Attention H0's


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
So I was reading this kind of girls&pagenumber=1 I think I may of been used by a attention H0 but she does not seem to be exactly the way these people describe one. Like they say a attention h0 has alot of guy friends this one I am talking about does not have any however she did mention to me that in high school her best friend was a guy. Also she does not flirt with other guys except me. However she would not let me kiss her. Now some of these guys in that post mention that there girlfriends of so many years turned out to be attention h0s and some had sex with the guys so how are you suppose to tell if she is a attention h0 or not? Also it seems alot of attention h0s are hot and mine was not hot she was cute but kind of chubby. Now for men or me anyway if a fat ugly chick was into me and I was a attention h0 it would do nothing for me. So do attention h0 at least find u attractive?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
She doesn't sound too much like an AW really. This isn't meant to sound rude... but maybe she just got sick of you OR has found or wants to find other dudes.

If she doesn't fit the mould, what made you suspect she's an AW in the first place?


Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
attention wh0res are hard to deal with. I never dealt with one until about a year ago and am still dealing with one. They smother the living sh*t out of you make you feel special then the next day they slam the door in your face or do something messed up to make them chase you. They strive off of attention. The thing is treat them like sh*t sometimes so they try to gain your acceptance and win back that attention that they crave, but not always. Threaten to leave and they will sh*t in their pants. They try to keep you in check making you worry about them cheating on you cause they get attention cause their hot or loud or whatever. Stand up to them only chase them if you really fvck up like i did but im not chasing like crazy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by jigga23
attention wh0res are hard to deal with. I never dealt with one until about a year ago and am still dealing with one. They smother the living sh*t out of you make you feel special then the next day they slam the door in your face or do something messed up to make them chase you. They strive off of attention. The thing is treat them like sh*t sometimes so they try to gain your acceptance and win back that attention that they crave, but not always. Threaten to leave and they will sh*t in their pants. They try to keep you in check making you worry about them cheating on you cause they get attention cause their hot or loud or whatever. Stand up to them only chase them if you really fvck up like i did but im not chasing like crazy.

NO!!! Never chase an attention w-hore!! WTF is wrong with you dood!! The longer you chase a dumb byatch, the more entrapped you'll be in her web of stupidty.



Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
What the heII I am about to give up on woman! The more I read about attention H0es the more it kills me. Like ok a attention h0 only wants attention then you read how somebody was having sex and in relationships with attention ho's.

Like the girl I may think is a attention H0 only has me as a only male friend if you call me her friend. Never seen her flirt with other guys. Has only 2 friends and both are female. One thing she did that made me think that she may be a attention h0 is telling me and some guy that she likes her toes sucked and some other sexual thing she likes. Then one time she is like here look down my pants and of course I look down them . If she likes attention from guys then I have no idea why she turned in a guy who made a comment about how she should bend over in a skirt she was wearing and she never wore the skirt again. Then a manager "yes a manager" was making it a point of letting her know he was looking down her shirt and she got mad and cover up so he could not see down her shirt. Then she is telling me to go out and find her a pair of shoes to buy and I tell her no she should be out looking for shoes for me. Then she is on the damn phone and she is saying she is going to see if I want to go to a bar that night with her and her other female friend and when she gets off she says hey can you watch my daughter while I go out. I laughed my ass off and told her NO. I thought it had to be a fuxking joke but I guess it was not! WTF does she think I am that stupid to watch her damn kid while she goes out! I tell her I hate her once and next thing I know she has tears in her eyes I said wtf is wrong with you? She says it was because I told her I hate her and she says you know I care what you think about me. I just told her I was joking and to get rid of her fake tears.

But she has done some things for me like buy me a birthday gift try to buy my lunch when I did not have money on me. So wtf is she a attention h0 or what?


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, Water_man You melon eating dweep.

Based on what you have given, she is giving you hints for lots of posibilities and you are not paying attention. Not even doing something.

Now you are confused and whining about it.

I suggest the next time you go with the woman you are attracted to, DO SOMETHING! before its too late.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Water_Man
What the heII I am about to give up on woman! The more I read about attention H0es the more it kills me. Like ok a attention h0 only wants attention then you read how somebody was having sex and in relationships with attention ho's.

Like the girl I may think is a attention H0 only has me as a only male friend if you call me her friend. Never seen her flirt with other guys. Has only 2 friends and both are female. One thing she did that made me think that she may be a attention h0 is telling me and some guy that she likes her toes sucked and some other sexual thing she likes. Then one time she is like here look down my pants and of course I look down them . If she likes attention from guys then I have no idea why she turned in a guy who made a comment about how she should bend over in a skirt she was wearing and she never wore the skirt again. Then a manager "yes a manager" was making it a point of letting her know he was looking down her shirt and she got mad and cover up so he could not see down her shirt. Then she is telling me to go out and find her a pair of shoes to buy and I tell her no she should be out looking for shoes for me. Then she is on the damn phone and she is saying she is going to see if I want to go to a bar that night with her and her other female friend and when she gets off she says hey can you watch my daughter while I go out. I laughed my ass off and told her NO. I thought it had to be a fuxking joke but I guess it was not! WTF does she think I am that stupid to watch her damn kid while she goes out! I tell her I hate her once and next thing I know she has tears in her eyes I said wtf is wrong with you? She says it was because I told her I hate her and she says you know I care what you think about me. I just told her I was joking and to get rid of her fake tears.

But she has done some things for me like buy me a birthday gift try to buy my lunch when I did not have money on me. So wtf is she a attention h0 or what?

I've dated MANY ATTENTION *****S, I had a long turbulent relationship with one, yes that means I was fuvkking her brains out all the time, but that was never the issue. The issue with attention w-hores, I'm talking about true attention w-hores is that they're fuvked up in the head! The crave attention because of some childhood trauma, such as rape, neglect or physical abuse. This has changed their whole outlook on men, they use them and tell them whatever they want to hear so they can get what they want. Yes, they will do nice things for you, such as buy you gifts or lunch so you THINK they're nice people. Then once they have you in their "web" your fuvked because they'll twist you into their fuvked up world and leave you for someone else.

Attention w-hores are truely sad cases of how fuvked up society and parenting has become in this day in age.



Senior Don Juan
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Pimpscile you are right never chase even if you do something reallly f#$%ed up to them because you will try to chase and fix it then they will act like everything is all good then do something really messed up to you even if what you did was unitentional. They basically dont care sometimes about 95% about others feelings. Then when they need something the act all nice and they get it cause they are spoiled. It is true its very turbulent when you are in a relationship with them. They are traumatized by their past either a relationship or something else. They feel they need to get revenge on you cause you are a guy or affiliated with a person who did something messed up to them.

The funny thing is you can do the most f'd up sh*t to them and they are easier to get back cause they are so weak and thats why they need attention to help them feel better about themselves


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Man, I hate the term attention ho. Every girl likes attention, every girl is an attention ho to some degree. It's a broad term.

You tried to kiss her and she turned you down? Did you try on the first date? How many times did you try it since you've known her? My guess is just once. Some girls will decline a kiss because they're not into you, others will decline your first kiss because they wanna see how interested you are, and whether or not you have balls to keep trying.


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Oh my I think I may be a attention h0 myself is this possible?
1. Physical abused as a kid? Me yes her don't know
2. Wanting a relationship really fast? me yep her don't know?
3. Make you jealous ? me yes her didn't ever notice it
4. Cut off communication out of the blue? me No her yes
5. Easily forgives? To a woman yes.
6. Low self esteem? Me yes her yes

Plus when I first saw a pic of this one I thought oh wow she is cute then I saw her in person and I thought oh never mind too short and too chubby. Then I liked her once she told me she would have sex with me after that I was all about her!