again (i failed the second time I tried), and I'm adding in the requirement to say wassup to 10 bros for week one. You've gone for 3 weeks and it doesn't seem you've improved a whole lot, I'd advise you do the same boot camp as me?

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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MrP said:

I didn't party, but I said hi to a lot of hot girls. I fixed my conversation problem too (with the help of two things: Conversation and Mind F*cking by Player Supreme and Getting Inside a Woman by Liz). Gonna kick some ass at school tomorrow. :rockon:
Share the links to those articles? :yes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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MrP said:
Week 3
As for masturbation, I caved. 6 days seems to be as far as I can go.

I felt like the first few 4 days helped me and the last 2 made me way too horny.

Anyway, I 'm trying to get my social life back in order.

I haven't hung out with anyone since summer and I'm starting to get really lonely. I mean I have friends in school, but they only hang out with their closer friends... I don't know what to do about that.

I haven't done anything with a girl since around the 4th of July. I tried calling this girl I kissed at a party, but she was always busy. hmmmm...

I guess a big problem of mine is that I'm embarrassed that I don't have friends, which really f*cks me up when trying to make new ones.
I can relate very much. I barely hang out with my friends at school, apart from parties. But my school is small tho, so I know everyone. I'm getting better at social circle stuff all the time, but I'm new to my country, which means I don't have many friends either.

So I wanna help you out here. First of, how big is your school? Do you have friends outside school? How many people recognize you in school?

So HS is very much like college, only that the kids are smaller, school is smaller and the social connections aren't that great. So I just read this book, and I would recommend it very much. It's called "Conquer your campus". You don't hhave to buy it, just search for it, you know how, its there.

In the end it's all about having higher value and giving love, if you high five people in the hallways, talk to someone between class, be friendly to that kid that also doesn't have many friends... Very soon you will be that guy that everyone knows of and your value instantly increases, which helps you get more friends also. But the connections are up to you. Take leadership and organize a hangout and stuff.


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
NorwegianDJ said:
I can relate very much. I barely hang out with my friends at school, apart from parties. But my school is small tho, so I know everyone. I'm getting better at social circle stuff all the time, but I'm new to my country, which means I don't have many friends either.

So I wanna help you out here. First of, how big is your school? Do you have friends outside school? How many people recognize you in school?

So HS is very much like college, only that the kids are smaller, school is smaller and the social connections aren't that great. So I just read this book, and I would recommend it very much. It's called "Conquer your campus". You don't hhave to buy it, just search for it, you know how, its there.

In the end it's all about having higher value and giving love, if you high five people in the hallways, talk to someone between class, be friendly to that kid that also doesn't have many friends... Very soon you will be that guy that everyone knows of and your value instantly increases, which helps you get more friends also. But the connections are up to you. Take leadership and organize a hangout and stuff.
I've read Conquer Your Campus over the summer, then I read it again. It was amazing! I've been trying to use what I learned in there and it's working pretty good. I've been talking to a lot more people than I ever have, but it seems like it's dependent on the enviroment. In some classes, everyone is more open and loud, and even the shyer kids will speak up sometimes. Though in other places there are rarely opportunities to join in, because all the groups keep to themselves for the most part.

My high school is divided between two buildings. So since I'm a junior, all of the 10th graders I know, I barely see, or don;t see at all.
So in my building there are about 1000 kids.

I don't have any friends outside of my school.

I say hi to people in the hall and stuff, but it's rarely a conversation.


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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MrP said:
I've read Conquer Your Campus over the summer, then I read it again. It was amazing! I've been trying to use what I learned in there and it's working pretty good. I've been talking to a lot more people than I ever have, but it seems like it's dependent on the enviroment. In some classes, everyone is more open and loud, and even the shyer kids will speak up sometimes. Though in other places there are rarely opportunities to join in, because all the groups keep to themselves for the most part.

My high school is divided between two buildings. So since I'm a junior, all of the 10th graders I know, I barely see, or don;t see at all.
You have beautiful memories. Thanks for sharing your


Don Juan
Feb 15, 2010
Reaction score
Up in there.
Week 4: Day 5

Haven't made all that much headway with women so far, but here's some things I've been getting done.

1 girl really wants me: She gave me her number, even though I didn't ask for it. She's hot, but annoying as hell, so I told her a while back that I didn't want a relationship. She still texts me a lot and flirts super obviously. I'm trying to make her into a friend, so I can have a pivot. Can anybody help me with this?

A good amount of girls flirt with me: I walk through the halls and look every hot girl in the eye and I find them doing the same. Some girls I talk to are definitely into me.

Recording some songs I wrote: Audacity is the bomb.

Finally got my physics class changed: I was in an advanced class and not getting very good grades, so I wanted to switch to the normal level. The school wouldn't let me, so I had to go straight to the principal to talk about it... And I won.