Back After Five Years for Advice...


New Member
Oct 18, 2008
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HEADER: THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY LONG POST. If you want to fast forward to my issue, I've put in a divider about halfway down the post. I just didn't feel right about coming back after five years and not paying my respects or sharing my story.

Hey guys, first of all, I'd like to start out by saying thank you so much for everything. I came to this forum as a 315 pound high school junior, shy and especially awkward in every sense of the word. I hadn't the slightest clue as to how to talk to women. After reading the DJ Bible extensively and reading about others with similar frustrations at time I realized I was no different than any other AFC and started to build a base of self confidence. Major props go out to Docs, The Wiz, Pook, bondjamesbond, Mr. Fingers, and everyone else who submitted words of advice here, the list is too long to mention. (Particular thanks go out to whoever submitted the kino guide, I can't tell you how many times mastering that simple skill has moved oceans for me)

I've lost 130 pounds in the last 5 years after struggling with a binge eating disorder that nearly derailed my life. I'd like to thank you guys, particularly The Wiz for giving me the kick in the ass I needed. He instilled in me words i'll never forget "If you don't respect yourself, why should women respect you?" I stopped being a bum and began working out every day. I started looking at myself in the mirror and talking to myself the way I wanted to be spoken to instead of the steady stream of self-deprecation I had previously been subjecting myself to.

Fast forward five years and I'm in my last year at college, and loving every minute of it. I've met more than a few girls, but more importantly, I have true meaningful relationships with people who unconditionally care about me. I don't know how I can express to you guys how much this actually means to me.

Five years ago, I was a wreck, depressed and literally on the verge of suicide, conviced I was "socially broken," a fault I thought I never would be able to overcome. I have you guys to thank for this. The self taught help I found here was more beneficial than the countless therapy sessions I attended, and that is something you guys should truely be proud of. Without your help, I honestly don't know where I'd be today, but I doubt it would be a nice place.
------------------------------------------------TL;DR DIVIDER
Anyway, I'm coming to guys again because I've run into quite the sticky situation, and I'm sure one of you has dealt with a situation similar to the one i'm currently in.

This Saturday I was at the bars with two buddies of mine and we ran into a good friend who I met via my ex two years ago. I was attracted to her when we first met two years ago, and we hit it off right away, but I was dating my gf at the time, so obviously we kept things at a friend level. We stopped hanging out frequently when I broke up with my gf last year just because that link was lost, (They were apt neighbors) but we'd aways stop and chat when we'd see each other.

So we get to talking and it turns out that she's dating someone who I was friends with way back in elementary school and hung out with again during the first two years of college. Cool kid, but he's got a ton of issues (anger especially, watched him slam a huge oak door on a chick's hand in the dorms freshman year when he was drunk) She starts asking me about him and it turns out quote, "drunk broke up with her" that morning. Knowing this guy, I have to wonder if he's ****ing some other chick right then, but I decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. She has another drink and we head out onto the dance floor with the rest of the group.

After a few more drinks, she starts to open up and begins flirting with me, asking me about my ex, and whether i still like her, or she's still into me. I jokingly mention that she still wants my ****, to which she replies, "well I really can't blame her." We laugh a bit, and about 10 minutes later she starts dancing on me, not grinding, but hands all over each other, our faces were inches apart, she was continually grabbing my ass and vice versa.

Things started to get even heavier, so I pushed her away after getting several looks from my friends and her roommate who know she has or "had" a boyfriend. (they are still together today.) I tell her how much I want to do this, but I can't disrespect her boyfriend because I know him too well and I just can't treat someone like that I know. She tells me i'm an amazing guy and that I'm really good for not letting her go any further.

After that, I thought that was it, but an hour later she corners me off in the distance when the rest of us were in the cab, wraps her arms around me and tells me she had an amazing night, and that she really likes me, always has, and asks me how I feel about her right off the freaking bat. I told her that I think she is an awesome girl, love hanging out with her, and told her I felt the same way. She tells me she's so happy that I do, and we part ways.

My roommates and I get back to the apartment and I'm surrounded with repeated WTF's and questions regarding what happened between the two of us. I have no idea how to handle this situation. Her boyfriend would kill me if he ever found out I even try anything, I know the guy does (or did) take winstrol and anavar, and i'm honestly frightened about what he could do. Should I pursue this? Or in doing so would I be crossing one too many boundaries.


Don Juan
Nov 11, 2011
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I would have to say it sounds like a terrible idea to pursue this girl. And this advice is coming from someone that has pursued a girl that had an on-and-off again relationship with a violent guy I used to be friends with. And this girl flirted with me constantly whether she was with with this guy or not. She also used to "corner" me and tell me how great I was and how much she liked me and how attracted she was. Not an identical situation, but similar in some ways.

With my situation, I ended up having sex with her quite a few times. All I got out of it was a mindfvck, as she continued to go back and forth between me and her violent ex (and other guys). It destroyed my social circle, as I saw people take sides over a situation that wasn't their business. But people love to gossip.

In the end I asked myself, why did I go after this girl? Pride, ego, hornyness, attraction, whatever. But the most important question, one that changed my thinking, was why did I ignore the red flags?

The girl you are talking about is with a guy that you have personally observed to have serious issues. After some sort of "drunk breakup" she is out that night, dancing provocatively with one of his friends. And doing this in front of mutual friends.

This is not a quality girl. Plain and simple. She might be good for sex. But at what cost? There are plenty of girls who good for sex (and relationships) that don't have violent exes who you happen to know.

You seem like a decent guy that has made a lot of progress. And I know these types of girls. A lot of times, they just like to know they can snatch up a "nice" or "good" guy, and, content with that validation, run back to their crazy ex. I of course don't know this girl, her ex, or your situation as well as you do. But it sounds like a drama-storm waiting to happen, and one I wish I had avoided in my own life. Best of luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I would have smashed her.

Its not like her bf is your best friend. Shes going to find someone to cheat on him with. Why not you? Because your scared of the guy??


Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
I would have smashed her.

Its not like her bf is your best friend. Shes going to find someone to cheat on him with. Why not you? Because your scared of the guy??
I have to disagree, you got to have some kind of moral and ethics. I recently got cheated on, for the first time, and my mindset haven't changes.

Don't fvck girls with boyfriends, it's unethical.
Let her cheat on her boyfriend with someone else, don't be that guy.

It might be the "alpha male" approach to be careless, but we shouldn't do that towards our brothers out there - next time it will happen to you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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There are some girls you just shouldn't touch. Here's a list of some:

- Women in your social circle
- Women who are dating your friends
- Women who are dating people in your social circle
- Women who are married
- Women who are regulars at your usual hang-out
- Co-workers
- Neighbors


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
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Agree with dj. Treat others the way you wanna be treated. Unless hes a douchebag who treats his girl like crap.

I work with a chick who said her bf wont have sex with her. She would send signals to me and i knew where she was goin with it. We all have our needs, and i understand that but if she had a problem she could end it. I ended up meeting him at a party and he was a really cool guy, probably has confidence issues in bed. Glad i didnt do it.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
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don't do it. i'm speaking from experience, not worth it once her bf finds out and trust me he will.