Attention: here is what happens with women nowadays


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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I wrote about a story with a girl here, a curly one that I went to see in another town and then I sent her a message mistakenly that I was sending to another girl...and from there on it was ups and downs and ups and downs, but I kept her on since I liked her overall and I thought MEH, let's see, maybe some things are not so bumpy over time and they get better.

15th of February I have my ACL reconstruction done, 3 weeks I am off back in my home town cause I need people to take care of me. In the mean time, she's behaving fairly alright but is giving me some sh1t cause I told her I was with another girl (I was with several ones actually LOL) in the time period we were supposedly not together. Now this girl is back in her home town and take into account I have not met her in person since beginning of 2018. She started working as a manager for a new disco club that opened up in the town. Last month or so, things really seemed to have settled down and I started feeling positively about her, first time in a long time. However, last two weeks some weird signals came my way. This is a girl that would call every morniing to say good morning and would call every night to say good night and last two weeks, she began being "sloppy" on this aspect, wrote and called more rarely bla bla bla and my shark senses smelled this sh1t 1 MILLION miles away. Gave it a few days and then I confronted her about, but in a playful way. She said nothing is wrong. Good, so the testing continues.

At around that time, one night, at 3:30 AM, she calls me up and tells me the owner of the club, a guy about 40 years old, rich, has held her hostage (literally) at his place, has kissed her against her will and so on and so on. I thought to myself "OK, she should leave the job now.." Guess what, she doesn't. So this makes me more doubtful right away, but still, I am cool about it and since I don't think all the time what bad intentions people have on me, I let it go. She keeps working there.

She continues with the same behaviour and a couple of days later, I confront her about it again, this time much more seriously. She still denies it. OK, may the games continue, but this time I go like "meh, whatever, she's probably not doing anything, you're just being too paranoid" so I drop the topic off. This last week that went by, we only talked on the phone like twice and the messages where rare. Last night I felt like writing some poetry involving her and so I write it and I post it and she sees it and replies to me happy, crying from happiness bla bla bla. This sh1t, less than 12 hours ago LOL so today afternoon, I notice that our last call was 5 days ago, so I call her to talk a bit. She's busy. I call her again a couple of hours later, she hangs up on me and replies with a short text "Baby, I am busy, will call you a bit later". Right here and then, in that exact moment, my GUT FEELING tells me sth is not right here. I go home and at around midnight, she writes. She has, meanwhile, posted pics of her riding a horse on Instagram. I ask her where was she all the time and she says "Why you askin' like this?". Right here and then I know this is a pattern of people who feel guilty, to answer a normal question like "where were you?" with a defensive question back. Then I ask her "who were you with?" and she says "with the guys at work" and asks me back "Common, why you being like this?" I ask her "Were you with the guys at work or with the owner of the club?" She says "He was there, too." She asks me "Common, why you being like this about sth that doesn't matter?" And I tell her it does matter cause you're acting strange the last two weeks now and it is because you either lost interest or someone else is involved so better speak up now or I am gonna make up my own mind about it. She then finally LOL tells me that someone else is involved and you guys guessed who, right? The owner! The f0cking owner who held her hostage for 4 hours is the guy she has apparently, behind my back has decided to give a chance to. She probably has Stockholm syndrome or sth like that, can't see any other option here.

You see guys, she even tried to make it seem like nothing had happened. She was like "Common, ;et's not talk about this, how was your day?" haahhahahahaha amazing.

This is why I want every new member here and every beginner to know to ALWAYS be careful with women and always be doubtful about sudden and weird changes in behaviour. Confront her about or leave it at that, it's your choice. I go with the first option, but you see, you never know who you're dealing with. They are capable of anything that you hold sacred to fock it up. They have no honor, no morals, everything is discussable. Enjoy relationships as they come and go, but always beware that her ultimate desire is to come to a place where her leaving crushes you to the ground and if it doesn't, she will never leave you. She might leave you, but never in her mind and soul and she will come back if you stood like a man and told her whatever the fack you wanted to say in the moment she tested your boundaries with the ultimate test. Trust your gut feeling, it is almost never wrong.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
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Not to take jabs at your ego or add insult to injury, but sounds like you got outplayed. By her, the other guy, the game and yourself. Rich, successful, 40 year old guy that takes her horseback riding and agressively pursues her vs guy that blows her out by accidentally texting the wrong woman as well as telling her you are seeing other women, then when you find out she is seeing someone else, you completely break protocol and act like a jealous house wife with the 21 questions and write her poetry.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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Outplayed by someone who should be in jail for literally taking her hostage LOL yeah, I welcome that. Cheap *****. There is no protocol. This is just a disclaimer for their nature. Shallow, no principles. Simple as that.

My "injury" will be over in a week.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
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Outplayed by someone who should be in jail for literally taking her hostage LOL yeah, I welcome that. Cheap *****. There is no protocol. This is just a disclaimer for their nature. Shallow, no principles. Simple as that.

My "injury" will be over in a week.
I don't see what the problem is. You made it clear to her that there was no commitment. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
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You got too involved with this chick, it shows from the novel you just wrote. We have all been there. You went total AFC. Sounds like she has given up on you and is no longer interested. Found a guy with higher value. Most women would never admit to cheating unless she is ready to move on from the relationship. Always protect your heart.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Outplayed by someone who should be in jail for literally taking her hostage LOL yeah, I welcome that. Cheap *****. There is no protocol. This is just a disclaimer for their nature. Shallow, no principles. Simple as that.

My "injury" will be over in a week.

No he shouldnt . She was enjoying the adventure . He created distinct memories . If it was a issue she would've press charges. She enjoyed his game .


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I don’t think you are thinking clearly on this lizardking. Your first problem is that you believed her when she said that she was ‘taken hostage and kissed against her will’. I mean if a chick says that happened, okay it’s whatever. Can’t make any judgements really. But when she STAYED WORKING THERE after that, you should have known that she was just full of ****.

So why did she say that? Well it’s to get you more defensive about HER, basically have you invest more into her (which did on some level work) and basically string you along while she’s testing the waters out with this guy. That’s what happened. She just lied to you about the whole thing really.

It wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome (although I did think about that too initially haha). The only time that would be the case would be if she was actually messed up in the head and really really insecure (strong people don’t really fall for that type of stuff).


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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I don't see what the problem is. You made it clear to her that there was no commitment. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
No, we did not make it clear. She was my main plate and we were heading down to a possible girlfriend road and had an unspoken understanding about it.

Some people here think I am butthurt over nothing, here's a short example to prove it's not like that: yesterday at around lunch time I had sex with one of my plates. We had not had it for about 2 months, mainly cause of my ACL surgery. About two weeks ago she told me she could not see me anymore cause she was seeing this boy bla bla and I told her "Alright, fine by me". She didn't talk to me for 2 weeks then yesterday I get a phone call and she tells me she wants to come over. So she does, we have fun, she leaves. Same situation, my reaction was (cause the context allowed it) totally different.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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You got too involved with this chick, it shows from the novel you just wrote. We have all been there. You went total AFC. Sounds like she has given up on you and is no longer interested. Found a guy with higher value. Most women would never admit to cheating unless she is ready to move on from the relationship. Always protect your heart.
I appreciate your comment. It is natural to get involved with a chick you've been talking to since almost a year now and as I stated above, she was my main plate and we had an unspoken understanding that she was heading down the girlfriend path. No, I did not go total AFC. I had my doubts about her lately and that is why I was always careful, but her dating a guy who kidnapps her literally is just beyond any normal behaviour. That is what got me mad. If higher value means more money and cars, fine. I see higher value as a complex thing, not just material, also emotional and mental. My heart is well protected. This was more of a rant to let some guys see what they can do as a gender LOL.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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I don’t think you are thinking clearly on this lizardking. Your first problem is that you believed her when she said that she was ‘taken hostage and kissed against her will’. I mean if a chick says that happened, okay it’s whatever. Can’t make any judgements really. But when she STAYED WORKING THERE after that, you should have known that she was just full of ****.

So why did she say that? Well it’s to get you more defensive about HER, basically have you invest more into her (which did on some level work) and basically string you along while she’s testing the waters out with this guy. That’s what happened. She just lied to you about the whole thing really.

It wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome (although I did think about that too initially haha). The only time that would be the case would be if she was actually messed up in the head and really really insecure (strong people don’t really fall for that type of stuff).
You are absolutely right. My gut feeling told me sth is up when she did not leave the work place, but I suffocated that with the thought "Hey, it's a good job position, she doesn't wanna lose it". I know, naive of me to think that. This is the thing, this is why I got mad cause she was lying probably about some sensitive things. Getting taken hostage, possible rape tentative, this is sensitive ****, damn it. You don't just lie about this.

She never really strung me along. I was always with a foot out of this, I just didn't think it would happen in this facked up way LOL she is really messed up in the head and now I can tell LOL I just didn't know she was this messed up, this is high level of mess up.

I mean, the guy is 40 years old. She is 25. If she wants him as a sugar daddy for a while, typical wh0re. If she wants something serious or kids with this guy, that is insane, too.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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If she wants something serious or kids with this guy, that is insane, too.
in Europe a 25yo woman looking for an actual life partner, a 40yo is perfectly within range and suitable.

A good looking and youthful 40yo has more options, imho, than any other age

If I was 40 and had not had a vasectomy and was seriously shopping for LTR... nothing but 25-29yo HB9 would be lined up 24/7


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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That is not my point. He took her hostage. End of story. He got drunk on intent cause he could not tell her he wanted her. You think an attractive 40 year old would get drunk to confess his "love" to a girl like that LOL


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
Reaction score
That is not my point. He took her hostage. End of story. He got drunk on intent cause he could not tell her he wanted her. You think an attractive 40 year old would get drunk to confess his "love" to a girl like that LOL
it was a bs ploy by her at you.. if she called you, she could have called 911.
But we all know she was in no danger and 40yo was likely shaking cvm off his d1ck in the bathroom when she called with 40yo dudes creampie

if you believe otherwise you are just being dumb, sorry.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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it was a bs ploy by her at you.. if she called you, she could have called 911.
But we all know she was in no danger and 40yo was likely shaking cvm off his d1ck in the bathroom when she called with 40yo dudes creampie

if you believe otherwise you are just being dumb, sorry.
Not in USA, mate. I live in Albania, small country. Me or you cannot know what happened and I don't prefer going down that road since to me it's the same **** anyways, she facked him or not, she will or not, doesn't matter much, technicalities. This is Balkans we're talking about, guys like him go to jail for one or two days and get out cause they got powerful friends so I am quite positive she was also afraid of that.

Her plot of the story is "I was never given girlfriend position and when you told me you kissed another girl, my feelings started to die. I started liking this guy after my feelings for you died and I like him cause he is a good guy and is around me and takes care of me".

Her father died when she was 17, might have something to do with that, she wants someone around and to take care of her in a daddy way.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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Better to avoid confrontation if possible, too much mindfvckery
She was begging on the phone last night "Please, don't block me on social media, we should talk and meet again bla bla bla". I am not gonna confront her or him or anyone, no need to.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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you guys do this to yourselves
No biggie. I thought the way she played this might be a lesson to some other guys cause this is something I have seen before, with some details changing in this case.

Just wanted to point out their nature. Among the things she said was also "I thought you understood my feelings were dying..and I thought the poetry was a sign of goodbye". Blamed me for it all in the end. Just want guys who don't know to know that this is how they handle things. They "let it be understood" and if you don't get their twisted ways and happen to feel for them, they will break you in two. You know this, I know this already, some guys don't. I hadn't had it done this way before, I have now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2016
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if you are Albanian... why are you acting like a little b1tch?


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
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if you are Albanian... why are you acting like a little b1tch?
Yeah, appreciate the "man talk". Is it allowed to be disappointed and caught a bit off guard? LOL


Not to take jabs at your ego or add insult to injury, but sounds like you got outplayed. By her, the other guy, the game and yourself. Rich, successful, 40 year old guy that takes her horseback riding and agressively pursues her vs guy that blows her out by accidentally texting the wrong woman as well as telling her you are seeing other women, then when you find out she is seeing someone else, you completely break protocol and act like a jealous house wife with the 21 questions and write her poetry.
Yeah, she sounds like a pill but really, you can't play the moral, honour thing when you are texting other girls and meeting up with them.

And she wasn't held hostage. She sounds very flakey.

And FYI from a female perspective: being someone's 'main plate' does not mean she should or would be loyal and exclusive to you. Main just means the best one, not THE one, and most women with options aren't dumb enough to put all their eggs in one basket in those situations.

I personally think you dodged a bullet because she does seem to have a lot of drama but consider that when you were plating her, she was plating you as well.

She is likely using the middle age guy for resources and wants to keep you as a side plate though, so be mindful of that.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
Yeah, she sounds like a pill but really, you can't play the moral, honour thing when you are texting other girls and meeting up with them.

And she wasn't held hostage. She sounds very flakey.

And FYI from a female perspective: being someone's 'main plate' does not mean she should or would be loyal and exclusive to you. Main just means the best one, not THE one, and most women with options aren't dumb enough to put all their eggs in one basket in those situations.

I personally think you dodged a bullet because she does seem to have a lot of drama but consider that when you were plating her, she was plating you as well.

She is likely using the middle age guy for resources and wants to keep you as a side plate though, so be mindful of that.
That is exactly what she wants to do, keep me as a side plate, but not gonna happen LOL

My take on this is simple as this: she might be trying to use him for resources, but she works and got her own money. She has worked for two months for this guy and still no money from him for club manager role or at least so I've been told.

And I agree that we were not exclusive, but a woman will stay exclusive to a man she really wants even if he's not to her. And I was not exclusive to her cause she did not deserve that and she ultimately proved me right about my doubts about her by acting this way, so yeah