Are Women honest in what they say attracts them?


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2010
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If you look at the questions some of these girls answered at

You will see a lot of them say they want a guy has a sense of humor, or that can dance... One says that dinner and a movie is a good first date.

Can we talk what girls tell us at face value or should we as men go with our gut?


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
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girls consiously dont know what attracts them. its the job of the masculine sex to create attraction. you attract a woman through your masculinity. all she feels are butterflies in her stomach...she cant explain it so dont ask them. you just have to sweep them off their feet.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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Women under 30, at least around the parts where I live, want the same type of guy...the bigger and more muscular...the better. Or the more he looks like a wigger/criminal, the better. At least where I live.


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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IMHO, if women were honest about what attracts them, I don't think people would frequent these sites. I agree with above that women don't, at least initially, understand what attracts them. They have an idea of the man they hope to land (famous, wealthy, powerful) but as this site suggests, you don't need those (although it helps :rolleyes: ) I think it might come down to social perception. If a woman said right off the bat that they always seem to form deep sexual/emotional connections with the "bad guy," imagine how she would be perceived, and how her dating life would go....

On a side note, I have met girls that deliberately lie to throw your game off. Perhaps being told to "be nice" is how they try to weed out the males with emotional issues, low value, and weak self-esteem. :kick:


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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No. It's a subconscious sh*t test to weed out the true alphas from the betas.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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The question is, is sex even worth it? I'm a happy man who likes my life despite the fact that my sexual fantasies go is sex so good that it's worth this amount of bullsh*t?


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2008
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runningonice said:
The question is, is sex even worth it? I'm a happy man who likes my life despite the fact that my sexual fantasies go is sex so good that it's worth this amount of bullsh*t?
It's worth as much as the value you assign it. Just because it's worth a lot to someone else doesn't mean it is for you. Think about the AFCs who believe sex is some end-game final prize. It's that type of thinking that gets them into their messes, along with other ideological problems.

If you are happy the way you are now, more power to you. Chances are by you being happy and content with life, you'll project this attitude onto women who will see you as a cut above the typical guy who surrenders his dignity for a chance at some plowing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Are women honest in what they say attracts them? Of course not! Why do you think sosuave and the whole PUA culture exists?

One classic example I love is the classic one of women claiming they are tired of being hurt by men and are now looking for "a good man." A month later you will see them with yet another douchebag/jerk bad boy like the rest of the guy's shes dated!

I'm sure you know a female like this they are sooo common. You can browse around dating sites and find many profiles where females say "the want a good man" which is not an invitation for nice guys afcs to contact her but to RUN AWAY! A female like this only dates jerks even though she says she wants a good man.

In fact a good rule to follow is to ignore everything a woman says they like in a man IF THAT WOMAN IS UNDER 30. College girls only look for the men they say they want which is a lie (kind, good listeners etc etc) after they are tired of banging all the bad boys which is around when they are in their 30's or so. Their fertility clock is ticking and they need to find a chump to settle down with and make miserable, rather than a bad boy to have a fling with. :D


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
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Exactly. It's hard for me to crave sex as much as I used to when you know that most decent looking women under 30 are full of sh*t...and the only reason they start to "get it" around 30 is because they're losing their looks and desperately want a husband and children.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
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This is not what attracts them to a man. They really cant explain it because what attracts them is not a physical thing. They will say specific things like I love a guy with a sense of humor or who is in shape. But you will notice that these women will also date guys who are not that funny or are not in great shape. This is because they are attracted to the guys personality. A personality is not a physical thing, nor something that can have specific parts or + or - too.

Simply put women love men. They love guys with balls. They love d!cks not pvssies. They want a guy who is confident with HIMSELF. Not trying to be something he is not. Improving himself for himself and not others. A confident will have fun naturally because he is not self conscious, he can laugh at himself and joke with others. Makes people feel good around him. He has goals and ambitions and passions. He has beliefs and speaks his mind against things he believes are wrong. Does not tolerate indiscretions against him or back down from challenges. He is not afraid of anything, anyone, including himself, past, present or future.

You WILL have a swagger/an aura to you with this mind frame.

If a guy is this, he is a man, and theres not much matter too the physical.

Lets compare men to cars. Nobody is happy with their car that runs like a piece of sh!t(the internals). If your car dont run, you get it tuned up, but if its unfixable, you scrap it. A lot of people have cars that have rust and dings or just cheaply designed boring exterior (your physical appearance) but they have been running great for years, so no reason to junk it.

Get your mind right

J. Darko

Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2009
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First, a well documented fact that there is a difference between what humans think, what humans say and what humans do. Second, it's a well documented fact that people judge your behaviour by the way you look. This means that when girls talk about guys with a sense aof humor, they actually talk about guys they find physically attractive.

Therefore, it doesn't matter what you say or what you do, it doesn't matter wether you joke around or not or take her to the cinema or not. If she thinks you're attractive, everything you say and do will be appreciated. Id she thinks you are unattractive, nothing you say or do will be appreciated.

ken chang

Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
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Manila, Philippines
Where I'm from, women like foreigners. Doesn't matter if you're poor, ugly, fat, or without game. Doesn't matter from which country you're from either so long as it's not from this one. Hahaha!


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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They seem pretty honest to me.


Excellent manners and ability to keep an intelligent conversation is the first thing I look at. He has to have a great sense of humor, its important if he knows how to make me smile. I also need to feel his confidence and strong personality.
What I understand from this. She wants a man who has self discipline, but not too much that he becomes boring. She wants someone a little bit laid back, enough to be humorous. She also wants someone who will treat her like a woman and keep her bull**** in check. Someone who won't even think about letting her have control or make decisions. "Strong personality"


What do you look for in a guy?
Sense of humor, Smarts, Caring, Ambition

Do you kiss on the 1st date?
Sure, why not

Would you date a smoker?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Living in my own place, doing something in the medical field.
This one is a bit of a slut. She's pretty relaxed about what kind of guy she dates and she has no problem "kissing" on the first date. An experienced man will easily f*ck her on the second date if not the first with a little effort. She's willing to date a smoker because she is one and she's weak like that or because she doesn't care what kind of guy she wants, just cruising for d*ck. She's self sufficient and very much into her own stuff "living in her own place". She just wants some fun and affection without attachment.

I try to look at the motivation. No one is honest about their true intentions, and it would be naive to assume that what people tell you is the truth. It is a little bit, but not at face value.

It's like doing business. You don't listen to what the salesman is telling you, read the fine print. All the sh*t you need to know, the important stuff, is hidden right there in plain sight.

My $0.02


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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If a woman said right off the bat that they always seem to form deep sexual/emotional connections with the "bad guy," imagine how she would be perceived, and how her dating life would go....
There ARE a lot of women who are upfront about being attracted to bad boys however. They will tell you they want a bad boy.

Some women seem to be able to realize and communicate what it is that they want in a man, and some cannot. Some women probably genuinely want a nice guy, but end up getting attracted to some jerk for whatever reason.

I've been attracted to women before when I knew they were not what I was looking for in a prospective mate. They just had certain features or attributes I found interesting or attractive - usually physical :) but not always.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
And don't confuse the type of attraction. Women might see a good looking man and be attracted to him. That can easily change if hes an AFC. Then he becomes "creepy". Likewise they might not be attracted to a below average looking man until he presses their buttons and they're soon in love.