Here in southern cali there are 3 types of Asians IMO:
The wild, rebelious party girl. The "sexed up Asian" as I call them. They are the ones that hang around with asian dudes in their souped up Hondas. You need balls, C&F and generally just acting like a man, not a nerdy little boy. Why do they go for the "tough" Asian dude in the fancy sports car? Because its exciting, its rebellious, and because she's attracted to his masculine features. They aren't attracted to the car per se, they are attracted to what it represents. Is it just me, or do these wild asian chicks like to drink more than their white sorority girl counterparts? Just an observation.
The attractive, intelligent and outgoing Asian girl. These girls are much rarer. They are hot, they almost never have an accent, and are very Americanized usually. These girls are really the total package. Still shoot for C&F, more rapport with them, solid EC, etc.
The stereotypical, nice, quiet, shy Asian girl. Usually very reserved. I hate to say it, but stereotypes can be true. C&F is probably too over the top for them. They almost never dress in a flattering way. Go for alot of rapport. Although if you're going for these girls...why are you reading this site