One on One
Master Don Juan
Greetings Men,
This is dave134 here, bringing you the most superficial tip in the history of the forums. My advice is simple:
Be Cool!
What is cool?
Surely, you know what cool is if you think about it. The cool people are the people who do stuff every weekend. They are always busy, doing various activities. They know about all the parties. They are fun to be around because they have a lot of stuff to talk about. This is what you want to strive to be.
So, dave, how do I become cool?
It's simple. Take note of all the social connections you have. Now, go out with these people whenever the opportunity presents itself. Initiate things yourself. Who cares if your friends don't want to do something...just ask. We've learned from these forums that rejection is nothing to be afraid of and it should be the same with your social contacts. Ask people you've never hung out with before if they want to hang out. Even if you don't connect that well with them, just go out. Meet some of their friends. Meet new people. Don't be so picky about who you hang out with. Soon, you'll find that people will start calling you more frequently and they'll want to hang with you because you are always up for doing stuff.
How does this help me get women?
I shouldn't have to explain this, but, think about it, more social connections = more possible women. You'll know more people. You'll go out more. You'll learn to socialize better. Bottom line: you'll get more women.
My story
I was prompted to make this post because I just received a call from an acquaintance that I never speak to on the phone and have seen about one time in the past year. He was asking me to hang out. The reason for this is simple. I am now a cooler guy than I was and word gets around. I didn't hang out with a single person last summer. I didn't call anyone. Now, I am, by no means, Mr. Cool, but I have a lot more friends and people call me out of the blue. Some of you already have a vibrant social life and this tip will be useless to you, but, for others, it should be motivational. Trust me, when people hear that you go out to bars, clubs, parties, and just do stuff a lot, they will want to hang out with you and your status increases tremendously.
This is dave134 here, bringing you the most superficial tip in the history of the forums. My advice is simple:
Be Cool!
What is cool?
Surely, you know what cool is if you think about it. The cool people are the people who do stuff every weekend. They are always busy, doing various activities. They know about all the parties. They are fun to be around because they have a lot of stuff to talk about. This is what you want to strive to be.
So, dave, how do I become cool?
It's simple. Take note of all the social connections you have. Now, go out with these people whenever the opportunity presents itself. Initiate things yourself. Who cares if your friends don't want to do something...just ask. We've learned from these forums that rejection is nothing to be afraid of and it should be the same with your social contacts. Ask people you've never hung out with before if they want to hang out. Even if you don't connect that well with them, just go out. Meet some of their friends. Meet new people. Don't be so picky about who you hang out with. Soon, you'll find that people will start calling you more frequently and they'll want to hang with you because you are always up for doing stuff.
How does this help me get women?
I shouldn't have to explain this, but, think about it, more social connections = more possible women. You'll know more people. You'll go out more. You'll learn to socialize better. Bottom line: you'll get more women.
My story
I was prompted to make this post because I just received a call from an acquaintance that I never speak to on the phone and have seen about one time in the past year. He was asking me to hang out. The reason for this is simple. I am now a cooler guy than I was and word gets around. I didn't hang out with a single person last summer. I didn't call anyone. Now, I am, by no means, Mr. Cool, but I have a lot more friends and people call me out of the blue. Some of you already have a vibrant social life and this tip will be useless to you, but, for others, it should be motivational. Trust me, when people hear that you go out to bars, clubs, parties, and just do stuff a lot, they will want to hang out with you and your status increases tremendously.