Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi everyone,

Its about time I got my act together and started this. I've been having some discussions with a friend, and have realised how miserable I am.

I'm 23, live in Sydney, never had a girlfriend, never even been on a proper date. Lately I've noticed that I just go through the same routine, see the same lame friends for the same lame activities (computer and TV/movie related), and talk about the same lame nerdy subjects.

So, I've been through the DJBible, and am starting to realise that I've got to start seeing less of my friends and push myself outside my comfort zone.

I'm calling on anyone else here willing to start a bootcamp. I want to do this over the Christmas period where its not busy at work, and everyone's in a good mood. If anyone is willing to meet up in person, I think that'll do wonders for my (our) commitment to changing, and help ensure our success that little bit more.

Please post back here by Wednesday 2nd Dec for a Thursday start.

Nov 26, 2009
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
heaps of sexy asian girls everywhere man

i'm even more motivated to get this bootcamp on. i went out with a couple of mates yesterday and met some of his friends and their friends. i developed a thing for this very sexy asian girl, found her a little isolated and tried to work some charm, but she dropped the "she's got a boyfriend" line.

i didn't react, just kept flirting, trying to have a good time (i even tried applying some kino, go me!) and she was receptive. then as she was heading off, she came over to where i was standing to say goodbye, and for a good 20 secs just stood there waiting for me to ask for her number i guess, but like a chick **** i froze up and did nothing.

great girl, great personality, and i f**ked it up

and yes, this is another bump