back in the game, need some pointers


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys, longtime lurker first time poster. Got out of a long term relationship (4 years) a while ago and I'm all better now after many months of healing and ready to get into the dating scene again. Long story short I met a very attractive polish girl while I was with my ex so now that we are no longer together I decided to make my move on her.

We were supposed to meet this tuesday for dinner at my place but she cancelled due to her finals looming in which she has 2 of this thursday. Understandable because I'm in the same position, I scheduled with the thought in mind that if she flaked it wouldn't be terrible ( I had studying that needed to be done as well).

Anyway, she does have interest in me. First get together at my place AND she's cooking for the both us. She was the one to reschedule and she seems most receptive to my texts and conversation in person.

So, pointers for our "date" at my place? How would you fellas handle it? I know she has some interest but how do I get her from being interested to WANTING me. Been out of the game for some time and I'm sure more experienced DJs can shine some wisdom in the matter.

Thanks in advance.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
First off, we need some background info.

Why did you 4 year relationship end? Who ended it? How long ago was this?

Next, what is it that you want out of this girl?


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
4 year relationship ended because she got cold feet, we were engaged. She handled the break up horribly (she ended it) and I lost all respect for her. I still have feelings for her obviously it was a 4 year relationship of which we spent 7 months engaged but I respect myself too much to go begging her to get back. So I initiated NC and never looked back. This was 3 and a half months ago.

This new girl I'm talking to seems like she is very mature, knows what she wants in life and has had enough struggles in her life in order to value what she has. I'd like a relationship, casual at first with the potential for something more permanent if she's keeper material. Not to mention she's a 9/9.5 so of course I'm very physically attracted but more than that she's intellectually smart as well.