Asking 4 Date W/ Email


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
Reaction score

girl flirts with me at work
I ask her to ask me out (C&F)
Laughs then says she has a BF and says I'm to young for her.
week later see approaches me at a cafe.
we exchange emails so she can attend my film premiere (value)
I emailed her with a C&F approach and gave her the premiere date.
She emails me back saying she'll try to make it and asks "how was my weekend".

I want to ask her out for a cup of coffee to feel her out a bit more and vice versa BUT
a) does she really have a BF?
b) if so, does that matter?
c) does it matter how I ask her out? The wording:confused: ?


Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
Fremont CA, USA
First of let me say of the bat, You are coming off as needy to this girl. Let me explain. One, she is flirting with you. That a obvious sign that she likes you. You said you used ****y/funny line. How well do you know this girl, did you qualify her on thing other than her ass and tits? If you havent done that than those lines are not going to have a strong effect because your coming from a place of neediness. Not showing enough, what the seduction community calls "Alpha" characteristics.

Now lets look at the rest of it:

IMO she is just playing games with your head.Lol It's funny how she can flirt with you but then when you initiate some sort of relationships she backs away and throws lame excuses at you (Your too young,I have a B/F) The ****? imo she is either a tease, trying to manipulate you sexualy, seeking validation, or really trying to get with you. I don't know. I wasnt there so I can't really say.

Does it matter is she has a boyfriend? Think about! She is flirting with you and exchanging emails. In my world that is equivalent to cheating. So IMO it doesnt matter. But to you it might.

As far as asking her to go out on a date. My advice: Don't email her about it. Get her # and use you Authoratiative voice. You can say something like "I would like to take you out on 8pm to so and so" Is she starts saying I dont know just say "Hey, your going and thats thats, you can thank me later" . You are not being controlling, because she has free-will. She can choose, if she can, to say no or reject (hopefully not at the last minute which is what they always seem to do)

If she says she is too busy tell her that you only give girls 3 chances to go out with you. On the third try, if they flake or reject ur date. SHE IS OUT. When you tell girls this rule they mostly always go out with you.
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Don Juan
Nov 6, 2006
Reaction score
Waimea, HI
a) There's no way to know that now. She might, or she might just have been saying it for whatever reason.

b) It matters in that if she does have a boyfriend, and she is flirting with/going out on dates with other guys behind his back, then, well ... if you start dating her then that's what you're getting.

It's her responsibility not to cheat if she does have a boyfriend, it's not yours to keep her faithful. However, it's up to you how the fact of her having a boyfriend matters. How does it change your view of her? How would you feel if you were he?

c) If your approach has been working so far, then keep on going the way you've been going to ask her out. You may want to ask her if she still has a boyfriend first, and then go from there. If she shows up at your film premiere then that's a perfect opportunity to ask her to do something with you afterwards, if that's possible, or to talk to her about movies and segue that into asking her out to movie with you.