Asking phone number through e-mail


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Okay, I got this girl's e-mail like 2 weeks ago, because we were doing something in class where we have to do like 10 problems, but the assignment seemed long as sh!t, so I asked here you just want to do it together, you do half and I do half. So we exchanged e-mails to be able to send our parts.

Now, yesterday, we were in class doing the usual talking. I was asking her if she was going to see King Kong and sh!t, saying how tight it is. And she was like "oh, it came out today?" And I was like "nah, wednesday" And then she asked me if I was going to see it today(yesterday) I'm like I'm going to see it today or tomorrow(which is today). Then she was like who I was going with, I replied "I don't know yet" like an idiot!! Then we talked about something else and then the bell rung. Awwwe man, I think I should've asked her who she was going with, then ask her if she wanted to go. Dam, I felt major regret after class calling myself stupid and stuff. I told my friend about this and he thinks I should've asked her out, too. Also, I take another class with her earlier in the day where we're like in the opposite ends of the rooms, and the bell was going to ring like in 2 minutes and she actually came up to talk to me saying whats up.

Anyways, I don't want to wait till monday to talk to her again, I'm sick of waiting. So heres how I plan my message and I'm asking you guys if you think its alright before I email it:

Title: heeeeeeeeeyo g-ys


man oh man, i feel like chilling, i wanna call ya up, but for some stupid reason, i don't gotcha number!! sooooo, what is ya digitz, gladness?
Last edited:


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
What's with this slang I read?

Good job reliezeing you missed the boat the first time there, and that was a failure to observe. As for now..your email should not include...

"man oh man, i feel like chilling, i wanna call ya up" - bad...
"i don't gotcha number!!" - Duh.
" sooooo, what is ya digitz, gladness?" - That is lame
", but for some stupid reason, " - self-putdown.

This is what's left
Title: heeeeeeeeeyo g-ys
Basically, wait her out and when you see her monday, tell her how a different movie was, she might re-bring up the subject again.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
lol yeah, thats just my personality when I talk online. Man, I want to talk to her, but she never comes online, though. I guess I'll just wait until monday. Dammit, I need to do something quick cuz this week will be the last week before winter break which is like 10 days.