I have seen several professional fitness models come into my mom's place of business and make remarkable progress in about 1 week. I asked them how they dropped their body fat % so quickly and they told me "high protein, no carbs."
My question is, can a strictly high protein, no carb diet drop your bf % that quickly? I really want to try a no carb diet for a couple weeks just to see how effective and beneficial it is in improving my physique.
Right now i'm 6'0 1/2 and about 195 with 10-11% body fat. My abs are noticable, however i want a more chiseled lean look. I don't have a lot of knowledge regarding BB and nutrition, so any insight from people with experience would be beneficial.
My question is, can a strictly high protein, no carb diet drop your bf % that quickly? I really want to try a no carb diet for a couple weeks just to see how effective and beneficial it is in improving my physique.
Right now i'm 6'0 1/2 and about 195 with 10-11% body fat. My abs are noticable, however i want a more chiseled lean look. I don't have a lot of knowledge regarding BB and nutrition, so any insight from people with experience would be beneficial.