Approaching with the Friend-Zone as the Goal

Dec 7, 2009
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I understand why most guys would dread the friend-zone. However, to be honest, I wouldn't mind having a lot of fun, hot female friends, if only to expand my social circle and potential dating pool, and for the social proof. All my friends at the moment are AFC-ish dudes.

Is approaching with the Friend-Zone as the goal different than approaching for a potential close? It seems like every time you talk to a girl, they assume you're just trying to sleep with them and blow you off.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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Don'tWannabeAWannabe said:
I understand why most guys would dread the friend-zone. However, to be honest, I wouldn't mind having a lot of fun, hot female friends, if only to expand my social circle and potential dating pool, and for the social proof. All my friends at the moment are AFC-ish dudes.

Is approaching with the Friend-Zone as the goal different than approaching for a potential close? It seems like every time you talk to a girl, they assume you're just trying to sleep with them and blow you off.
I do them both exactly the same except I don't set up "date dates".

The reason why is my main method to get close to women fast is to (sort of) put them in the friend zone very quickly which throws them off balance. I'm totally serious about it, it's not game. I've already got options so I'm not really worried about getting the girl I'm talking to right now, and they can detect that I'm not overly interested. As I mentioned in another thread recently:

ThatMysteriousGuy said:
I casually possibly LJBF women after a few minutes at least 75% of the time. If they're trying to be nice and friendly and it's obvious they're trying to keep my attention even a little bit I'll say something like (serious, but just with a small hint of a smile to make it vague) "you know what?....pause..."you might be a good friend to have, we'll have to see" or "you know what, you might possibly be a friend I'd like to have in my life" etc... There are endless variations of course.
Like I said, I'm actually serious about it, It's rare to find suitable girlfriends who'll be cool about me "wandering off" so I'll take an HB as a friend vs an HB for a night anytime. And, since I'm completely congruent with that they're not sure if I'm just a really good bullshaiter so they'll spend some time trying to find out.

I LOVE the friend zone. I just don't ever let the girls make me their girlfriend, priest, bank, or phone call conversations about girlworld stuff or boys. Just go visit some clubs or bars and have a good time. If we leave with separate people, that's cool too :)


Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Definitely very different, if you are not very good looking or express some sort of physical or romantic interest pretty quickly you will almost always end up getting friend zoned immediately.

Yes your hot girl friends will want to hook you up with their single friends, but hookups like that don't usually work to well.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
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Don'tWannabeAWannabe said:
Is approaching with the Friend-Zone as the goal different than approaching for a potential close? It seems like every time you talk to a girl, they assume you're just trying to sleep with them and blow you off.
That belief about them assuming that is YOUR BELIEF, based on your experience. I'd change that ASAP.

When you're meeting women and have the skill set, then the beauty is that you have the choice of whether or not you want to PURSUE her or make friends with her. You can have female friends and she can be attracted to you - that's OK too. :)

If it's a girl you're interested in, you may be more direct with her and forward and escalate things. If you approach with a "friend zone" in mind, then do everything the same but don't escalate - for example try to kiss her, grope her, etc..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
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Just avoid a major mistake:

Just because you're willing to become friends, doesn't mean that you can be less of a man. It just means that you will not screw them, but you absolutely must behave like a man.

You're not going to open yourself, show your softer side or all that BS. You can lend her a friendly ear, but don't go pouring your own feelings. You must have the same self-respect you would if you're dating this girls.

By doing that, they will often fall for you, but you will command respect by keeping at a friendly basis. They will have physical attraction to you, be puzzled by why you nail all her female friends but not her, but simply to take the relationship any further than that.

This will boost your self-esteem, make them do a PR job for you, and make you more desirable.

To make the point clear: your goal is to have female friends because YOU decide not to pursue things further, not because they can't see you as a real man.

Hope it makes sense for you.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2009
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Great thread.

I've been meaning to bring this up. I'm trying this out aswell, having abundance of women with the mother objective of improving my social circle. I sense this is a good method of improving that.

But how do you friendzone HB8s/9s? - I'm the type of dude to lose interest in my own LJBF and would want to date them.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 31, 2009
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HeyPachuco! said:
But how do you friendzone HB8s/9s? - I'm the type of dude to lose interest in my own LJBF and would want to date them.
It can be done. I have HB8s/9s female friends that are simply psychos. One of them is an extreme case of AFC (she has moved in with guys in as little as 2 weeks, and as she's very good looking, guys go for it), another one is simply very slutty (loves dirty dancing, rubbing and things like that, which is not a turn on in a LTR), and yet another is just very bossy with boyfriends (but wonderful as a friend, she treats me 100x better than she does her boyfriend)...

Or you can make friends with ugly girls that have good looking friends... To be very honest I've never made any rules, it just happened...

The focus here is on the trade-off... not nailing every girl you can, but seeing them both as a friend as well as way to get a better game...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2009
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tafakna said:
Just avoid a major mistake:

Just because you're willing to become friends, doesn't mean that you can be less of a man. It just means that you will not screw them, but you absolutely must behave like a man.

You're not going to open yourself, show your softer side or all that BS. You can lend her a friendly ear, but don't go pouring your own feelings. You must have the same self-respect you would if you're dating this girls.

By doing that, they will often fall for you, but you will command respect by keeping at a friendly basis. They will have physical attraction to you, be puzzled by why you nail all her female friends but not her, but simply to take the relationship any further than that.

This will boost your self-esteem, make them do a PR job for you, and make you more desirable.

To make the point clear: your goal is to have female friends because YOU decide not to pursue things further, not because they can't see you as a real man.

More comments in general for the thread: In fact, it's excellent "practice" because by treating her just like all other women (those who treat me with respect), she will be interested and will try to probe around to figure out why I won't move to the next level. I don't explain it, that's pointless and actually will upset her because she'll be thinking "mysterious very rarely explains why he does or doesn't do things to anyone, is he afraid to tell me I'm just not attractive enough or there's something wrong with me, etc..". So, I don't bother to explain and they always get over it by picking something in their own mind that'll make them feel ok.

When a man is doing it right and she SEES HIM AS A TRUE MAN, HB friend will at least try to half-assed seduce at some point when she's single...that's normal. He should just ignore it AND/OR bust her on it a bit depending on what she does. A good example is that if a guy goes to HB friends house to watch some movies, and she selects a few from the video store, it's absolutely critical to watch for the common theme in those movies, everything women do is for a reason. For instance, I was at an HB friends house and she said "I picked out some movies and I got you a comedy too, you want to watch some?" I said "sure" but as I was glancing through the 3 movies she got, they all were about close friends who had sex and then found out they were "meant" for each other. One of them was "Zack and Miri Make a Porno" :rolleyes: I busted her on it just a little bit and she claimed the movies were all randomly selected.....women rarely randomly select movies like guys will. I didn't push the point even though three movies about friends having sex together is a bit obvious. Guys in general don't pay attention to details so girls will do "obvious to girls but not guys" stuff like that a lot.

But, in that same situation, if she were wearing seductive clothes, I'd just ignore it. After all, she's a friend and if I mention that she's wearing sexy clothes then that means I'm thinking about her in sexy clothes from a woman's viewpoint no matter how innocuous the comment I make seems. It will encourage her to try more.

Girlfriends like that are excellent external mirrors for my behavior as a man. When I'm around other women, if, for instance, I were to allow some other girl some sort of behavior that I wouldn't allow my (girl)friend to do (supplicating, trying to impress, other AFC stuff), it'll be extremely obvious because her behavior/attitude will instantly change.

Good HB friends are like smoke detectors for any slips into AFC behavior. As they get to know you better their radar gets more precise and they'll be very sensitive to any behavior that isn't congruent and consistent with all of your interactions with them.

EDIT: I should add a curious side-effect when having HB friends around while I'm talking to other girls. It causes me to even be more sexually calm than I've trained myself to be. It's because even if an HB10 is talking to me or a stripper, I know in my mind that I could sweep the HB friend next to me off of her feet and into bed at a moment's notice any time I choose....but I have the self-control not to so the "random" HB10 talking to me doesn't have any effect at all, she's just another girl. Other girls radar picks up the fact that there is sexual tension somehow between me and HB friend and I'm absolutely convinced it turns them on and gets more women curious and attracted to me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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There's been really good threads about this topic. I agree, I don't think it's necessarilly a bad thing to be friends with a chick your interested in. To key is to be friends but still hold your dj frame. You can still befriend girls without being a AFC. Just don't do all the typical AFC moves when becoming friends with girls.

Rather still be a bit mysterious, don't reveal too much info about yourself, and don't be her girlfriend! Just be a man!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
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Oh another note. It is very powerful when YOU LJBF a girl. You will not believe the reaction you get. Role reversal at it's finest.
Dec 7, 2009
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Sandow said:
Oh another note. It is very powerful when YOU LJBF a girl. You will not believe the reaction you get. Role reversal at it's finest.
Alright, alright, but what I'm trying to ask is, how do you avoid that blowout or ***** shield to get to the friend zone? How do you avoid flakiness and actually get her to agree to hang out and be your social proof?