aww **** need some advice


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
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need some advice boys

so i recently starting hanging out with this girl i've known since highschool (about 4 years total) ... back in senior year we got pretty close but we were never "officially" a couple...anyways i ended up finishing highschool a bit early and within that time i wasn't at school she started getting close with one of my friends (not a close friend tho) ... so yeah i didn't know about this till after i suggested to her that we make it official and thats when she told me about this guy and yeah things ended on a sour note

fastforward to now...i haven't really talked with her over the past 3 years (just online once in a while, but no real hanging out). for some reason we started talking again and over the past month or so we went out for dinner/drinks and the movies a few times...anytime i ask her to dinner or something shes always like "i'd love to do that" etc...this attitude seems alot different from what it was like in h.s.

initially she didn't want to hang out just one-on-one and when we went for dinner she invited a few of her friends but post dinner she still invited me back to her place and i stayed there till about 3:30am but not much was able to happen since her brother was ****blocking hard haha...after that we went to the movies alone a couple times and it was pretty good i thought

so this weekend we're supposed to go out for a dinner but last night i find out that shes actually seeing some other guy at the moment (wtf? ) ... she told me earlier it was just a "friend" but after seeing some recent pictures i can see its much more than that anyways i'm a little confused as to what to do. as i said i have a moderate degree of interest but i think its pretty superficial at the moment. should i just keep hanging out until she tells me clearly about this dude or what?

-girl started talking to me recently again after a bad ending about 3-4 years ago
-started hanging out one-on-one 3-4 times over the last few weeks
-supposed to go to dinner this weekend but just found out she is seeing someone else
-shes hot as hell so i'm wondering if i should just ride it out and see
what happens or forget about her since this is very similar to what
happened back in h.s.



Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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I say go. I mean you don't have anything else to do that night. Just play it cool and you never know what opportunity might present itself. Some of the best ass I've ever gotten has been on nights when I went out expecting absolutely nothing.