Be myself or ride the rules?


Don Juan
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Hey gents, for years been following the site post a 'oneitis' situation, I have improved my life in all aspects. I was in frame at all time until she started pushing away....downhill ensued. In all retrospect, I became AFC with a HB9.5 who had my sarcasm, outlook, saw white picket fence, etc....anywho I'm looking at who's been doing this awhile. Come to realization a long time ago I was not the issue but my recognition of my abilities.

I workout at least 6 times a week, work at a fire department, paying the bank on a house, and have my own hobbies that will never change. The conversation of why I'm still single is just a shoe in, but curious on some items such as what defines those that qualify for LTR? Looking to see responses from guys who've played and found the one that made em stop.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not quite sure about what you're asking, but I'll try to answer...

You need to adopt the Don Juan attitude and confidence into your personality. Once you do that, you will automatically avoid the AFC trap. You will pass all her 5hit tests automatically. And if you happen to lose her, you'll know that you can easily find another woman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
you'll know. actually, **** that. lol. no you won't. at least not at first.

i didn't. my now wife started out as one of a few plates. she worked her way up to the point where i eventually knew this was the woman i wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

just keep doing what you are doing. read this site, learn the skills, learn how to screen figure out what it is you want out of a woman. you can't find a woman if you don't know what you are looking for. i wanted very specific thigns out of a woman. I mean, there is a woman good enough to date and then there is one that will make me not want to **** anyoen else ever again ever and that's a pretty tough nut to crack that's not just "the next step"

i am a firm believer thave, at in 2012 the only way you can get a wife like i have./ by that I mean one that has the qualities I am looking for and has very ltitle if any baggage, is to spin plates. a lot of guys see palte spinning and marriage as 2 separate things but i don't I see them part of the same process. there are too many skanks, too many ****ty quality women today to just shack up with the first cute girl who will **** you.

the best thing you can do to ensure that you have the LTR that you are looking for is to run through as many candidates as possible. while doing that, hone your list of what you do and do not want.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear AlwaysFishin,
I agree with BB,essentially she qualifies herself...You speak as if there is something wrong in avoiding"The white picket fence"...Well there isn't!...that picket fence can quickly turn into a Prison Wall,and it does for many...You have a steady job that is not too boring,a house and hobbies...You have it made mate!...look hot babe 9.5 or 8 they are all pink inside!after a few weeks it doesn't make much difference anyway,its like owning a Jaguar limmo,after a couple of months it just feels like the rust bucket you got rid of...except,the maintenance bills,trophy cars like trophy women come with a continuing price...You probably work odd hours,that's an ideal basis for spinning plates...unless you want kids,why bother with any other life style?