True to some extent however the US has a women upward mobility “problem.” The issue is that as women earn more, they price themselves out of suitable mates. A man that making less than a woman is unpalatable for both the man and woman.
Let's get even more subatomic with all of this:
-While it's true that women over-represent men on most university campuses, 76-80% of all Americans(Male AND female alike)have little to no education beyond K-12. Contrary to the image many of us get from The Manosphere, the vast majority of American women ARE NOT going straight out of Yale and into The C Suites of Goldman Sachs, while most men languish in barely minimum wage labor. The vast majority of men and women alike are living paycheck, desperately trying to stay above water
-Of that relatively small sliver of the female population that does go on to university, most end up majoring in the humanities(particularly psychology)during their undegrad, and of that portion, very few will go on to grad school of any kind, much less pursue degrees in law, engineering, or achieve their MBA. Ergo, most university educated women will only be outearning their non-university educated peers of both genders for a very brief period of their working lives, if even that. Hell, most of these female uni grads(Who again haven't gone onto grad schoo)have accrued steep student debt earning degrees with lousy ROIs
-Even today, over 66% of all women report preferring part-time employment. They won't be outearning many men, most of whom prefer full-time employment
Get rid of most forms of government financial support, in favor of putting the poor into steady, legit work + providing these folks with job training, and provide more ready access to vocational training than currently exists in most parts of The US.... We'll end up with several million men who've achieved firmly middle-upper middle class status as electricians, machinists, mill wrights, mechanics, and the like, who enjoy stable marriages to gals who graduated from cosmetology school, and work at the salon 3-4 days a week
Problem is significantly ameliorated, if not solved entirely