Approached a girl/Should I re-approach?


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
So I just started the "boot camp" a couple of days ago, and yesterday got the courage to approach a girl at school. I went up and stood behind her in the line-up at the bookstore. It was a huge line-up so after a while a made a comment like 'this is crazy' and we got talking. I think she seemed interested. A couple of times she started up a conversation after the previous one had died down, by making some sort of comment or asking a question.

Anyway, eventually we got to the end of the line-up and paid and that was it. We said 'bye' or 'see ya' to each other. Now, I may be seeing this girl again fairly soon, as our classes are around the same place. If I do, should I approach her again and ask for her number, or should I just leave it at that? Thanks


Senior Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
come on

Come on now.. man.. you know the answer to your question.. Of course get her number...even if she doesnt see you in a romantic way..she can be a friend and having friends who are girls in college is a great asset. done.