Don Juan
I'm 27, and until now, I've had only a couple of short-term relationships. It's not that girls weren't interested, but I just had low self-confidence because I never had my act together. I have missed many opportunities with Quality women because of this, so I'm motivated to improve in this area.
So, starting three years ago, I took myself off The Market, purposely avoiding women while I worked on own self-improvement regimen:
Well, a co-worker of mine must've gotten the vibe, because two weeks ago he offered to set me up with a friend-girl of his wife's.
She's a 24 year old blonde with a 5-year old son, whom she shares custody with the father. She's bookish and liberal, and her favorite author is *gulp* Virginia Woolf. Two red flags already, I know, but I'm in this for the experience. Also, she apparently has not dated for about 2 years.
Wednesday: I did a reconnaisence mission into her town to scope out a decent coffee house with a lot of stuff going on nearby that we could walk to.
Thrusday: I called her one week after I got her number from my co-worker (I just said I'd call sometime during the week.) We talked for about 20 minutes, got her laughing, then set up a coffee date for Sunday (tonight.)
I got lost on the way in, so I arrived a few minutes after our meet time. She had just arrived and bought a coffee before I walked in.
She's a short, cute blonde (6.5) with a lot of energy (almost manic), which is the way I like 'em!
We greeted each other, then I went to the counter to get a drink and a cookie (offered her something to eat, but she declined)
She came over and joined me at the counter. The girl behind the counter was cute and showed interest in me. I got my stuff, we sat down, and started talking.
Convo was about 50/50 balance and we talked for about an hour about our jobs, etc. Very smooth with few silences. She was pointing out a lot her own flaws, which unbeknownst to her, was giving me plenty of ammo for my neg-hit M-60. I think I had a full belt clip by the time we were done. Whenever I kept EC, I could almost see her IL rise.
When we finished our drinks, my IL was about 60%, so I suggested we walk down to the bookstore to find a book I wanted. I knew it wouldn't be there -- I didn't want to buy something and lug it around for the rest of the date.
At the bookstore, I stepped up the C&F and was ripping on her the entire time, and she was eating it up. She soon began applying a lot of kino and EC, starting in the bookstore and as we were walking to her car.
I then had her drive me to my truck, and we talked for a bit in the parking lot. I made a ****y remark, and she told me she wanted me out of her car, so that was that.
I told her I'd call her some time next week.
****Y & FUNNY
Way too numerous to mention them all, but here are the zingers:
By the end, her IL was about 95% -- She's been sucked into my love vortex and I'm in the driver's seat.
The girl seems to have had a rocky past, so I'm not rushing anything with this one. She's fun and has a nice little bod, so I'm going to see where this goes. She might end up being a lot to handle, though.
All of the things I've picked up from you guys gave me a lot of confidence, and I thank all of you who have contrbuted here in the past. Any feedback you have would be very appreciated.
Thanks for listening.
Celebrate the moment
As it turns into one more
Another chance at victory
Another chance to score
-- Rush
I'm 27, and until now, I've had only a couple of short-term relationships. It's not that girls weren't interested, but I just had low self-confidence because I never had my act together. I have missed many opportunities with Quality women because of this, so I'm motivated to improve in this area.
So, starting three years ago, I took myself off The Market, purposely avoiding women while I worked on own self-improvement regimen:
- Working out - still have a ways to go, but major improvement here already!
- Work - My constant dedication here is paying off considerably
- New wardrobe - classy watch, new Docs, italian cologne, no more jeans-and-a-T-shirt
- New hairstyle - went from boring "80's side-part" to "spiky messy", soon to get highlights
- DJ boards - lurking all summer, and have read most of The Bible
- Salsa class - starting next week
- DJ Bootcamp - starting next week!
Well, a co-worker of mine must've gotten the vibe, because two weeks ago he offered to set me up with a friend-girl of his wife's.
She's a 24 year old blonde with a 5-year old son, whom she shares custody with the father. She's bookish and liberal, and her favorite author is *gulp* Virginia Woolf. Two red flags already, I know, but I'm in this for the experience. Also, she apparently has not dated for about 2 years.
Wednesday: I did a reconnaisence mission into her town to scope out a decent coffee house with a lot of stuff going on nearby that we could walk to.
Thrusday: I called her one week after I got her number from my co-worker (I just said I'd call sometime during the week.) We talked for about 20 minutes, got her laughing, then set up a coffee date for Sunday (tonight.)
- Meet up for coffee on the main drag of the town she lives in
- If I dig her, make up some reason to visit the bookstore a few blocks down (she loves reading)
- Walk her to her car
- Pay for her coffee, etc
- Open doors and pull out chairs for her
- Have a good time, but don't force anything. It doesn't matter if we don't click
- Apply kino and EC if I'm interested
- ****y & Funny. This has always been natural to me, but now I am aware of how useful it can be
I got lost on the way in, so I arrived a few minutes after our meet time. She had just arrived and bought a coffee before I walked in.
She's a short, cute blonde (6.5) with a lot of energy (almost manic), which is the way I like 'em!
We greeted each other, then I went to the counter to get a drink and a cookie (offered her something to eat, but she declined)
She came over and joined me at the counter. The girl behind the counter was cute and showed interest in me. I got my stuff, we sat down, and started talking.
Convo was about 50/50 balance and we talked for about an hour about our jobs, etc. Very smooth with few silences. She was pointing out a lot her own flaws, which unbeknownst to her, was giving me plenty of ammo for my neg-hit M-60. I think I had a full belt clip by the time we were done. Whenever I kept EC, I could almost see her IL rise.
When we finished our drinks, my IL was about 60%, so I suggested we walk down to the bookstore to find a book I wanted. I knew it wouldn't be there -- I didn't want to buy something and lug it around for the rest of the date.
At the bookstore, I stepped up the C&F and was ripping on her the entire time, and she was eating it up. She soon began applying a lot of kino and EC, starting in the bookstore and as we were walking to her car.
I then had her drive me to my truck, and we talked for a bit in the parking lot. I made a ****y remark, and she told me she wanted me out of her car, so that was that.
I told her I'd call her some time next week.
- Did a lot of C&F and she was laughing almost the entire time. I may have overdid it a bit toward the end, but her IL was way high
- I was making good eye contact, which is a weak area of mine, and she was responding to it!
- I didn't mumble or stutter at all
- While we were in the bookstore, I wandered off from her and she came over to me about 5 minutes later
- I had many opportunites to kiss close, but choked every time (couldn't figure out a transition!)
- I didn't initiate enough Kino, but my IL wasn't really that high until the end and she was getting more aggressive anyway
- The first time I held a door for her, she made some remark like "ooh, thanks, you're such a man." That pissed me off a bit but I just blew it off. When we got to the bookstore, I made her open the door for me. Then, as we were leaving, I opened it for her and a couple coming out after us. She said, "No, you're only supposed to open it for me!"
- She asked if I had a "six-pack" (someone told her I had one.) I made her show me hers and tickled her stomach a bit. I didn't let her see my stomach, because it's still a bit flabby and I'm still working on it. I just replied in a ****y way, "Yeah, I'm no stranger to the gym." (got that line from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air sitcom)
- Felt her "guns" while she was flexing. (Me: "Okay, start flexing" Her: "I AM flexing!")
****Y & FUNNY
Way too numerous to mention them all, but here are the zingers:
- While walking otuside, I stopped at all of the "Don't Walk" signs, and made her wait even when there were no cars around. I made up a bull**** story about how I was once arrested for Jay-walking and did hard time for it. She believed me for a few seconds and then hit me in the shoulder when she figured it out.
- After wandering around the bookstore unable to find my book she was pushing me to ask someone.
Me: (through grit teeth) You ask someone
Her: But I can't even pronounce the name of the book
Me: Just go up and ask. When you start to pronounce it, I'll step in and correct you. It'll be cool.
Her: But I'll be the one that looks dumb.
Me: Hey, I'm the cool one here. You don't have anything to lose.
- Passed by Self Improvement section. I stopped and said, "Okay, you should just hang out in here and knock yourself out. I'll be over there..."
- I picked up a book on Van Gogh art, and started looking for a painting I had seen while traveling abroad.
Her: What's the name of the painting?
Me: Ummm, like "Wheat Fields" or something
Her: He made a lot of paintings with hay and stuff in it
Me: *flipping pages* Damn, you're right, there are a lot of hay fields in here... this is gonna be like finding a haystack in a...
Her: HAHA -- oh no, please don't say the rest -- HAHA
I didn't even finish the sentence because she was laughing uncontrollablly, like she had to walk away to compose herself
- While she was giving me a ride to my truck, I was annoying her by rolling the power windows up and down constantly. She told me to stop because my behavior was "like in scary first-date territory." I just kept doing it.
- Sitting in her car:
Me: I'll call you some time next week.
Her: Ok, I'd call you but I don't have your number
Me: Yeah, we better keep it that way, too. You're kinda weird... I don't want you calling me every five minutes, etc.
(that was what made her kick me out, but I had been calling her names all night, so I'm not worried)
By the end, her IL was about 95% -- She's been sucked into my love vortex and I'm in the driver's seat.
The girl seems to have had a rocky past, so I'm not rushing anything with this one. She's fun and has a nice little bod, so I'm going to see where this goes. She might end up being a lot to handle, though.
All of the things I've picked up from you guys gave me a lot of confidence, and I thank all of you who have contrbuted here in the past. Any feedback you have would be very appreciated.
Thanks for listening.
Celebrate the moment
As it turns into one more
Another chance at victory
Another chance to score
-- Rush
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