Asked out by hottie at work


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Ok, so I was talking about my clubbing experience with a few of my co workers in front of hot coworker C. And hot co worker C was like, oh I wish I knew about that I love going dancing and stuff. So I kind of teased her a bit, but she was like let me know when you go next time.

Later that night we go out as a group to a bar, on her way out she asks for my phone and puts her number in. It means nothing to me though, she's the troublemaking flirty type that flirts with every guy. And for that reason I'm not emotionally attached to her or am not set on making her a gf. But I want to use her for target practice. Reserve your comments about this being a coworker, I work in a young hip environment where everything goes and we don't work too closely with one another.

I've failed with this type before as they are the most difficult and like to manipulate guys. But they do form relationships with the skilled ahole type. I want to see what I can do when there's a fresh slate knowing way more now then ever before. And I've had a year of success with less difficult girls.

Fast forward to today and she shoots me a message inviting me to meet her at a club tonight. Who knows if she's going alone or not but she knows the DJ.

If I were to be my old self and fail at this I would simply say yes, go and probably find her vying for the attention of every other guy there and end up being disappointed that she doesn't take to my advances.

I'm almost thinking I should not go and say some other plans came up long story and make her wonder... She knows I'm single but no more detail than that. I want to make her jealous or more interested somehow. I could also leverage the fact that she's not number 1 on my list. More like number 3.

Some advice would be appreciated... I'm actually pretty excited because the power is still in my hands with this.




Don Juan
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Anyway the reason I would not want to go is because if I do, it lowers my social status by showing I don't have something better to do, it gives her dominance because she picked the place and I'm going along with it, etc...

That's not the message I want to send.



Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
if yuo honestly want to go but don't want to see like you are desperate say something in response like

"convince me why i should drop what i'm doing and come see you at a club. what's in it for me?"

if she says anything other than "ill make it worth your while" or something alone those lines i'd not go. and then when she asks why you didn't go tell her babe i got **** to do lol. you aren't bad but id on't have time to play games and you were playing games last night. you can either come correct or don't come at all beucase i assure you i don't have the time to play around.

if she likes you and awnts to get to know you shew ill make it clear she wants to see you "like that" then when you get there, you don't even have to pretend to not be interested you can just go for the kill.. if she says something like "oh beucase i'm hot" or beucase " you know you like me" or "beucase i'm me" or some **** like that = next

German Soldier

Don Juan
Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Just tell the girl you like her and wanna be with her. What's she going to do? Be angry at you?


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
ngdonjuan said:
Anyway the reason I would not want to go is because if I do, it lowers my social status by showing I don't have something better to do, it gives her dominance because she picked the place and I'm going along with it, etc...

That's not the message I want to send.

Talk about over-thinking a simple situation. If she is AT ALL attracted to you, those silly thoughts in your head about bullsh1t "DJ" crap and "maintaining the frame" :)crackup:) won't matter.

Guys, stop focusing on applying very specific DJ principles and look at things as a whole. Don't get DJ tactics/philosophy tunnel vision.

Go out with her, project sexual energy and try to escalate. If it doesn't work, you know you don't have a shot and move on to the next target. Not every girl is going to be into you and this one sounds like a flake.

So don't get your hopes up.