Zarky said:
Women were most attracted to a man when the women weren't sure whether the man was attracted to them or not.
Men were most attracted to a woman who was attracted to them but not other men.
Makes sense. Men want to be admired and appreciated, they want women to think they are the alpha, the best male, they don't want other males putting their seed into their woman.
With women, since they want a top guy, that guy by definition shouldn't NEED them, shouldn't want them more than she wants him. Think about most of the PUA tips you read about. Most of them seem to be about sending a
message to the girl that you're not that interested in her:
Talking to her over your shoulder, leaning away from her, be indifferent, don't react to her, don't be phased by her beauty, don't put her on a pedestal, don't tell her you like her, don't buy her a drink, neg her, show her you have other options, etc.
These are just generalizations though. Individual cases can always vary.