Funny enough, my girlfriend and I have talked about this, and SHE came up with an interesting quote:
"All women are the same... in that all women THINK they are different from each other."
Amazing, right? They try to sell us on the fact that all humans are individuals, and therefore every woman you meet will be different... but, as those of us on the boards here who have dated numerous women can tell you, they generally fall for the same stuff.
The SECRET, then... is to make each woman FEEL like the way you're treating her is different from ALL the other women you've dated. Even if it's NOT true, they want to BELIEVE it's true.
Perfect example: for first dates, I would meet up with women at one of three places: coffee shop, restaurant, or picnic. For second dates, I'd ALWAYS go in for the kiss, and quite a few times I'd end up hooking up with them on date #2 as well. When this would happen, the women would say something like, "wow, that was intense - I've never experienced that before!" Now, in my head, I'd be thinking, "I definitely HAVE experienced something like this before, or BETTER..." but I wouldn't verbalize it. Why? Because, in the moment, they want to BELIEVE that we are BOTH experiencing something we haven't done before - and who am I to ruin it for them with commentary like, "Well, actually, you're the x-numbered girl I've done this type of thing with. But hey, good for you!"
But yea... once you discover the pattern of attracting women, it all becomes very routine and easier to do because they are, in fact, so predictable in what they'll respond to the best.