Ask in Person Or Over A Text..


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
What should i do, i want to ask this girl and her and her roommates want to go get ice cream tomorrow (im asking if the roommates want to come becuase she has been saying i need to meet them and suggested we get ice cream so i can meet them) Should i ask in person tomorrow or over a call or a text?
-any tips or pointers on how i can make a good impression on the roommates

Is it a good idea to have them come, i think it would be so they can see what kind of a guy i am and something fun to do


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
In person is always best. Next would be calling. Never use TXT.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Dude you already started a thread like this the other day with the same questions and we told you what to do in that one. Here we go again.

gomariners51 said:
What should i do, i want to ask this girl and her and her roommates want to go get ice cream tomorrow (im asking if the roommates want to come becuase she has been saying i need to meet them and suggested we get ice cream so i can meet them)

No you don't ask her to bring her friends. You go one on one with her for the longest time until she get weak knees thinking about you. Why would you bring her friends if her friends can cause 201 distractions when you want to kiss her?

Should i ask in person tomorrow or over a call or a text?

In person. Text says "My ego can't take it if you reject me."

Is it a good idea to have them come, i think it would be so they can see what kind of a guy i am and something fun to do

Who gives a damn what they think? Are you sleeping with them? Are you trying to see them naked? They could think you are Brad + Beckham combined. If she doesn't, you're done.
I don't know dude, sounds to me like you are already in the friend zone. If she wants to bring her friends, she doesn't seem to want to be alone with you.


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
you think im friendzoned already? lets say that i am, im not sure if i am or am not, what is a good way to see if i am or am not?