I'm just playing devil's advocate, so don't flame me. Think about it:
1. Waits at least six days to call her after getting the number but he has a hard time waiting at least six minutes.
2. Surrounds himself with several women, when he would rather be with just one.
3. Watches football with the guys when he'd rather be playing touch football with the girl.
4. Withholds complimenting the girl even though she looks great everytime he sees her.
5. Keeps himself busy when he would rather be getting busy.
6. Neghits the girl when he would rather be hitting on her.
7. Does the "****y and funny" routine but feels "tingly and funny" every time she is near him.
8. Blasts Snoop Dogg in his car when the windows are rolled down, but plays some Luther Vandross when the windows are rolled up.
9. Writes the girl off when he would rather be writing her poetry.
10. Nexts the girl when she flakes but still wonders when he will see her next.
What do you think?
1. Waits at least six days to call her after getting the number but he has a hard time waiting at least six minutes.
2. Surrounds himself with several women, when he would rather be with just one.
3. Watches football with the guys when he'd rather be playing touch football with the girl.
4. Withholds complimenting the girl even though she looks great everytime he sees her.
5. Keeps himself busy when he would rather be getting busy.
6. Neghits the girl when he would rather be hitting on her.
7. Does the "****y and funny" routine but feels "tingly and funny" every time she is near him.
8. Blasts Snoop Dogg in his car when the windows are rolled down, but plays some Luther Vandross when the windows are rolled up.
9. Writes the girl off when he would rather be writing her poetry.
10. Nexts the girl when she flakes but still wonders when he will see her next.
What do you think?