

New Member
Jul 17, 2008
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Alright, so I'm brand new to the forums, been reading for around a month now, and figure I have a discussion topic so here goes.

Right now I'm about ready to get my own first place (by myself, no college roommates etc., just me) now that I'm out of college and working. I managed to finish college single, and now I'm moving to another college town, which means that there will still be many women in my age range yet (I don't stray +/- many years).

So after doing some research I'm working on setting up the ultimate bachelor's pad, with the intent to have me enjoy the place, and yet have women come over and think "ah, someone with some class and culture".

However like most people I'm not an expert in everything, so when it comes to artwork, or things to put on the wall, this is where I tend to hit a road block. I'm an engineer, so things that I like typically women have very little interest in. From my investigations ideally artwork that is artistic obviously, thought provoking, and has a subtle sexual presence behind it is what I need to aim for.

Theme wise I'm kind of open, I figure artwork and decor make the room, and finding furniture to match won't be an issue for the most part.

So I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or past experiences with what seems to make women enjoy being around the most.

Some ideas I've thought about that might meat these requirements:
Japanese/asian cultural images and such.

Tropical locations, beaches, Caribbean theme.

Country feel, remote locations (not a huge fan of this one personally)

City Life (thinking lots of pictures of nighttime in cities, maybe pictures of people in clubs or something along those lines.)

More abstract, this one stretches me a little, I have a very practical mind so I'm not sure I could work with this as well. Things that are very clean and modern, not the emptied gallons of paint and its a dead bird type of stuff.

Dunno, I'm kind of at a loss for where to go with this. I haven't moved into my place yet, but will be soon, and before I start furnishing it I wanna get a theme setup, and possibly different themes for different rooms so as long as they aren't to strong, I still want it to be a man's place you know. Defiantly nothing cluttered, I like things very clean, and I figure less is more in this case, but none wouldn't work at all.

Let me know what you think :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Cant go wrong with marilyn monroe on the wall. I like the retro/rockabilly decor. myself. (for my apartment only, Im not a rockabilly dude). Chicks like it too. Its sorta classy, yet subtly sexual and interesting. Antique shops and swap meets, and yard sales. Lots of conversation pieces. I got a bunch of little tiki things, and Elvis and Marilyn, and Bettie Page stuff. Cool looking plants. Fishtanks are cool, but only if you're gonna live there for a long time.

Best advice, is to ask your most creative female friends to help, with whatever you decide to do. Im sure your college has an interior design course. Ask some of them for advice too. And always have candles handy. A DJ must.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 16, 2003
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Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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Ultimate piece of art "Attack of the 50ft Woman" movie poster. The one with the woman over the expressway clutching a car in her hand and pretty much causing mayhem.

If you're going for that ultimate bachelor pad feel, deffinetly go with the retro theme. Like the old 50's 60's bachelor pad feel.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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I would just go with what you like, also try to match the color with the furniture, you don't want to have colors that clash with the overall color scheme of your apartment.
I have a couple paintings that I did that clash a little, but I figure the fact that I made them would impress a chick more than the fact they may slightly clash with the color scheme of my place. Really it is just like picking out what clothes to get and wear for the day. You want the colors of your clothes to be complimentary and not clash so you don't look like a dork, same thing for decorating your apartment/house.