Back off, Sunshine!!

Feb 27, 2003
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toronto canada
Disclaimer: The content contained in this article is highly controversial, and is taken by many to be a representation of what they believe to be my insanity. They are blind to reality. When you find yourself opening up the reality, and experiencing the truth, you will find yourself hearing the truth and feeling it as it is written hear, clearly. The more you try to disagree, the more you find yourself agreeing. Maybe you will See Reality. Without further delay:

What is a Sunshine Girl?

“The sunshine girl gets her pleasure by misleading men into infatuating over her, and in so doing boosting her insecure little ego. Sunshine girls are only happy when they have guys after them. This is the kind of woman that likes to have guys fight over her, and ends up going out with none of them.

“The sunshine girl never flirts because of interest, she flirts just for the sake of flirting.” – Page (sosuave, Book of Shuma Gora)

“Sunshine girls get off on knowing that they can command your attention at will, no matter what you might be doing at the moment, they are ecstatic in being able to draw your full and immediate attention” – Luscious (sosuave) Note: They do not get off on you, but on their control over you.

The sunshine girl is a parasitic leech who is wasting your time. She gives you buying signals but is not for sale. She has nothing to offer you, but you have everything to offer her. Important to note: Attention *****s and Sunshine Girls are very different.

Characteristics Exhibited by Sunshine Girls

- Crave attention. Not everyone’s attention. Just in particular, males’ attention.
- Parasitic- they leech off of you
- Adam has probably dated her
- Never touch you for sensual reasons – only to get you to do things
- Want to be loved, not to love.
- If you are down, she’ll never ask why; she’ll only tell you to get back on your feet to entertain her.
- Only calls you to pass the time or for you to take her out. She never organizes something and invites you. If she says she has plans for you, they never happen.
- She uses you, and there is no mutual gain.
- Panic in the face of danger
- None choose life or death they live in a holographic tangent to reality, in their own bubble-world.
- Believe everyone should get along for no specific reason at all.
- Unfounded beliefs
- Terrified of change
- Love the social status/popularity of having you on their arm.
- They do not like you; they only like what you give them.
- Flirtatious, teases expect nothing from them.
- Moody, dramatic (only some)
- Will never give you any action, except maybe kissing, or at the very extreme, head, only as a last resort to keep you around.
- Will flake on you
- Want to show you off to their friends
- She leads you on sexually, yet there is not even a slim remnant of a chance of you getting with her.
- Always using. Rarely, if ever, helping.
- Low sexual drive
- Value friendship with men to the maximum degree.
- Single; they never find the man they pretend to be looking for. They are ****ed up. They may not even be female.
- In the case that they actually want a man, he is prince charming, and he lives in the fairy tale that is her life(he does not exist)
- Retarded(not outright retardation. Their experience of reality is so ****ing retarded, yet to the untrained eye they seem sane)
- Their end values are to feel good.
- They freak out, and they get so ****ing scared when they find out they can’t control you.
- “I think these are the sort of people who have no personality of their own, who unquestioningly accept all the rules of the society and media propaganda, and try to make their own personality to fit. When they get into their 40s, they usually start doing all sorts of crazy ****, to "discover themselves", and I don't wonder why; living 40 years without ever actually knowing yourself might suck... “ – BaldGuy(ASF)
- they have no values. That is why screening them, you find they value feeling good. There is only good and bad in their world. They do not want to feel bad. Only good. Happy and excited are one and the same in their minds. Nothing can be both good and bad.
- They are scared of anything direct and of alpha males.
- No identity of their own. They wear whatever they do, listen to whatever music they do, and do what they do because others do.
- Boring, stuck-up, unreliable and fake.
- Follow public image dogmatically.
- You are her emotional tampon.
- At my school’s student vs. teacher basketball game, one sunshine girl said, “I don’t shake hands. I only hug.” I met her at a semi-formal the week before. There she told me, “I don’t grind frontwards, only backwards.” They tend to do things like this.
- She will interfere with your sarging. I played rock paper scissors, loser kiss winner with a girl I am in to. After the kiss, her friend(who I, and some of my friends know to be a sunshine girl), exclaims, “What was that?” – (well, you stupid, fat *****, get your ****ing sunshine ass the **** out of here!) They don’t ****-block for the normal reasons of jealousy. They do it because it is their nature to interfere with everything that requires no thinking on their part. They will never interfere with something intellectual, but always with the little things
Feb 27, 2003
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toronto canada
Part II

Testing for them

Go for her number or kiss close. She will flake out.
Analyze the situation. Does she always want to be seen with you( not in the sense of is she afraid of being seen with you, but that she wants you as a trophy)
Never befriend. She is a parasitic leech, unworthy of you and probably unworthy of being considered akin with Homo sapiens.
If you are already friends with one such girl ; realize her for who she is. Do what you gotta do. Best to eliminate all desire for her, in whatever form that desire may be.
Do not use her as a pivot. “She is a wretched creature”-Adam(good friend).
Unless you want her as a pivot, get her the **** out of your life.

“How to detect a sunshine girl....Start talking about sex or bring up a scenario for the two of you to meet and watch her shy away from the topic.” – StuartScott x 2 (sosuave).

End value to feel good ;
“Me: So what do you find appealing in a man.
She: Honesty / sincerity / blah blah blah (whatever).
Me: And how do you feel when you are with a (sp) honest / sincere / blah blah blah guy.
She: Well, i dunno...... i just feel good.

IOW, "End value = to feel GOOD". WTF!!!. :p” – Jimbo (ASF)

“there is a REASON why I think I know so much about women like this. They are waiting for a prince so that they could leech into his life because they do not have one of their own. There is certainly a repressed sexuality down there since she's a human being after all, but that's not the only thing that's repressed down there. They get very scared when they see that they can not control you because their control attempts are an effort to make you obey the same rules they do, and they run away from you when you show a weakness because they are looking for a man who can take charge of their life as well as his own. Alpha behavior scares them because you might force them out of their very narrow comfort zone. They are not exactly LSE, as there is nothing down there to have a self-esteem in the first place. You got one thing right though; the key question is time. 40 years or so, to be exact. Much of the time these women end up with men who beat them up regularly. “ – BaldGuy (ASF)

“Your definition of SOULLESS is the key for everything. “[Theirs] is such a ****ty state of mind I had difficulties in even imaging it. [They] are like Zombies: envelopes without anything inside. So what they are asking from guys is practically impossible: fill me and be empty at the same time.” “the key for screening fast: one should make questions about morals, God, the society and as soon as they are telling You abstract psychotic bull**** about it RUN fast as possible..” – zarathustra_fi (ASF)

“It never ceases to amaze me, that the people who are most anxious of all to get their soul into heaven are usually the sort of people who don't even have a soul. Does anybody else see a paradox here?” – BaldGuy (ASF) (on the issue of many of these girls being religious, and in particular, having unfounded religious beliefs)

Some Insight into How Girls Get to be this way

From: $20 dallar GI?
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2003 06:58 PM

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 05:53:00 -0500, zarathustra_fi kinda wrote:

“Women with no apparent distinguishing faults; who are generally well
rounded in their looks and personality, tend to posses demons of the
Some, if are born into the right abject conditions, can mature and
grow into stunning creatures, so that they are always conscious of
that dark side of their human nature.
You can usually attribute mental demons to people with good looks.
Females who aren't left alone long enough to reflect on their own dark
sides tend not to develope that natural gift for generating their own
brand of inner peace or they don't see the need for deep
introspection. They only tend to see their issues through others, so
they tend to project their mind effluent onto other people because
that's the only way they ever learn how to deal with their issues.”

This is only one insight into how this condition came to be. There is, of course, the fact that selfishness is an easy means to being “successful” according to society’s standards. For the most part, few people consciously get to the sunshine stage. Apathy, therefore, is another contributor to this condition. A lack of self-inspection, as stated by the quote above, is probably common to all sunshine girls and guys, among all the other circumstances that breed sunshinism.

Sunshine Guys

Yes, these exist too. They are equally important to recognize. I suspect some of you who read this will have friends who are sunshine guys. Some of you may even be sunshine guys. Aghast!!! Change your ways, earn a soul. The sunshine guy is the same as a sunshine girl, except in areas where this is inapplicable. For example, they don’t give you any body language or sexual innuendo concerning you. The rest is still there, though. Identify them, and do what you gotta do. They only use you, and should be recognized for who they are. Do not let them take up any more of your time. Seriously, for all these boards have to do with women, dealing with guys is way more important.

What can I do?

Well, this is Big, Real Big, and infects countless millions, thanks to mass media, and a self-centered focus preached by society. You know, be the best at school, get rich, have a house, family, pool, a pet, and get richer. Then one day, die, and have your kids inherit the money which you will never use, nor will they, unless they are so messed that they can spend it all in a lifetime. Then their kids inherit it. They will be fed off a golden plate, and learn nothing in life. They will have money, but will be total trash. After all, money, power, and control we ALL love, right? At any cost, right? No. You get my point.

Don’t force others into conformity, don’t succumb to peer pressure. Do what you want, and what is legal, not what society tells you. Should something you want to do coincide with what society tells you, then that’s fine. But remember, you’re doing it because you want to. Just like reading this post. You do it because you want to. And most importantly, reflect on yourself, and if you are sunshine material, help yourself. Only you can DO IT. Spread the word of the Sunshine girls and guys around, and have them realize what they are.

I give credit to where it is due. To and the members of the forum, to Page and The Book of Shuma Gora, to and the members of mASF, and to myself. Also, the guys from these boards who I quoted (sorry, I might have spell-checked some of your quotes) There is one other to be credited here. My best friend, Adam, has helped me sort through my thoughts on this subject, and has given his time to discussing this topic.

However, since I am an ass, and want to gain your approval and fit in with you, and show you around my arm, I am going to add that I did most of the work, and yes you can thank me for this lovely piece of work. I hope I have your attention, and I will always have it. I hope to show these boards to all my friends, and have them around my arms everywhere I go. I hope to fit in, because that’s where I think that’s the way I want to go. Or was it to the bathroom I was heading… I will take offence at your criticisms, because I am incapable of dealing with other people’s realities, and live in my messed up world. I cannot say that I am secure and can handle your criticisms. Yes, and if you criticize me, you are evil. If you praise me, you are good. You can be my friend who I will use forever. Note: This paragraph is a satiric representation of the mind of a sunshine girl or guy.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
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agree, I think its not as much an attention thing for sunshine girls as it is an acceptance thing. IMO they are possible but difficult.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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I think that we all can be "sunshine people" in certain circumstances. There are, of course, people who are sunshine girl/boys 100% of the time, but I think that we all have sunshine elements within us. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this.
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
toronto canada
jakethasnake- "I think that we all can be "sunshine people" in certain circumstances. There are, of course, people who are sunshine girl/boys 100% of the time, but I think that we all have sunshine elements within us. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this."

I admit, I do like attention. Also, every relationship is based on gain. Someone is always gaining. In the case where one party in a relationship is sunshine material, there is a user, who will make no effert to see mutual gain for the both of you.

Certainly, everyone has his or her flaws, but really, the thing at heart of a sunshine girl is the controlling mindset. When you think real deep on it, and observe, you come to the conclusion that they crave control. They control you and use you, and you get used. Period.

I know 4 hardcore sunshine girls and guys. 2 girls, and 2 guys, who I am sure of. There are many more people I know who I suspect, and people who are sunshine maybe 50%, and I also have friends who are the antithesis of sunshine. All the people I consider my friends, I have relationships with them based on mutual gain. I help them out, I get helped back. No tabs are kept. You just do it. We stick up for each other, and hang around together, becasue we mean something to each other. With a sunshine person, You are just another thing with which to pass the time.

If you have some sunshine characteristics, that's fine. But if you really wanna know if you are a sunshine girl or guy, Isolate yourself. As you begin to experience a state of inner peace and warm, be prepared to answer this question to you, and you alone. Do not not be truthful with yourself. The question is as follows, "The way you are now; how you interact with others, and how you feel about them - would you say say that you exhibit behavior that indicates you desire you be loved over loving others, or vice-versa?

If you can honestly say to yourself that you want to love more than you want to love, or at least that the two are about equal, have no fear. You are not sunshine material. The characteristics are just things that all the sunshine people I've discussed have in common.