Bars are better than clubs.


Don Juan
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Whenever I go downtown, I notice two things- I either have a great time, or I have such a sh*tty time that I get violent and angry.

I like to socialize.... If I go to a bar downtown that IS NOT a dance club, I always get stares and attention from chicks, I can actually hear people talk, I'm in a good mood, the drinks are cheaper, there are places to sit, and you can actually see.

Dance clubs- why do people go to these places???? It seems that chicks just go there to dance in a circle, not to meet guys. There's wannabe players, metrosexuals and ghetto trash everywhere. The average attractiveness of the girls is lower too. The music is loud and terrible, you lose your friends, and you always have to shove through a wave of human trash. It's impossible to socialize.

I'm convinced that people only go to dance clubs because it's the "cool" thing that they think they're supposed to do. Either that, or attention whoring.

The places enrage me so much that even one time some decent girl started grinding on me while I was walking by the floor, trying to get me to dance- I just couldn't do it- out of principle. Missed opportunity, but f*ck it. I'm never going to one of those places ever again.

I don't know if it's just me or what, but if it isn't, then your prospects are much better going to a bar whose central theme isn't a dance club. I'm not talking dive bars, I'm talking cool places.

Look, if clubs are your thing I'm not trying to condemn you- it's just that the other night I was at a real place, a good place and I'm f*cking convinced that clubs are a sh*t way to meet chicks or have a good time, after the good times I've had at bars.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
There are girls waiting to be picked up both in bars and in clubs. The big difference, as you stated, is the noise level.

I guess it's easier to pick up girls in bars if your strength is the use of words, and easier to pick up in clubs if your strength resides in your dancing and body language.

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
one time some decent girl started grinding on me while I was walking by the floor, trying to get me to dance- I just couldn't do it- out of principle. Missed opportunity, but f*ck it. I'm never going to one of those places ever again.
words, or bodylanguage?

i agree with flyinshark.

in a bar, you see someone you want to fvck, you mostly talk to them.

in a club, you see someone you want to fvck, you mostly dance with them.

the girl probably dig you for some reason, so she did what you do at dance clubs - dance. that was her way of introducing herself and approaching you.

to me it doesnt really matter whether someone uses words or body language - if their intentions and desires are the same... two paths to the same destination.


Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
I rarely go to dance clubs anymore.

Instead, I go to the "Pub/Lounge" type places for several reasons:

1) Most of these places don't have dance floors, although they do have ambient background music.
The women that go to these places are there to meet guys, not to dance.

2) The music is more for atmosphere at pubs/lounges and is not ear-splitting loud. It makes it 1000% easier to talk to women and run your game.

When you're at a dance club and you're trying to talk to women, you have to lean in so close to hear/be heard that you can't hold eye contact during conversation or read body language and almost have to yell to communicate.

You say something, and she says "what?" - you repeat yourself, this time louder and she still can't hear you.
Eventually she does, but then you're the one saying "what?" to her reply, and on and on, back and forth.
Very frustrating and a waste of time.

And for you students of SS, it makes it impossible to use patterns (shifting tonality and such) in a loud atmosphere and to read body language.

David DeAngelo often talks about how communication is mostly body language, eye-contact and tone of voice.

Not to mention, most of these places get really crowded to the point where you have to fight your way thru the crowd and wait forever to get a drink or use the bathroom.

And it can get hot and sweaty in those places due to the large crowd. No thanks.

3) Dance clubs are often populated with groups of women who are just out for a night of dancing with the girls and nothing more. They enjoy the attention from all the AFC's buying them drinks just so they can dance with them.
Again, the Pub/Lounge going women are pretty much there strictly to meet guys.

4) Dance clubs usually have some cover charge of anywhere from $10.00 to $40.00 or more, as well as a long wait to get in.
If after you wait in line for an hour and drop a fair amount of coin to get in and don't like the scenery, too bad.

Besides, I've got better things to do with my Weekend night(s) out than to stand in line for an hour while watching all the people on the VIP list waltz right in.

5) If you're not a good dancer, you might not do that well at dance clubs. The alternative is to take the time to learn to dance well.
The problem with that is that it's time - consuming and only helps your game in one environment.

That's time and effort you could be using to hone your DJ skills.
Skills that will help you PU in any environment, not just dance clubs. (Personally, I think dancing is somewhat AFC, but that's a different subject)

In my opinion, the Pub/Lounge scene is a better bet than the Dance Club scene when it comes to meeting and picking up women.

I usually go to an area of San Francisco (Known as "The Triangle") where there are about 10 upscale pubs/lounges/bar-restaurants within a quarter-mile radius.

You should see how packed the streets get in this area on a weekend night.
It's almost like one big street party and sometimes there is more action outside than inside.
No cover charge or wait to get into most of these places either.

And the women ain't there to dance.

I've found that the Dance Club scene is full of teases, time-wasters, gold-diggers and attention *****s.

Besides, I when I go out, I go out to meet and PU women, not to dance.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
im not a fan of night clubs either. i just go because my friends go.

like pantera man said said most are full of either
wanabe players
female attention ***** and male attention *****s
trash women.
people looking to pick a fight
shallow people
annoying girls and guys with a false bravado personality. acting all tough and ****.
people stare at me in clubs for some reason i still dont understand.
when ever i act dj, some guys and my friends dont seem to understand my mindset at clubs, i go there and sit by the bar and girls dance by me i take it from there, sometimes socalled social ppl arnt socially concious of womens bodylanguage, im sorta like an introvert but i communicate better than most socalled socially smart fools.

i know this may seem odd but pickups at night clubs dosnt mean you are the ultimate dj,most guys there just chase skirt or are lucky to get laid when the girls are drunk. i kind prefer bars still though. each to his own.

i kinda like clubs when theres a song i like or when a friends birthday is going down there.
ianother thing i hate about clubs is the way those bouncers act like they are god, it has actually crossed my mind severaltimes to kill some bouncers. and the loud music makes it impossible to communicate, most girls there arnt into stimulation conversations so i just act dumb sometimes to fit in.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Senzoi
Clubs, most definitely, barnone are better than bars. Especially in my experience. The women I've taken home from clubs tend to have a lot more physical coordination where it counts, they're on average sexier, more confident, and they've been less likely to be a drunken, depressed wench than a spontaneous, free-spirit lush of a dancer. Definitely my type.

Dancing frees inhibitions. Once you're relaxed and moving, you can hit off -much- better kino than if you're just slowly trying to angle your arm into a position behind that cutie patootie's chairback. Attention-*****s are unmistakably easy to spot in clubs, though, and I don't find them as much of a problem as some previous posters have suggested.

On the other hand, bars are excellent for really talking your game, and the cigarette prop tends to work better in that scene.

Take your pick. The fewer of you on the dance floor, the less I'm concerned with :cool:

~ Senzoi
No offense, but you're 20 years old.

How long have you been going to bars/lounges/dance clubs?


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aren't most women in bars in their 30s?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I luve dem both!...Lets all hav eh gud time 'n get crunk wit it wherv'wbe!!!

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Aren't most women in bars in their 30s?

Maybe I should have been more specific:

I prefer the upscale lounge type of bars over the dance clubs.

By upscale lounge, I mean these types of places:

At these places, it's not unusual to see professional athletes, hollywood stars, heavy hitters in politics and recording artists.

Bring your "A" game, as your gonna need it here in the big leagues.
Last edited:

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
Originally posted by Senzoi
Um, what exactly would that matter to you for the purposes of this discussion?

I've been going for 5 years (fake IDs are useful little buggers). And I'm actually 22 years old; the profile's been updated.

~ Senzoi :cool:
Because most 20 year olds or even 22 year olds aren't in a position experience - wise to make that call.

Again, no offense.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Derek Flint
3) Dance clubs are often populated with groups of women who are just out for a night of dancing with the girls and nothing more.
Not that this has any statistical importance, but every one of my female friends has stated that they go to clubs only to dance and hate getting hit on there. Most will go so far as to try and cling on to myself or other male friends to prevent approaches from other guys. (I don't let them cling on to me: it prevents me from going after other chicks.)

(And yes, before you mention it, I am aware of the frequent disparity between what women say and what they mean. Feel free to interpret what I've said as you wish.)

I'm not a big fan of clubs simply because of the noise. I like being able to hear, and noise at the level of most clubs causes permanent damage after only 1/2 hour of exposure per day. I'm looking into getting some special earplugs to help dull the noise to a more healthy level.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
I agree with the original poster.

Derek Flint

Master Don Juan
Nov 24, 2002
Reaction score
Marin County, CA - just North of San Francisco
I don't need to dance to game girls.

Learning to dance to game girls is like learning magic or handwriting-analysis to game girls.

AFC behavior in my opinion.

I'm not there to entertain her, I'm there to f*** her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
The easiest answer to this is to go where you have the most fun.

If you are having fun then you will naturally do better.