basic sex ed quest


New Member
Sep 29, 2004
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I have few basic sex ed questions. I m ready to have sex but afraid of catching a std especially a viral, incurable one. Can you tell what are the real chances of getting one in these scenarios and what precautions to take in each case. sorry if thse are basic but i m inexperienced and appreciate help.

1. Kissing (mouth to mouth, kissing her body)
2. Being naked together where touching is involved - cuddling, sleeping, showering together, swimming, using the jazcuzzi together
3. touching each other's genitalls/masterbating together
4. oral sex (me giving her, she giving me)
5. sex - i know i need a condom here

i know maybe i m paranoid but appreciate any help, input.
Dec 6, 2008
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just wear a condom and check every so often to make sure it doesnt slide off and never buy LIFESTYLES- thats sex ed 101


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Whoa, where the hell did you grow up? Below a rock?

Anyway, to provide some answers:
1. Kissing (mouth to mouth, kissing her body)
There are infections that can be transmitted through saliva and making out. One of these is mononucleosis, also known as the kissing disease. It'll make you extremely tired for up to six months, but the disease is also infectious when using an improperly cleaned glass or someone talks and spits at the same time. This is nothing to be concerned about, as I believe I've seen estimates that up to 50 to 60% of the world population has been in contact with this disease. Most of the time you won't even notice it.

Nothing of serious concern.

2. Being naked together where touching is involved - cuddling, sleeping, showering together, swimming, using the jazcuzzi together
Uh wat? None of concern, because this is about the same as when you're wearing clothing. You can exchange all sorts of diseases like the flu.

3. touching each other's genitalls/masterbating together
You can get STDs through touching the genitals of others, esp. when you have little wounds on your hands or when you transfer the body fluids from your partner's body to yours(or vice versa). Chances of infection are usually extremely slim, yet it's smart to pay attention when you're putting on a condom to what parts of your d*ck you touch. You don't want pre-c*m end up on your finger tips and then proceed to finger her. This could cause pregnancy(altho extremely slim again).

4. oral sex (me giving her, she giving me)
Obviously this gives you a higher chance of contracting an STD, as you're exchanging body fluids with another person through your mouth. If you got little wounds in your mouth chances are even higher. You can get STDs without any wounds in your mouth due to extremely thin linings and soft tissue. Still relatively slim compared to full blown f*cking. Of course, if she has genital warts, you're getting get em too, in your face. SO CHECK THAT C*NT BEFORE SLIPPING YOUR TONGUE THROUGH IT.

5. sex - i know i need a condom here
Yea well, obvious chances of getting her knocked up, or getting an STD. For males, chances of getting an STD are somewhere between 50 and 70%. You can have sex and not get infected, mainly because infection occurs through little wounds on the head of your penis. If you're uncut the risks are the highest, cut people have a bit lower chance of infection, yet still pretty high. NEVER F*CK WITHOUT A CONDOM, AND ALWAYS SLIP ON THE CONDOM YOURSELF. Always take your own condom(so b*tches can't tamper with it and puncture it) and always put it on yourself so they can't damage it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Don't forget herpes. There are two types: HSV-1 (oral) and HSV-2 (genital). Don't let the names fool you though, the locations are fully interchangeable through oral sex.

HSV-1 is pretty's what causes cold sores. A pretty large chunk of the population has it. Neither disease will kill a healthy person but there's no cure.

Sometimes people have no symptoms and for most people, you have periodic outbreaks. So you'll go a long time with no symptoms but then will all of a sudden break out with sores on your junk or on your mouth.

There are some meds you can buy that can manage the outbreaks, but the virus will never be completely eliminated. It'll hide in your nervous system and it can sometimes wait decades before it decides to come out again.

What sucks about herpes is that you can't tell if a person has it or not. They might be in the latent stage when there are no symptoms and so you'd see no sores. Unfortunately, the disease is still contagious during this stage.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
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For males, chances of getting an STD are somewhere between 50 and 70%.
lol please show me this study. Please.

Basically, wear a condom and you'll be fine. If you're having sex with dozens of girls, bianual checkups are a good idea. Plenty of guys have had sex with dozens and dozens of girls without contracting anything permanent; don't overstress it.

Most permanent STDs aren't particularly easy to contract.

The main ones you have to worry about are Hep C and herpes. I have a friend who's girlfriend has herpes and he's been with her 2 years without contracting it. Watch closely for signs of a breakout and you should be ok.

As for hepatitus, wrap up, and be careful with girls who have been around the block.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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New York, NY
Just want to clarify some misinformation -- i mean no disrespect to the above posters and most of the info is good.

Herpes (1 or 2) - you can't get it unless your partner has an active lesion. It remains dormant in ganglion (nerves) until the person has a decrease in their immune system (stress, sick, lack of sleep, etc). It is belief in the medical community that 80% of sexually active people have this disease so honestly, its pretty hard not to get it unless you have only hooked up with girls that are virgins. Contrary to what most people believe, herpes only really causes significant disease processes if you have other diseases (HIV, diabetes, chemotherapy, etc).

Hep C - its EXTREMELY rare to get this by vaginal sex. Unless you have an open sore that is bleeding and the lady you are with also is bleeding you shouldn't get this disease. Unless you are shooting up IV drugs or have gotten blood transfusion before 1985 you should not get this disease.

Don't have sex if you have any open cuts or wounds.

Wrap up your tool all the time.



Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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crazymedstudent said:
J It is belief in the medical community that 80% of sexually active people have this disease
Sexually active people of America maybe.


Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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New York, NY
ChalengeGuyFan said:
Sexually active people of America maybe.
Worldwide...the exact figures are unknown because many people who have it do not know they have it because they rarely get outbreaks of sores


Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2009
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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Matt281 said:
lol please show me this study. Please.
That's what my physician told me. Still, I wouldn't count on it, I just assume I'll get an STD for having unprotected sex without the girl having had a checkup and exclusivity.

There are studies done with HIV where circumsized men have a decreased chance of contracting it. And yes, those studies were pretty much unethically conducted.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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To contract herpes, an active lesion per se does NOT have to be present. Often, there is a prodromal stage during which no sore is visible. There maybe some symptoms such as itching, tingling etc., but you would not be able to notice a lesion with the naked eye. The person who has Herpes may not even be aware that the virus is active.

It's not a life threatening disease unless you are immuncompromised (HIV/AIDS, chemo, recent transplant etc.), but it's still not something you really want to come down with either.