Ha, ha.. That article may be have some truth as far as marriage, but it is no myth for dating.
I'm, ahem, well over 40, my wife is 7 years younger than I am. We meet the description of the typical married couple compatibility in the article.
My coed mistresses are 20 and 21. They are very attractive (one does p/t modeling), smart, and ambitious, and are with me because I give them access to a life they can't afford on their own. They can skip 25 years of struggle.
But I have an even better example. I have dated (slept with) a few actresses/professional models, including one who is one of the most beautiful women in the world, as judged. We are not together anymore, but I still see her on tv from time to time. She was 19 and I was 42 at the time of our relationship. The only reason we got together was because she is incredibly beautiful and I am rich. She was a very expensive girlfriend. That girl could spend more in two hours than the median monthly household income. The other models and actresses were not quite so bad, but they also are not globally ranked on beauty.
Money can't buy love, but enough of it can buy anything else. Every woman is available, you just have to negotiate price and terms.