Awful To Wonder


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Ive been reading the DJ BIBLE for a long time now. Tonight I put what I learned into full effect.

3 weeks ago:
I went to the same club I usually go to. Being an AFC learning my way to be a DJ, I didnt really have alot to back me up. I was standing by the wall drinking watching my buddy whos making out w/ some chick he just meet. I start to prowl looking for someone to dance w/. Saw a lady, shes ok by my standard, made some"Eye Contact" I smiled she smiled. Then she pulled me. I danced w/ her and applied a little bit of kino. Converse w/ her for a while, and applied "FULL KINO" I was making out w/ her till the club closed down. Came out w/ her, got her number and made out some more. Found out she was 25 and Im only 21, JACKPOT. Got me an older chick.Called Her on wednesday, talked to her for a few.

last week ago:
I was at the same club. I was dancing w/ some other chick, BIG MISTAKE, she was there too. She got a little bit pissy about it and left early. I called her up soon as I get out of the club, I talked to her and saved my butt. After that I was thinking who was that making some lame excuses that actually worked, I didnt even knew I had that skill till that day. I called her up 3 times on that week and it went pretty smooth.

This Saturday:
She was there at the same club. I greet her warmly, a hug and a kiss, But I felt like she didnt want me. Later on a Few smokes, a few beer and a great music to dance too, I tried to pull her(in a nice way) to dance w/ me, I got my 1st diss of the night(she pulled away) and I walked away. I chilled for a bit and tried my luck again, 2nd diss of the night (she ignored me). So I was there back as a wallflower chillin w/ the garden of other wallflowers. She passed me by w/ her friend, her friend was like "Hey!" while pointing at me, so I said hey. For some reason I just had to go pee so I was there following thier train to get out of the dance floor. Her friend looked back and said "HEY!" w/ talk to the hand gesture. I tried to play it off and said "what?" while smiling and laughing (I guess thats my 3rd diss for the night). So I told myself Time call it a night and hit another spot. A couple of mins later I told myself "OH HELL NO I CANT LET SOME CHICK STEP ON MY EGO LIKE THAT, TIME TO STEP UP MY GAME AND GET A BETTER, PRETTIER, AND HOTTER CHICK" and there it was, I applied all that Ive learned from the DJ BIBLE. I was back on the prowl checking every single girl out there. Then I saw this chick that looked like that one girl that got away coz I didnt have enough CONFIDENCE. I made eye contact and smiled but it didnt work. Some guy came up and danced w/ her. I was like its ok, and continued to look at her, when she finally noticed me I smiled and she smiled back. A few seconds later she told the guy she was dancing w/ to ask the DJ to play her fav. music and she called me in to dance w/ her but the other guy came back and started to dance w/ her before I could even get close, it didnt last long till she told the guy she wanted to dance w/ me. For about an hr I was dancing and talking w/ her while applying as much kino as I can (but not too much where she'll think Ima pervert) then the guy she was dancing w/ came back and asked if he could cut in, I said "ok go ahead." She told me "Just one song pls stay" while they were dancing she was holding my hand. After that one song she told me "thanks for staying." For the rest of the night she was dancing w/ me and that other girl I meet before bumped into us while dancing w/ some other guy. Im not jealous, Im actually very happy coz tonight I got what I want, I got the number of the chick I was dancing w/ and shes BETTER, PRETTIER AND HOTTER.

Thats a long story but Im just happy to share how the DJ BIBLE helped me turn an awful night into wonderful night.

by the way my friend said that chick I meet before left 30mins early coz the guy she was dancing w/ left her for another chick.

thx to all the DJs who posted thier tips.
specially to Pook, Poet, Crowes22, Virtuoso, Pimpologist and bondjamesbond
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk
well done,
i can see an up and coming dj, and the one thing that made you successfull that night is the one thing that alot of guys on this board cant get to grips with, and thats the ability to shrugg off the rejection and hunt out more game, you got the chick because you made contact with her, which is the one thing alot of guys dont do, they dont take the risk!

well done bro!

sarge on...!:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Nice recovery man. You started out NOT doing what the bible told you. i think you called her up too much, kept approaching her after she dissed you etc. That made HB1 feel that she had the power over you. Loved the way you finally said **** it and went for another girl. I think you played HB2 smooth. Should have tried to kiss-close her, as she seemed very interested. None the less..well done! Always nice to see that some people actually ACTS instead of just reading up on theory :)

Keep it up!


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Originally posted by \O/
i think you called her up too much, kept approaching her after she dissed you etc.
So I cant call a chick 3times a week? whats the limit so I can keep it in mind.

Originally posted by \O/
I think you played HB2 smooth. Should have tried to kiss-close her, as she seemed very interested.
Well at first I tried get close as much as I can to get to a point of kiss-close but when she told me that she didnt like being rubbed and she told me that one guy she was dancing w/ was rubbing her in such ways that she didnt want (she gave me a demo of it, she turned me back grab my chest like I owe her 10gallons of milk.) Well after hearing and actually having a demo of it. I tried to remember who she was dancing w/ all I remembered was a white guy and that black dude that I cut in, so I changed my objective and just settled for the next big time a #close and having fun (I change my objective coz Im Asian/Pacific Islander[Filipino] whos working my way as a young DJ). I slowed down just put as much kino w/o having to come out as a pervert. Besides some douche bag left her friend in the dance floor so I have to handle her too while handling HB2. So I guess I scored some points w/ her friend or roomie:D.

whats HB?
Whats PUA?
can one direct me to the link for this abbreviations.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by ErnestC

So I cant call a chick 3times a week? whats the limit so I can keep it in mind.
Sure you all depends on the situation. I personally don't like to call several times in a row without the girl contacting me in some way in between my calls. Some girls loves to be called every day and some will interpret it as desperation. It actually all depends on the girl, so you have to figure out what works with her. Try different styles.

Originally posted by ErnestC

whats HB?
Whats PUA?
can one direct me to the link for this abbreviations.
HB= Hot babe..usually followed by a rating from 1-10. 1 being the ugliest, 10 being the hottest. I don't like to use that scale as i think people throw around 9's and 10's like these girls are everywhere. I don't believe a 10 exist, nor have I seen more than a handful 9's in my life. And I live in Norway, who probably has some of the most beautiful girls in the world..My scale is strict, so if i were to use the same numbers, the girls i hit on would be persived as uglies in this forum :D
I used HB1 and HB2 as in girl1 and girl2..

PUA = Pick Up Artist...somewhat resembles a DJ, but focuses more on canned openers, approach-styles and rehearsed convos and lines..

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
So I cant call a chick 3times a week? whats the limit so I can keep it in mind.
you can talk to her 3 times a week on the phone, but you shouldn't call her 3 times a week, get it?. Think about it, let her be the one calling YOU 3 times a week!
Just to keep the IL (interest level) high I have many times let the phone ring knowing it was my girl calling. Sometimes you gotta pull such tricks outta the hat to keep the game going and keeping her under your power.