Are you sure there's not a "Week 1.5"?

Dude Bob

Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
This is getting really frustrating.

I've been trying to accomplish the goals of Don Juan Boot Camp, Week 2 forever now. It seems almost impossible to me.

There seems to be an extremely steep jump in difficulty between Weeks 1 and 2. When I first tried Week 1, I got it done in, well, a week. It was a piece of cake. But I've been at Week 2 for months! I always end up either not being able to think of something to talk about, being to scared, or being in some way completely unmotivated.

My question is this: Given the sharp increase in difficulty between Weeks 1 and 2 (don't tell me you haven't noticed it), should there not be some sort of intermediate exercise in between them? I have no problem making eye contact and saying Hi, but starting two-minute conversations with strangers seems like an overly daunting task for only the second level.

So what might I do as an intermediate exercise between saying HI to strangers and initiating 2-minute conversations with strangers?

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Go somewhere where there will NOT be people you are attracted to. Go to the bingo hall. Go to a place where senior citizens are. Maybe the town hall for one of those community meetings. The thing is, GO where there are people to talk to. I find senior citizens to be enjoyable to talk to, and you can develop some social skills.

I have a track where I run right by my house. Not only are there decent women to talk to (usually older than me by 15+ years), but also some senior citizens who sit on the benches. Almost always they say something as I am running by, so I stop and have a convo with them for a few minutes. Now when I go, I always know someone there and I am always talking! Not only that, when there ARE girls there, they see that I am "socially" plumbed in.

Does this help?


Master Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
South Bend
Hey, have you ever tried to look in somone eyes and they look away. When trying to look in peoples eyes in week one few would look that frustrated me. Greatly, but you can get people to stare at you if you talk in a lound obnoxious way, I guess.

92 GSR-4

Don Juan
Jun 6, 2006
Reaction score
Chosen1 said:
Hey, have you ever tried to look in somone eyes and they look away..
yeah, thats when you successfully established your DOMINANCE. Good job!

When a guy looks away, I know I'm more confident/superior, and when a woman looks away...she normally looks right back and looks away again, and I know she noticed me looking at her.

Also, I would like to expand on this. Maybe make a FR out of it one day, but somethign I've been realizing is that women get more nervous than me sometimes. In fact, I'm making a new thread on this ---> read it. But what I'm saying is that even if a girl breaks eye contact w/you immediately, that doesn't mean she isn't interested. She could just be shy.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
this is a sticking point for me too. try saying hi and being friendly to 10 or 20 ppl who you would normally be very uncomfortable talking to

IE: punk teenager, rude cashier, etc etc

if they're rude, you realize its no big deal. and if u succeed and they're friendly back... well.. theres progress ;)

after being friendly with ppl ur not normally comfy with, speaking to ppl u would be comfy with (for 2 mins or less) should be easier