article: Ugly, creepy guys!


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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When a very attractive stranger approaches me and tells me I’m beautiful, it brightens my day. When a guy who is short, fat or balding does it, it makes my skin crawl no matter how tactful he is about it. I just want him to go away. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Most women feel the same, but hide the true extent of it when the guys are around.
Guys, please, learn to KNOW YOUR PLACE!!! We ARE visual, just like you are. We only want GOOD LOOKING guys to approach us. If you’re any combination of short, balding, fat or 10 years older than me, please, for your own sake and mine, kindly F*CK OFF!
I don’t date your kind. Yes, I mean “kind” as in “different species”, because that’s what you are to me. I’m a human being, not an uggo like you, and I don’t do bestiality. You should be socially aware enough to know disinterest when it’s right in front of your homely ass face! Ugly men who act “confident” act out of character, and that’s creepy. Know your place and leave your genetic superiors ALONE!! It really is that simple. Don’t like it? THAT’S TOO D*MN BAD!! You’re not entitled to sex or companionship.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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Other articles note that women find lack of confidence unattractive, and they prefer that men have confidence. They can’t have it both ways.
So I found a female that thought FINE dudes lacked confidence and a ugly dude with game had huge confidence. Many do, it's truly the confidence that attracts them and a brad pitt face is nice, it's not necessary if you are DRIPPING chock full of confidence.

One female said she'd like a fine dude with a ugly dudes confidence.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
So I found a female that thought FINE dudes lacked confidence and a ugly dude with game had huge confidence. Many do, it's truly the confidence that attracts them and a brad pitt face is nice, it's not necessary if you are DRIPPING chock full of confidence.

One female said she'd like a fine dude with a ugly dudes confidence.
Some good looking dudes are kind of laid back and/or not that aggressive because they never had to work hard get women. Many don’t cold approach. It’s not necessary for them to do ballsy stuff like that. (Not knocking them. Many Chads are cool guys. Just an honest observation.)

Plus, a hot but slightly humble guy might be a home run for the woman.

An ugly guy needs to be confident. Not in a delusional sense as PUAs advocate, but in an IDGAF sense. Big difference. He might not be justified in being delusional and pretending he’s a 10. But is he justified in believing that he has nothing to lose? Yeah, absolutely.


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2011
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Very true.
I"m not so sure. Look, that's how anyone wins in life at whatever you want to do. If anyone, even the super handsome guy with a 2 pound c*ck, 10 million in the bank waited around for people to tell him when it's ok to go for something, he wouldn't have the 10 million in the bank. He wouldn't have the harem of women he can bang whenever he wants. It's about going for things and it's a numbers game. It's the same way in sales. For every 10 people I approach to sell something, 1 might say yes and 1 might say maybe, the other 8 give you the stone cold f*ck off look. The OP article might say she feels like that but others don't. Heck, perhaps even the majority may feel that way but there are some that don't. You'll never find the ones that don't feel that way if you don't try.

And btw, what's the standard for the good looking guy. What if he's really jacked, but bald? Is that good enough for her standards to approach? What if he's good looking but a little overweight? Does that meet her standards? And who made her the standards bearer? I mean, if she's expecting the cream of the crop to only approach her, is she super hot? And what happens when she's in her late 30s, 40s, is she now approachable that she's starting to hit the wall?

This is a joke of an article written by a real harpy


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Miami, FL
That's always been the case. No reason to even get mad as the woman told the truth. Pre-selection is key; you get in where you fit in. 80% of the work is done before you even say anything pretty much.

The guys that are out there running from girl to girl and tap dancing for them, hoping to "convince" them, are ****ing foolish. She's not worth your time if she isn't feeling you. You got a lot of symps out there who feel they owe the woman, any woman who is 'hot' something when she should be meeting you half way at the VERY LEAST.


New Member
Sep 10, 2018
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This could be just me but if you aren't Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp in the face No money or level of fitness will help you. My weight loss was dramatic being a roofer by trade and i owned a late model truck, but on the pick up front i wasn't entitled to Jessica Alba either. Drew Carey didn't become a God when he lost all his weight. Facial handsomeness is a roadblock if you're looking past a certain quality of women


This could be just me but if you aren't Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp in the face No money or level of fitness will help you. My weight loss was dramatic being a roofer by trade and i owned a late model truck, but on the pick up front i wasn't entitled to Jessica Alba either. Drew Carey didn't become a God when he lost all his weight. Facial handsomeness is a roadblock if you're looking past a certain quality of women
Johnny Depp from what year? He hit the wall running at 150 miles an hour a long time ago due to his heavy drinking and smoking. He looks like death warmed over but that of course won’t stop the next gold digger/ young actress from faking attraction to him to get ahead.
Brad Pitt isn’t looking that great either. I don’t think us regular folks should use celebs and sports stars as examples because these guys get used all the time by women who are just with them for the lifestyle/ exposure etc.
Genuine attraction to someone’s physical appearance is a better example.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Pitt still looks kinda good, but I myself used to be an almost Bale spittin image (though puggish nose like Kevin Bacon at times). Now, I'm really starting not to like my side profile (chin sagging - I think due to weight gain but also unavoidable Age). My straight-on face still looks good despite my not having tens of millions that these actors have to buy nothing but the best to upkeep my looks - I have none of that pampered life and professional hairdressers on-call, even makeup used.

I'm going to start exercising to see what I can do. I used to play sports constantly growing up. Through the years less and less exercise. It's a shame. My job keeps me fit, but not enough of deliberate motion.

My eyes seem more "killer" these days, just like I'm evil or something I do not like my "I'll kill you look" sometimes like at the doctor's office or dentist. These are peaceful white-collared men but I'm sure I come off as like I'd quickly be able to physically do them harm if I wanted. My work makes me still yet violent and angry both in looks and actuality. I need to find a way to make myself look more peaceful, but not totally peaceful or civilized. It's hurting my game a little. Age is hurting my game a little.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Johnny Depp from what year? He hit the wall running at 150 miles an hour a long time ago due to his heavy drinking and smoking. He looks like death warmed over but that of course won’t stop the next gold digger/ young actress from faking attraction to him to get ahead.
Brad Pitt isn’t looking that great either. I don’t think us regular folks should use celebs and sports stars as examples because these guys get used all the time by women who are just with them for the lifestyle/ exposure etc.
Genuine attraction to someone’s physical appearance is a better example.
That’s why it’s better to just say “Chad” (a generic hot guy) rather than name a specific celeb if want to make a point about looks. By the time a celebrity name becomes very very mainstream, that person may be washed up lol. But Chad never ages lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Sounds awful close to the redpill saying men say about women.
Why would this sound red-pill? You mean black-pill right. It's the black-pill camp that will say you are either Chad or you are not. The red-pill camp would encourage newbies to approach many girls regardless of their reaction and wouldn't take any one particular girl's negative reaction seriously (i.e. unless she calls security/police and makes up stories, but that again is very rare).

What is definitely not red-pill is posting articles like that on here. People here should at least have a fantasy in their minds that women want them to approach and to move-on quickly if a woman is showing insufficient interest, because there is probably one out there that is at league or slightly above your league that might be doable as a marriage prospect. But if we keep looking at "Chad or Not" black-pill articles then the only solution is to just resign to being incel/MGTOW monk-mode, or dumpster diving and settling for way below your league, or becoming "Frogman" if you are not Chad since you'll have the wrong type of mind-set.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
That’s why it’s better to just say “Chad” (a generic hot guy) rather than name a specific celeb if want to make a point about looks. By the time a celebrity name becomes very very mainstream, that person may be washed up lol. But Chad never ages lol.

Did I miss any?