the best book i can recommend for anyone just starting out and has no clue what to do is Arnold Schwarzeneggers guide to bodybuilding. i have the originol version that my dad gave me but there is an updated new version. if you want an ad free book without all the bull****. read this it is written by a true champion and not some overweight looser with a degree in phys ed. this is the book that motivated me to hit the weight room. it even teaches you how to train the mind to go through the workouts and the pain and to keep going.
okay im new to the post so thats probably why none of you have ever heard of me. but i am 17 ive been lifting for about a year and weight 141 and im 5 foot 7 and i bench 225 and squat 350 and deadlift 405.
i like to think those numbers are pretty good but every time i get ****y i just look at the pictures of arnold or franco columbo just so i dont loose sight of my goals you know.
okay im new to the post so thats probably why none of you have ever heard of me. but i am 17 ive been lifting for about a year and weight 141 and im 5 foot 7 and i bench 225 and squat 350 and deadlift 405.
i like to think those numbers are pretty good but every time i get ****y i just look at the pictures of arnold or franco columbo just so i dont loose sight of my goals you know.