A few of my friends were bouncers at various clubs and bars, and usually, like the previous poster stated, most bars and clubs would rather leave the cops out of the equation.
It's bad for business, and for another, many clubs might have a few kids who are on illegal substances or a few underage kids in the place, no matter how strict their ID checking policy is, and the more cops that show up, it can lead to either the club getting fined or shut down, it all depends. Nobody wants to deal with that crap.
But there are also some bouncers who jump from job to job, who would love for some drunk to start a fight.
Where i grew up, there were a couple of cases where the bouncer dragged out some drunk guy and proceeded to beat the living crap out of him behind the building. Unfortunatley, in once case, the bouncer killed the guy, and the body was discovered and all that mumbo jumbo went on. The bouncer went to jail for this.
Most guys who go to clubs looking to start fights are usually those 100 pound kids who think they are tougher then dirt.
But even so, if you beat the crap out of some guy, you better realize this isn't the 1970s or 1980s or before. People sue over hot coffee and fast food now.
Some guy or girl will press charges against you, some guy or girl will sue you, and then you'll have to deal with lawsuits, money and all that crap, and for what? SO some chic looked at you for a moment, why bother.
And lastly, remember, there are many bouncers who are hired, because, well, they have a tendency to be former college football players or steroid users. Yeah, maybe you can handle one guy, but I've seen plenty of places that have 10 or more bouncers, all who look like they belong in the NFL as linebackers.
Why the hell would you even want to start ****?