Approaching in school?


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Alright so I'm the average junior in highschool, I've got plenty of friends, I look good (sounds arrogant but it's what I've been told) and likable. So no issues there. The issue is I dont really know how to actually approach girls in highschool. I feel like its a huge process of getting to know friends of friends etc. but there has to be an easier way that's less awkward than walking up to a girl in the hall you've never met and saying hey what's up... Let's face it, that's awkward and you always hear girls talking about "that creepy guy". I'm just trying to get some feedback on what works and what doesn't in a highschool environment.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Awkward=sexual tension. Risk creepy.

No, seriously, what do you want? Some super-dooper line that has no risk yet high reward? The higher risk the higher reward. Otherwise everyone would use stupid opinion openers.

The best way to go up is with something you find fun. That's why so much of this stuff exists, for so many different people. I relish in new people so "Hey, sup" works for me because it is sincere and congruent. I also like "Hey, what's crackalackin'?" because I find that hilarious. Just entertain yourself and take the interaction where you want it. The interaction is fluid, the opener is ust a part of it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Jack Wealthy said:
Just entertain yourself and take the interaction where you want it. The interaction is fluid, the opener is ust a part of it.
Yeah that's it. The opener isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. I suck at opening and still get girls every once in a while (when I open girls at parties, it's always "Hi, I'm Josh" unless it's something related to the surroundings). A girl won't remember your awkward opener if she's thinking about how hot you are all day afterward.

It can help if you are doing something you enjoy. If you play basketball, girls are gonna love you when youre sweaty with a ball in your hand. It shows them something about you, and you exude confidence after doing something you're good at. (Dont let that stop you at other times!)

If you're looking for some magic technique to sidestep awkwardness, you won't find it here.


New Member
Jul 1, 2011
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DC area
Yea Game I'm on the same boat as you on all that stuff. Whenever I start to mack, I just like to have a close friend around because it a) increases confidence and makes you more outgoing. and b) you have someone to say "shes a ***** anyway dude hahaha" to and bounce back and not dwell on it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
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Gamemasta said:
Alright so I'm the average junior in highschool, I've got plenty of friends, I look good (sounds arrogant but it's what I've been told) and likable. So no issues there. The issue is I dont really know how to actually approach girls in highschool. I feel like its a huge process of getting to know friends of friends etc. but there has to be an easier way that's less awkward than walking up to a girl in the hall you've never met and saying hey what's up... Let's face it, that's awkward and you always hear girls talking about "that creepy guy". I'm just trying to get some feedback on what works and what doesn't in a highschool environment.
It's going to be awkward, regardless. Like the other posters have said, there is no "magic formula."

Either become friends with her friends, or just go talk to her. Hell, when I was in High School, I used to have friends in some other social groups who could, more or less, put a "bug" in the girls ear about me. That way, if things were positive, I'm already a glowing god in her eyes...If not, oh well, not like I'd ever know what she said and then see her two years later begging me to date her because of my social status. :whistle:


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2012
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Bro, whether you are perceived as the creepy kid coming up to you randomly or the super cool dude that seems really interesting is entirely in your attitude and body language.

Don't walk up and act like a little *****. Be a man, picture that girl sitting there masturbating to your image with a vibrator. Picture her body shaking all the **** over her bed and she can't stop. That's cause of you.

I don't give a tit**** about whether or not there is a proper opener. I walk up to the stranger say, What's your name with a big smile on my face and a relaxed aura around me. Or I say, hey my name is Ryan and offer my hand. That's simple and you don't need a ****ing opener.

Me: Hi, I'm Ryan!
HB: Oh, why uh, hello!
Me: You know, I've seen you but I don't know your name and I know almost everyone at this school so I couldn't forget about you. ( or perhaps you're too pretty to pass up.)
Probably will blush shyly. Then just start a conversation.

Or be like:

Hey you, what's your name?
Uh, hi im samantha.
I just wanted to say you have the coolest necklace/earrings/ bracelet. ( Is that turquoise in your earring? Turqouise is the ****)

JUST DO IT. Then be light hearted and try to make her laugh. Don't think too hard, or think at all. Just walk up as the guy that she should know.

If she's a *****, **** her and go talk to another girl. Girl's love to talk and you can get them yapping with the simplest question.

But if you want to use an opener, which is reccomended, LOOK AROUND. Opener's are EVERYWHERE. I repeat EVERYWHERE. EVERYTHING IS AN OPENER.

"See her hurrying? My your walking fast, you late for class? You know it's naughty to be tardy."

Weather's been freaking weird?

"It's ****ing winter and the sun is still shining and it's 80 degrees out, can you believe this ****?"

See her carrying an economics book?

" You taking economics? ****, I hated that teacher. Or that class was the death of me." (HS students unless they are antisocial nerds will always sympathize with someone talking crap about education.)



Plus situational openers are always better cause they flow more with the environment and the mindframe of the girl.


Don Juan
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Right I get what you guys are saying I just feel like its easier said than done. And I know it seems like I'm looking for excuses NOT to initiate a conversation but I'm sure you all know of the pre existing social circles in highschool. Usually people aren't that accepting of a stranger and it would be helpful to get a firsthand story on how someone had approached as a stranger and was successful in it.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Alright. I had very few friends in year 8, year nine I was moved to a class with none. So I started talking to different people who I started spending lunch and recess with them. Then the same happened in year eleven. I just relaxed and talked casually.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2010
Reaction score
"Hi, who are you?"

"Hey, do I know you from somewhere? No? Oh, who are you then?"

"Woahh, that's so cool! How come I haven't met you before"

Just some suggestions. Just have fun with it and not give a ****. If you do, it just gives off a great vibe.