... asswhopping in the club!


Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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I seriously do not know what is happening lately, it seems like every time I hit the clubs, I get into a fight.
- Last night, as soon as I arrived, we are talking the first 1-3 minutes, I was head butted at the club, my nose hurts like hell (when I touch it) today, but no nose bleeding, nor do I THINK it is broken – I actually do not know.
I then went to the next club, and believe me or not, but once again I got into a fight, this time with some germans on the bathroom..

So from my point of view, this is what happened:

Guy from 1st club:
- He jumped in front of me in the line, and started pulling his buddies in, in front of him, I told him with a sharp voice not to jump in front of me, to which point he got extremely angry and violent; a typical coke sniffing, bodybuilding, badboy type of guy..

Guys from 2nd club:
- I was in the bathroom pissing, and after drying my hands, this guy blocked the bathroom door, and wouldn’t let me out; first, I though he was trying to mug me, but for no reason at all, he just held me back and was initiating a fight by getting all up my face.
At first, I just told him to move, so I could get out; but no chance, he wasn’t stopping before getting in a fight.

I have no idea what is happening lately, every second night out I get into a fight; I do not know if it is my attitude, the way I look or what it is, but have any of you experienced something similar? And what got you out of this state? – it has gotten to the point where I am seriously considering starting some sort of self-defence discipline, or bodybuilding, because this is really annoying.

Just hope my nose isn’t broke, but atleast I got a ONS that night..

// European - DJ


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
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Depends on a number of things...What kind of club is it? There are clubs that are more upscale, then there are sweatboxes in a small neighborhood. Two very different things. A hip hop club? Techno? These things make a huge difference.

Second, are you a big guy? Sometimes just being muscular or having a reputation people will want to challenge you...Do you look out of place there?
Small club? Large club? If its somewhat smaller maybe alot of the people know one another....All I can say is get in where you fit in!


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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So if you're not deescalating the situation, you'd better have some kind of defense ready... sounds like you first stood up to those guys and then were surprised to actually get hit in the face ;)


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Given enough time and enough clubs, everyone will get into a fight. But unless you're going to some notoriously rowdy clubs, the fact that you're getting into all these fights is more likely an issue with you than with others.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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Zarky said:
Given enough time and enough clubs, everyone will get into a fight.
yup, if you dont want to get in fights then stay away from bars and clubs.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Go to more classy/upscale places.

Also, in the US, a decent club has a staff member working in the bathroom. His primary purpose isn't to sell cigarettes or hand you paper towels for tips lol. He's there to prevent anyone from threatening you while you are in the bathroom. So you wouldn't have some jerk blocking the door and trying to start a fight.


Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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Perhaps it is my rep (a lot of people know me in the club scene), maybe it is my looks (i differ a bit from the rest of the guys); but i think it is my attitude, i tend to take no disrespect from anybody, but perhaps *****ing out on a guy much taller, more buff and generally more "beastish" isn't such a bad idea.


I have been lots and lots of bars, clubs and pubs and have never came to blows with anyone.

I don't understand how people get into fights in these places. I guess if you go looking for trouble, you'll find it, but me, I tend to just keep my head down, enjoy the night and go home to bed in the early hours of the morning.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I agree with the avoid crappy places policy as much as I agree with "the problem is yours" factor.

I never had a bloody fight in a club except once that I punched a guy because I tough he was AMOGing me and stealing the girl while in fact the girl I was dancing with signaled him something probably..some "save me" stuff.

I realized that I was a stupid idiot and apologized to the guy right after pushing him a lil bit after the punch.

A thing I can tell for sure is that 90% of fights are about frustration and ego instead of real reasons.

Wheter is someone disrespecting you or other factors which hurt your ego is hardly a matter of necessity...if it was we would all have a record at least once.

Anyway there is also the racial/political factor...a indian guy going in a russian club in east europe will get some special "attention" which goes behind the bad looks a spanish or an italian woudl get.
Also the emo types in some places are not particularl loved.


Master Don Juan
Dec 13, 2010
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Who Dares Win said:
I agree with the avoid crappy places policy as much as I agree with "the problem is yours" factor.

I never had a bloody fight in a club except once that I punched a guy because I tough he was AMOGing me and stealing the girl while in fact the girl I was dancing with signaled him something probably..some "save me" stuff.

I realized that I was a stupid idiot and apologized to the guy right after pushing him a lil bit after the punch.

A thing I can tell for sure is that 90% of fights are about frustration and ego instead of real reasons.

Wheter is someone disrespecting you or other factors which hurt your ego is hardly a matter of necessity...if it was we would all have a record at least once.

Anyway there is also the racial/political factor...a indian guy going in a russian club in east europe will get some special "attention" which goes behind the bad looks a spanish or an italian woudl get.
Also the emo types in some places are not particularl loved.
while i am not an emo nor an total "outsider", i do tend to be the more smooth talking, well articulating person in the club; this annoys the crack heads a lot..

But i guess you are right, it is probably something with my ego, if i just let him and his buddies jump the line, i probably wouldn't have gotten head-butted; i hate taking disrespect from people, but perhaps i should grow a ton of muscle before pushing my - non-existing - chest out haha..

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
European-DJ said:
while i am not an emo nor an total "outsider", i do tend to be the more smooth talking, well articulating person in the club; this annoys the crack heads a lot..

But i guess you are right, it is probably something with my ego, if i just let him and his buddies jump the line, i probably wouldn't have gotten head-butted; i hate taking disrespect from people, but perhaps i should grow a ton of muscle before pushing my - non-existing - chest out haha..
What you did of not taking sh1t was correct, what was wrong was being unable to follow through the necessary requisites to hold that line.

The funny think is that if you have what it takes to put people back in their places once provoked, people will simply not provoke you.

Its the same principle behind having a powerful army...leftists would say "nobody wants as enemy we should get rid of the army" while in fact its the presence of such meanings that discourage any aggressor.

A much clever decisions to do in your case was simply befriend those fvckers and skip the line following them, no conflict, no damage and maximum gain.
Also befriending the meat heads is usefull in case of troubles with other meat heads also cause they attract women in the club usually and you can benefit from that once you can run your game.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2012
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Stop bar hopping solo. If you were there with like 3-4 friends all together I doubt that guy would of jumped infront of you, if you were not alone where were your friends when you were headbutted and then attacked in the bathroom? Price of drinks determins the type of people in the club/bars also. High price drinks keep trash out usually. Understand alot of people in there are faded by drugs or alcohol and are not making the best decisions, be smart not wreckless. Sometimes it's best to just let **** go. Your there for fun,drinks and woman not for fighting or arguing.