Basic methods for quick k-closes?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
What are good methods for quick k-closes or getting a makeout session? In particular I'm interested in situations that aren't nightlife/party based. (I've noticed that since I've given those venues up and made some other changes in my life, it's shored up a lot of weaknesses in my skills. I often seem to be severely limited, as if consigned to a very slow pace and/or solely to things along the lines of a try-to-start-a-conversation-and-get-a-date sort of thing, rather than making true pickups. I'm looking to start over and learn to walk without the crutches, so to speak.)


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
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North Carolina
"Hey, what's up? wanna make out?"

good for parties, i guess. :confused:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
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Yuma said:
good for parties, i guess. :confused:
If you don't really know, that's fine. But you could have at least read my post...

Chronocidal said:
In particular I'm interested in situations that aren't nightlife/party based.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Well for starters you need to position yourself so your near her, perferably facing her.
Like if your in your dorm with a girl and the two of you are sitting at your computer. Dont have your chair facing the computer becuase then you have to turn 90º to see her. You want to be pretty much directly facing her because she should be your main focus, not the computer.

Once you have a good position you just proceed to have a nice conversation, talk softer so she has to be closer to you. You can really increase sexual tension here by leaning in and talking into her ear and using kino. You will be so close to her you can confortably brush hair to the side if any falls infront of her face.

One advantage of being so close to her is any IOI's she may give you are much easier to pick up. Her touching her hair or neck is so obvious at this point. More subtle things like diolating eyes are easy to notice now.

And now its simple, at a nice pause in the conversation(I like to do it after we had just been laughing from a joke) just gentle and slowly lean into her. There should only be about two feet between you and her and kiss her.
Give her a nice firm kiss(not open mouth) and then back off about 2 inches.
Either she will pull you back in to make out(very good sign)
Or you wait a couple seconds and then lean back in and begin making out.

-Iv never gone for a kiss close without isolating first. It just has to feel right when you go in for the kiss close. You will know it when you feel it, there will just be an exciting sexual vibe between you and this girl you just met.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
It's been many years since I've been a student, so dorm stuff doesn't really apply here (and if this was a woman who I had managed to bring over to my apartment, I'd think I'd already be a lot farther than merely a kiss close by that time).

I thank you, though, for taking time and thought into your answer. What would be good methods of taking such initial positions in everyday life? (It's not every day that I get to stand too close to women of interest; most often they're moving.)

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Oh sorry I do not have much experience with streetpick-up k-closes. Maybe someone else will help you out with this because im not about to act like I know what to do.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
johnpaul said:
Oh sorry I do not have much experience with streetpick-up k-closes. Maybe someone else will help you out with this because im not about to act like I know what to do.
Thanks anyways, though; as I mentioned before, it's good that you put thought into your answer.

chinwaggler said:
It's pretty hard to k-close someone off the street
Street, mall, just wherever I happen to be. It doesn't have to be a street. I know things are harder now that I've given up some venues and made some changes to my life. But I'm willing to accept the challenge and now I need to learn, as I said, to walk without the crutches.


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
excuse me do my lips taste funny to taste.

quick kiss closes are for rapport, kino escalate, then move in for the kiss. ARE you on a time schedule, are there hidden cameras, are you trying out for the pickup artist season 3.

TAKE YOUR TIME, build something genuine and meaningful.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
COD said:
quick kiss closes are for fools.
Fine, then I'm a fool. That doesn't change my question, though.

COD said:
ARE you on a time schedule, are there hidden cameras, are you trying out for the pickup artist season 3.

TAKE YOUR TIME, build something genuine and meaningful.
And what if I am?

In reality, yes, it's possible that I might be on a time schedule. But more specifically, my main goal here is to learn how to do relatively simple things again when the crutches of alcohol/drugs and the nightlife environment are not involved. Many people don't view quick kiss-closes as being that particularly difficult, and do not view it as any big deal. However, I'm no longer capable of it now and I'd like to relearn.

As far as fast vs. slow pace goes, the reason I'm asking specifically about faster-paced things is because those are the abilities I have lost. As it stands now, if I do happen to take a slower pace, it's because I've been condemned to a slow pace due to lack of all other ability, not because I've chosen it out of personal preference.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
If anyone could help, it'd be appreciated.

If not, I can understand (I wouldn't doubt that most forumites here have experience only in the nightlife, party, or college environments).