Every woman is an attention ***** to some extent. I would like to know the reasons why you guys wouldn't date one, or is there a limit to how much attention she needs?
For example, I know we're all against dating women who are on myspace, but what if she stops going to mysapce when she dates you? Do you still hold it against her?
Who is all against dating women who are on Myspace?
C'mon people. What are you gonna do next? Refuse to date a woman who works? Cause that's where she's likely to cheat, vie for attention, etc.'s 2008. The internet has been around for more than ten years and it isn't going anywhere. I'm 37 and I have Myspace AND Facebook! And so do most of my friends of all ages from around the country and around the world. EMBRACE IT.
And no, I would not date an AW. Any woman who needs that much validation is HIGH MAINTENANCE.
What makes an AW? If you have to ask that, then you aren't dealing with one, cause when you are, you will know it.
I only know one true AW, and it has allowed me to learn a great deal about how they work. They put on a front but they are just as insecure as the next girl, the difference is the AW will go to great lengths to ensure that she has plenty of sandbags laying around to shore up her ego at all times.
That's an AW in a nutshell.